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Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

is there any thing in this world that Israel is not guilty of?

thread was Isreal is blocking Mavi Marmara report. Now u tell me why they are doing that and what they want to hide smart ***

---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

Why are people like you are so obsessed with defending israel's criminal activities like the Mavi Marmara killings?

guess again let me help u KASHMIR were India is doing same
To those who think most muslims have a fascination about Israel, i think you will find most humane peoples (no matter what nationality/religion)will.
REASON.....Zionist state of Israel is the biggest Terriorist in the world it knows know morals...boundries...or humality.
I do not need to go into any further details......NOW LETS GET BACK TO THE HEADING OF THE TREAD!
Israel not for the first time in its false existence wants to fabricate lie after lie. will do this at all costs and has the audacity and the balls to stick to fingers up the the world. but as we know this can only be possible with full complicity of certain countries (that have leverage.)
however time is running out for those countries that give this complicity and for Israel itself.

For the romans will not be able to defend Israel/ZIONISTjews for longer...that is when Israel will have to fight alone and that day is not far off!
Israel not for the first time in its false existence wants to fabricate lie after lie. will do this at all costs and has the audacity and the balls to stick to fingers up the the world. but as we know this can only be possible with full complicity of certain countries (that have leverage.)
however time is running out for those countries that give this complicity and for Israel itself.

For the romans will not be able to defend Israel/ZIONISTjews for longer...that is when Israel will have to fight alone and that day is not far off!

i am confused , are you quoting the bible in your final sentence here or is it just wishful thinking?
i am confused , are you quoting the bible in your final sentence here or is it just wishful thinking?

No it is not wishful thinking as it is and will be fact soon....all the pieces are coming together.
However I do not need to be explaining to you at this stage all the details, as you have mentioned yourself you are already confused with my simplist statement.

Now what you need to do is get back to the title of the thread!
Israel is lucky... Muslims are divided... America is helping them..... All the factors helping them!! oh lord give us patience.... We will surely fight one day when we are ready.
Report was just published


It says that Israeli naval blockade is legal. That IDF soldiers were met with significant organized violence during boarding and were forced to use force for their protection. On the other hand it also says that force which Israelis use was excessive.

It recommends that Israel should express regret and offer payment through a joint trust fund. And that Israel and Turkey should resume full diplomatic relationships.
look kid the whole world is tired of you guys blaming everything on Israel . let us for argument sake say that Israel is trying to block the report . what are the Arabs countries doing ? are they not more of them in number.? are they not swimming in petro dollars?
why do the have such a little diplomatic clout? think about that . instead of whining about Israel.

Some minors simply don't get the point, the topic is not what the Arab despots who happen to be close buddies of america and india are doing or not doing. Figure out for the last time what the topic is, I know it's a challenging task for you.

You are nothing but a brain washed Pakistani kid . Indian army is killing Terrorists in Kashmir not Muslims (as terrorist don't have any relligion) and even if some innocents get killed in this process this is not our fault just tell your ISI to stop sending millitants in our region.

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Didn't expected this stupidity from you .:hitwall:
Next time try not to post anything if you don't have knowledge about it.

Freedom fighters are always terrorists to the rogue nations, that is not new. As for knowledge, I don't think that Pakistanis are going to apply to the RAW headquarters for knowledge about what is going on, but keep dreaming about it.
Israel will never apologize to Turkey. Apologizing means that they admit their mistake of Attacking Flotilla and they will not repeat it again if another vessel is send. The only concern remain here is that what other alternatives turkey have for this problem in the long run?

As far as UN is concerned they have already shown their incompetence. At one hand they are saying to Turkey that Israel actions are excessive and at the other hand they are saying to Israel that it is completely legal for what they have done. Are they not simply suggesting to Israel to take actions in future but act softly. Than my question here is where is the solution they are looking.They are only derailing the situation which is going in favour of Israel.
we all know the UN is incompetent and useless and a tool for the west own agenda.The fact the report is NOT UNCONDITIONALY CRITICAL of Israel is a clear message for Israel to carry on with the status-quo.

Lets assume for a momment that Israels (unilateral)sea blockade was legitimate to stop any weapons being smuggled, then when Israel (and most of the world) new about this Flotila and the humanatarian goals that the international organisers wanted to achive (and there were clearly no weapons on board.) Then why would the Israelies simply not escort the ship in to harbour help unload the food and medical supplies (at the same time checking for weapons) and achive the moral high ground?
Answer - because its not in the Israelies/Zionists nature....because their plan is to achive ethnic cleansing by any means possible.
Lets assume for a momment that Israels (unilateral)sea blockade was legitimate to stop any weapons being smuggled, then when Israel (and most of the world) new about this Flotila and the humanatarian goals that the international organisers wanted to achive (and there were clearly no weapons on board.) Then why would the Israelies simply not escort the ship in to harbour help unload the food and medical supplies (at the same time checking for weapons) and achive the moral high ground?
I have newsflash for you: thats exactly what Israel offered from the beginning! But they refused to be checked (because the idea behind flotilla was to create provocation not to deliever goods) and thats why all the mess errupted. Eventually Israel delieved all goods to Gaza (2/3 of medicines there were expired though).
incredibly --- the UN report states that the Gaza blockade is legal and within israel's right. That shows the bias of the UN and the power of the veto of a certain member of the UNSC.

the report does condemn israel's actions however

and in fact, the israeli ambassador in Ankara has been expelled as of yesterday
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