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Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk


Jun 7, 2016
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For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist” coalition, an unofficial, unacknowledged alliance, while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade. Not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan.

Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The “300-400 terrorists” supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.

Good analysis by Robert Fisk at the Independent (reputable British Broadsheet newspaper)
Its obvious india never had the guts to do such things. until the israelis became advisors of india.

So nothing new. but sadly Israelis have faced weak armies and nations of jordan,syria and egypt.

Pakistan is none of them Allahmdulliah we are a strong powerful nation. and a nation where people are willing to die for the motherland.

So Israel and India don't know who they are up against.
Israel has a weird *** obsession with the Swastika

Soon Israel will arm India with Loitering Weapon System HAROP Drones, 20,000 I have read somewhere. Keep in mind, that there are discussions that Israel targeted Syrian Pantsir System with HAROP Drones. One more question: Is India in possession of Falcon Radar System AWACS?

Its obvious india never had the guts to do such things. until the israelis became advisors of india.

So nothing new. but sadly Israelis have faced weak armies and nations of jordan,syria and egypt.

Pakistan is none of them Allahmdulliah we are a strong powerful nation. and a nation where people are willing to die for the motherland.

So Israel and India don't know who they are up against.

DON'T underestimate Israel! :angry:
And don't underestimate mossad in Pakistan either!

*Ask no questions further, and you won't be told any lies*
Israeli weapons are only effective against stone throwers. The Indians thought they will use them against tomato throwers and have same outcome. India should get a refund.

But Kashmiris in IoK still face these barbaric weapons from Israel

Soon Israel will arm India with Loitering Weapon System HAROP Drones, 20,000 I have read somewhere. Keep in mind, that there are discussions that Israel targeted Syrian Pantsir System with HAROP Drones. One more question: Is India in possession of Falcon Radar System AWACS?

I do not know. We should bomb them and then search the rubble for it.
Its obvious india never had the guts to do such things. until the israelis became advisors of india.

So nothing new. but sadly Israelis have faced weak armies and nations of jordan,syria and egypt.

Pakistan is none of them Allahmdulliah we are a strong powerful nation. and a nation where people are willing to die for the motherland.

So Israel and India don't know who they are up against.

Israelis to India (on Feb 27) "oh fcuk forgot to mention, do not get involved in the dog fight....ooops"
I do not know. We should bomb them and then search the rubble for it.

LOL! Bomb Israel? Are you nuts? Do you know more than half of the world is on their payroll? They have even access to U.S Nukes and Thermonuclear devices!
I know because, I have gauged and accessed their unfathomable power through a terrible mistake, which nearly ruined my life!
LOL! Bomb Israel? Are you nuts? Do you know more than half of the world is on their payroll? They have even access to U.S Nukes and Thermonuclear devices!
I know because, I have gauged and accessed their unfathomable power!

Israel is least of my concern nor should be yours to be honest
Israel's finger prints are also all over the rants of Pak govt. about releasing captive terrorist in IAF uniform.
LOL! Bomb Israel? Are you nuts? Do you know more than half of the world is on their payroll? They have even access to U.S Nukes and Thermonuclear devices!
I know because, I have gauged and accessed their unfathomable power through a terrible mistake, which nearly ruined my life!

It seems curiosity almost killed you. What you state is open information, no back doors needed. Chill.

Is it true that Israeli bombs were used to bomb your trees?

They dropped them in a hurry and almost hit houses whilst being chased out. Mother nature took the brunt. Israeli bombs are effective on houses as we see in Palestine. Lucky Indians are pretty good at aborting missions and missing so no one was killed.
It seems curiosity almost killed you. What you state is open information, no back doors needed. Chill.

There is nothing worse than a blown up spy! Curiosity can take you to strange lands and strange areas! Yeah! there was a moment when desperate time called for desperate measures, and as a result I brought in ISI guys ingeniously, so I lost the tail which was following me. Keep in mind that ISI pursues aggressive stance one they confirm something! But I knew, IF ISI guys reached or attempted a hit on mossad, then definitely I will end up in an equation, but renegade spies are followed only for sometime. After all, I wasn't involved in any hit attempt on ISI or any state institutions!

And thanks to Almighty, that I only retained open information or open source intelligence stuff. I ended up my spying carrier with a little misadventure in an alien world of mossad! You know what happens to peoples with sensitive information & secrets, they rarely end up well enough, be it ISI or any other intelligence agency.

For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist” coalition, an unofficial, unacknowledged alliance, while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade. Not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan.

Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The “300-400 terrorists” supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.

Good analysis by Robert Fisk at the Independent (reputable British Broadsheet newspaper)

Jews start all wars.

All world wars were started by jews

WW1 - Make gentiles kill each other

WW2 - To defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany

WW3 - To counter rise in world antisemitism and make gentiles kill each other

Not only are they fueling Pakistan India conflict, they're also trying to instigate war between two christian nations, Russia and America. Why? They hate gentiles.

Is it true that Israeli bombs were used to bomb your trees?

As far as i can tell you're an Israeli agent pretending to be a brit.
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