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Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

Why the hell all the muslims are so obsessed with Israel especially when you can't defeate them .
Isreal turned from goats to wolves in quick time .......... This things are side effects of it........... Their neighbours needs to live with it
To be honest, not many people know whats happening is Israel, seems like muslim nations are interested in whats going on more.

People here are interested in saving they livelyhood more, due to recession etc.
is there any thing in this world that Israel is not guilty of?

A sly attempt to avoid the topic in hand. If you have anything to say about the UN report on the Mavi Marmara incident say it, otherwise get lost!
Why the hell all the muslims are so obsessed with Israel especially when you can't defeate them .

Not all Muslims are obsessed with Israel only the ones that think there is something to be gained from the “Arab- Israeli conflict"!

They can’t sort their own house so they go and try to flare up the neighbour’s house in the hope that theirs couldn’t be cleaned so maybe the neighbour’s will!!

Unlike most I’m not prejudiced against Jews and don’t boycott Israeli goods in fact I buy Israeli fruit showing solidarity with the suffering of the Israeli people by international boycotts.

A sly attempt to avoid the topic in hand. If you have anything to say about the UN report on the Mavi Marmara incident say it, otherwise get lost!

look kid the whole world is tired of you guys blaming everything on Israel . let us for argument sake say that Israel is trying to block the report . what are the Arabs countries doing ? are they not more of them in number.? are they not swimming in petro dollars?
why do the have such a little diplomatic clout? think about that . instead of whining about Israel.
Why the hell all the muslims are so obsessed with Israel especially when you can't defeate them .

You are pointing the whole muslim world and they are receltly defeated by Hazbullah - Lebanan.
Also why Indians are always in favor or Isreal coz they have same agenda...Isreal in Phalistine and India in Kashmir.
You are pointing the whole muslim world and they are receltly defeated by Hazbullah - Lebanan.
Also why Indians are always in favor or Isreal coz they have same agenda...Isreal in Phalistine and India in Kashmir.

They love everyone that kills a Muslim...

Why are people like you are so obsessed with defending israel's criminal activities like the Mavi Marmara killings?

And when did I defend anyone? Israel is very powerfull and guys like you can only cry by seeing muslims dying in that region except that NOTHING. BTW even many Hindus were slaughtered in Bangladesh whats thier status???
You are pointing the whole muslim world and they are receltly defeated by Hazbullah - Lebanan.
Also why Indians are always in favor or Isreal coz they have same agenda...Isreal in Phalistine and India in Kashmir.

You are nothing but a brain washed Pakistani kid . Indian army is killing Terrorists in Kashmir not Muslims (as terrorist don't have any relligion) and even if some innocents get killed in this process this is not our fault just tell your ISI to stop sending millitants in our region.

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

They love everyone that kills a Muslim...

Didn't expected this stupidity from you .:hitwall:
Next time try not to post anything if you don't have knowledge about it.
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