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ISRO Tests New Rocket Engine That Could Make Launches 10 Times Cheaper

univ r producing large no of Ph D but they are just PhDs not the researchers and innovators.

hi dear @Rain
Again what matters more is "where" the research paper gets published! Anyways,dont you think SUPARCO would have performed better had it been autonomous like ISRO?And also i feel that funding of SUPARCO should increase to at least a $100mn-compared to a $1.5bn ISRO gets. Competition is always good as it brings out "quality"!

Thats what I said in the beginning sustaining supersonic combustion inside the combustion chamber of a scramjet engine is a major challenge!It remains to be seen how DRDL or ISRO can prolong or sustain the combustion for more than 2mins or so in order to convert this design into a meaningful weapon or space vehicle!
Now that India has demonstrated the following critical technologies that complete the engine puzzle, the next step is to operationalize these ASAP. The strategic opportunities here are immense.

1) Scramjet engine

2) Turbojet engine

3) Cryogenic engine
Now that India has demonstrated the following critical technologies that complete the engine puzzle, the next step is to operationalize these ASAP. The strategic opportunities here are immense.

1) Scramjet engine

2) Turbojet engine

3) Cryogenic engine

You forgot the scramjet baby aka ramjet = BrahMos?
Now that India has demonstrated the following critical technologies that complete the engine puzzle, the next step is to operationalize these ASAP. The strategic opportunities here are immense.

1) Scramjet engine

2) Turbojet engine

3) Cryogenic engine

We need ion propulsion engine to increase the lifetime of satellites.
You forgot the scramjet baby aka ramjet = BrahMos?


BrahMos pushing hypersonic ramjet technology as scramjet stopgap

  • 27 August, 2015
  • BY: James Drew
  • Moscow
India-Russia joint venture BrahMos Aerospace wants to double the speed of its ramjet-powered supersonic cruise missile to beyond Mach 5 as an interim step towards the development of a clean-sheet “BrahMos-II” hypersonic weapon.

BrahMos general manager of marketing and export Praveen Pathak says the company’s pursuit of a hypersonic missile remains in the decision phase and could take seven or eight years to fully realise.

He says the central challenge is finding the best materials to protect the hypersonic air vehicle against the extreme temperatures and shockwaves experienced during high-speed flight.

Today’s BrahMos missile travels at Mach 2.5 to 2.8, but the primary goal is to develop a weapon capable of sustaining a top speed of Mach 7 or greater using a supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet, engine.

Russia, India, China and the USA are all pursuing hypersonic missiles with the aim of outrunning each other’s air defence systems and boosting the kinetic energy of each strike.

“The main problem scientists are facing is how to withstand so much heat, so it’s the same situation everywhere – whether it’s India, Russia or the US,” says Pathak. “Everyone is driving to have something faster, because whoever gets there faster will be the leader.”

Ramjet engines operate most efficiently at speeds above Mach 2, but BrahMos thinks it might be possible to push ramjet technology into the high-supersonic or low-hypersonic realm.

India displayed its latest air-launched variant of the BrahMos missile at MAKS. The weapon is integrated with the country’s Sukhoi Su-30MKI multirole fighters.

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We need ion propulsion engine to increase the lifetime of satellites.

Agreed. ISRO is working on both ion propulsion system and semi-cryogenic engine.

Isro Working on Ion Propulsion System for Future Satellites
Indo Asian News Service, 30 March 2015


The Indian space agency is looking at the possibility of having ion propulsion system to power its future satellites, said a senior space scientist on Saturday.

Speaking to reporters, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre director K.Sivan said: "In order to reduce the satellite mass, we are looking at ion propulsion system."

The centre is part of Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro).

Presently, satellite fuel occupies space and make it heavy. According to Sivan, the proposed technology would be tested in a communication satellite.

The other technology that the centre is working on is semi-cryogenic engine.

He said the centre has tested the Isro developed cryogenic engine for 20 seconds, and the duration of the tests will be increased in the future.

India's heavy rocket - Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-MkIII - will be powered by the cryogenic engine.


and world also knows of the support provided by ESA to chnge 3. the support russia provided to firefly aka mars1 and the recent collaboration with russia to build heavy launcher and manned dcraft

Much of these idiots are unaware of the non visibility periods.

We need ion propulsion engine to increase the lifetime of satellites.

ISRO has developed 75mN Stationary plasma thruster and is developing 300mN thrusters for future all electric spacecrafts. GSAT 19E will be the first successful Indian satellite with electric propulsion.

They have also developed a Development prototype MPD thruster.
Btw what makes IITs so special in India ?
What do IITs have which other Indian universities lack.. Any1 ?
@amardeep mishra
I was asked to start preparing for the IIT entrance when I was 14 (Dad is an engineer himself). The IIT entrance is taken when you are in your final year engg. Which is 20 or 21. The preparation is tough and the competition to get in ruthless. The chaps who do get in are the elite students of the Indian science streams.
So you have a pool of students who are among the cream of the nation.

These are the same institutions who have given America and the world a few of its top Indian born entrepreneurs and innovators.

One rank below the IITs, are the NITs. These are equally good, just a shade lower. Earlier, they used to be called Regional Engineering College. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institutes_of_Technology
A lot of the pressure came from parents to deliver. I know for a fact, me and couple of friends used to sit and laugh in school when they used to teach maths and physics, since we had already finished the same a year back in our IIT preps. And this is 6 years before the actual entrance.
Why are people promoting IITs in this thread? What has an IIT got to do with ISRO and its success?
I wasted two years of my life to get through the JEE test 14 yrs back but couldn't..... One has to be a complete freak cum nerd who has given up all the desire enjoy the world & need to befriend with books like IRODOV to get through JEE..... That's why they are IITs ....

Congratulations to Isro & scientists behind this success....

Iitians are born ,most of the toppers. some people get the seats by hard work even though they are not that smart as the rest.
they go out side and get into some big firms and help negotiate for India with their bosses for ToT.

"I can't marry you, darling, because I'm such an ambitious whore. But I'll ensure to blow my rich husband hard enough that he throws a few gold crumbs at you. Will that be fine? You see, I love you, baby, but I love myself a little bit more."

Yep, got it.
can say about what used to happen two decades back,but right now,ISRO is doing some remarkable work-i can say so because they have a lot of projects going on with IITM.
Similarly not all DRDO is bad- there are some labs that are doing exceptionally well and then there are some labs that are just for the sake,that they have to be there. DRDL is collaborating with IITM on scramjet propulsion.In fact a very very huge combustion research facility has come up recently here. It is one of a kind in india. Now the reason why I am saying IITM is doing a lot of serious stuff in propulsion is based on "research productivity"- a lot of patents too have been filed.In fact one of the professors have been awarded for his patent on prediction and control of combustion instabilities in gas turbine engines- this is a field very very few institutes in the world are currently working on.

Are u still doing in IIT Madras?

I think its time to build a testing centre at Thumba(which is not in use) near Thiruvananthapuram to save ISRO's time at Sriharikota space centre. They can test everything near VSSC, and all related testing activities.
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