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Israel's president landed in Turkey

All the Pakistanis who worship sultan erdogan going to have a heart attack after they see this

This is political reality of Turkey domestic politics, you cannot flip the political landscape instantly after AKP rule Turkey since 2000.

Many reform has been made by AKP and the society is not too secular anymore, the prosecusion to Islam has been stopped under AKP ruling.

The weakness for the last 5 years is due to Erdogan. AKP should replace him 5 years ago.

Just see Indonesian public despite 70 % of Jokowi approval rating, large majority wants the current system persist which preserve the law made during our reformation period to limit incumbent President only to have 10 years period to rule Indonesia executive branch.
POLITICS...... Instead of saying anything understand what it means and how it functions? Go back read history of politicians thru out time and understand how the world functions then you will understand....

Understand, READ, READ, analyse, reason, exercise your brains......

Instead read the seerah and understand the shrewd politician muhammad was.. He made unexpected alliances if it was to further his interest in one way or another...

Politics is about interests and furthering your own self period.. assuming anything else would be futile as both sides are here to gain something from it and doing it for self-benefit strictly..
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The most dangerous form of stupidity occurs when ignorance and arrogance are combined at the same time.

“Position of strength” 😂😂😂

At least those 800 soldier revolted and did something. What did young Turks or kemalists do? The last real caliph and real sultan of Ottomans was Sultan AbdulHamid. The sultan and caliph ottomans had after was installed by young Turk nationalists and they did many crimes as well which we shouldn’t forget. However still rebelling against the caliphate is a severe crime and ‘Muslims’ who fought the caliphate are paying the price in their graves rn.
In Pakistan, unlike turkey, we don’t praise Donmeh who destroyed the caliphate and built a secular state one the grave of the caliphate. We don’t go around building statues and worshipping the one who collaborated to destroy the caliphate. Biggest criminals and the people responsible for the fall of the caliphate are the Turks who removed Sultan AbdulHamid then again went in removing 2 more ottoman sultans before Donmeh Kemal struck the final blow and destroyed and dissolved the caliphate. Literally the state you talk so proudly about today abolished the caliphate in order to create a secular republic on its grave so in fact the biggest criminals in the fall of the caliphate is the modern secular republic of turkey!

@waz @LeGenD
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Good for you. I could care less what Turks think about their leaders or ancestors. Just tell your leader to stop acting like caliph if Muslims. No one has an issue with Turks or even their leaders if they stay concerned with turkey and stop tryna acting like sultan of the world.
My views don’t represent my states views because it’s possible to disagree with the state in some areas and that’s the beauty of democracy.
However I will continue to believe and say erdogan is a munafiq and the biggest munafiq the world has seen rn!
Sultan erdogan e munafiq

And how do u feel when ur own establishment makes excuses to have relations with israel? Or meeting israelis through azerbaijan?? This is politics and not PTV drama. Erdogan is doing whats best for his national interest. By the way i dont remember erdogan claimimg to be sultan of muslims, if anything it was dumb fanboys that looked at him that way.
The Erdoğan/Turkey obsessed Pakistanis who view him as the leader of the Muslim world are going to have a heart attack, straight depression 😆
Erdogan will create new Caliphate,Erdogan will become new Sultan of Ottoman Empire,Erdogan will unite all muslims,Erdogan will make Turkey superpower,Erdogan will take Jerusalem back,Erdogan will fight the evil West,great leader!

But then again you have their reaction:

And how do u feel when ur own establishment makes excuses to have relations with israel? Or meeting israelis through azerbaijan?? This is politics and not PTV drama. Erdogan is doing whats best for his national interest.

IS OK IF ERDOGAN DOING IT! If Arabs are doing it,it's betrayal,they are kuffar and they need to be replaced by Muslim Brotherhood :P

You seem to be enjoying this ahaha
Yes because remember Erdogan's big words,about UAE and Israel and Egypt,remember the 2011 Gaza Flotilla,remember the events a few years ago. Erdogan would boldly accuse Israel and the UAE about the Mediterranean,Libya,Yemen and Syria...and when the lira reached the lowest point,suddenly "Kardesim? Nasilsin?" goes on a tour to the Gulf monarchies,now wants to be friends with Israel again,supports NATO against Russia...

And Erdogan fanboys here were like "He's a great leader,Turkey is independent and doesn't bow to anyone,sanctions only make Turkey stronger,Erdogan is the only muslim leader resisting the West" etc. etc.
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Erdogan will create new Caliphate,Erdogan will become new Sultan of Ottoman Empire,Erdogan will unite all muslims,Erdogan will make Turkey superpower,Erdogan will take Jerusalem back,Erdogan will fight the evil West,great leader!

But then again you have their reaction:

IS OK IF ERDOGAN DOING IT! If Arabs are doing it,it's betrayal,they are kuffar and they need to be replaced by Muslim Brotherhood :P

Yes because remember Erdogan's big words,about UAE and Israel and Egypt,remember the 2011 Gaza Flotilla,remember the events a few years ago. Erdogan would boldly accuse Israel and the UAE about the Mediterranean,Libya,Yemen and Syria...and when the lira reached the lowest point,suddenly "Kardesim? Nasilsin?" goes on a tour to the Gulf monarchies,now wants to be friends with Israel again,supports NATO against Russia...

And Erdogan fanboys here were like "He's a great leader,Turkey is independent and doesn't bow to anyone,sanctions only make Turkey stronger,Erdogan is the only muslim leader resisting the West" etc. etc.
I think we are all missing the forest for the trees here. The Arabs signed the Abraham accords with Israel when Israel was still under Bibi govt. This govt is very different and is a coalition govt that includes Arab Islamist parties inside Israel.

My reading of this is that this coalition of Israeli parties, some right, some left, with Arab lynchpin is willing to make concessions unlike Bibi govt. The truth is that Israel’s biggest Achilles heal is not from outside but from inside - its demography, namely the fact that the fastest two populations, the Haredim and the Arabs are both anti-Zionist. Add to this the leftist segment that does not believe in the same level of ethnic Zionism as the right does. Understandable why the right Zionist types have anxiety and pass laws that try to consolidate a Jewish state, as well as block Jewish conversion etc.

I think the Muslim strategy should be to make a deal with Israel only if they can draw concessions for Palestine. That seems to be Erdogan’s play maybe.
Turks are smart , they don't let emotions override their regional interests !
Oh really? Then what about all the fuss about the Gaza Flotilla and all the emotional videos of Erdogan receiting poems about Kudus and Azerbaijan or religious matters? Or the big insults against European and American leaders?

Ah those Erdogan fanboys! He defies his enemies,he is considered a real hero and strong leader! He takes back his words and asks for money and friendship again...he is considered smart and realistic! 😂
Erdogan has been striking huge business deals in Africa to for Turkey a lucrative market for Turkey now.
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