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Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

May be not. The UN's conclusion on the legality of the naval blockade is quite damning for the Palestinians.

First: It mean Israel was within her rights to respond the way she did.

Second: It also mean Egypt's land blockade was also legal and the fact that Israel and Egypt had a peace treaty, it mean that Egypt's land blockade was in support of Israel's goal of disarming Gaza.

For Turkey, the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador is an attempt at face saving but ultimately is a bad diplomatic move. If Israel's naval blockade and Egypt's land blockade of Gaza were legal, then Turkey had no business trying to breach the naval one. But since Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador, then Turkey is tacitly saying the Turkish government sanctioned the blockade running, putting Turkey at odds with Israel. But if Turkey later come out and contest this charge, then Turkey will be seen as being impetuous with that expulsion.

The report is not about the blockade of Gaza, it is about the legality of the israeli brutality on Mavi Marmara. The report has clearly stated that israel has not explained the killing of the nine Turkish aid workers with multiple gunshots and some in their back indicating they were shot from behind. The report was definitely sent to Washington for necessary changes and needed approval before being 'leaked'. This pocket organization of the world's default evil empire deserves the fate of the League of Nations.
Turks already declared that the report is null and void, damn what a ******** of diplomacy. Demanding by shouting we want international inquiry! and when the finding doesn't suit their agenda it becomes invalid, PATHETIC! what a blow!
Turks already declared that the report is null and void, damn what a ******** of diplomacy. Demanding by shouting we want international inquiry! and when the finding doesn't suit their agenda it becomes invalid, PATHETIC! what a blow!

The way the israeli land grabbers want the UN out of their way, I suppose!

Freedom fighters are always terrorists to the rogue nations, that is not new. As for knowledge, I don't think that Pakistanis are going to apply to the RAW headquarters for knowledge about what is going on, but keep dreaming about it.

Terrorists operating in your enemies land are always freedom fighters for you nothing new and for your kind info if India would have been a rogue nation who don't know the difference between freedom fighters and terrorists then you still would have been sitting in east pak rather than Bangladesh.
And Dumbo about that ISI sending millitants thing I was reffering to those Let guys I don't think they are sending them to gather knowledge :rofl: Anyways as I told before try not to post something you don't have knowledge about

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

Do u think that is somone says that Israel has right to protect itself - he is biased?

Yes he's completely biased and not just biased he's a zionist who wants to kill Muslims.:lol:
What is an artificial state and what isn't? Human history is all about migration, settlements and resettlement war and conquer , your stupidity is beyond cognitive science

Truth is that this guys just another biased pakistani . By his views even Pakistan is a artificial state (as Pakistan would have never be formed if these Muslims have not conqured India) LAND GRABERS :butcher:
The report is not about the blockade of Gaza it is about the legality of the israeli brutality on Mavi Marmara.
Report says that Israeli boarding on that ship was a legal act. Contrary to Turkish claims.

You are nothing but a brain washed Pakistani kid . Indian army is killing Terrorists in Kashmir not Muslims (as terrorist don't have any relligion) and even if some innocents get killed in this process this is not our fault just tell your ISI to stop sending millitants in our region.

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Didn't expected this stupidity from you .:hitwall:
Next time try not to post anything if you don't have knowledge about it.

Yes that's why recently few days back the graves of Muslims are found in Kashmir with many bodies together in each grave.........what u will call them burality, terrorism, human killing or braveness of Indian Army.
Terrorists operating in your enemies land are always freedom fighters for you nothing new and for your kind info if India would have been a rogue nation who don't know the difference between freedom fighters and terrorists then you still would have been sitting in east pak rather than Bangladesh.
And Dumbo about that ISI sending millitants thing I was reffering to those Let guys I don't think they are sending them to gather knowledge :rofl: Anyways as I told before try not to post something you don't have knowledge about

Kashmiris who are fighting in their homeland for freedom cannot be terrorists, matter of fact, who call them terrorists are the real terrorists, those who who say that Kashmir belongs to the indians are the real terrorists.

Kashmiris who are fighting in their homeland for freedom cannot be terrorists, matter of fact, who call them terrorists are the real terrorists, those who who say that Kashmir belongs to the indians are the real terrorists.

I guess UN is a terrorist then?
I guess UN is a terrorist then?

Which UN resolution declared Kashmiris as terrorists? As far as I know there is one UN resolution which calls for a referendum on the issue of independence from india. Anyway, it has become clear now that the UN is a pocket organization of the US and its allies, so don't give a damn what the UN says.

Which UN resolution declared Kashmiris as terrorists? As far as I know there is one UN resolution which calls for a referendum on the issue of independence from india. Anyway, it has become clear now that the UN is a pocket organization of the US and its allies, so don't give a damn what the UN says.

I was talking about LeT. It has been declared a terrorist organization by the UN and many other countries. Aren't they your freedom fighters or something?
I was talking about LeT. It has been declared a terrorist organization by the UN and many other countries. Aren't they your freedom fighters or something?

And I'm talking about the Kashmiri people who have been demonstrating and calling for general strikes against the indian atrocities and occupation. Kashmiri people who want freedom from indian oppression are freedom fighters. Anyway, the topic is israeli crimes against humanity, so don't try to derail the discussion.
Which UN resolution declared Kashmiris as terrorists? As far as I know there is one UN resolution which calls for a referendum on the issue of independence from india. Anyway, it has become clear now that the UN is a pocket organization of the US and its allies, so don't give a damn what the UN says.

Then you should not quote that defunt resolution
Then you should not quote that defunt resolution

I will if you bring the UN into this discussion. By the way, the resolution's status is pending and we understand how that resolution embarrasses india because it shows to the world that the indian promises are of no value.
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