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rmi5,saints with spiritual power have channelled information from higher planes of existence about transmigration and reincarnation .It was there in taoism and buddhism.One started in China east,other started in central india.

Even clairvoyance,dowsing,psychic teleportation are ESP. It is said that Bab had ESP capabilities.

Whats your take on this
rmi5,how can you be so sure that bab was an agent of russians or british. Russians were pretty fearful of the bahai's influence in central asia and caucusus.They want to spread russian orthodoxy,but because of its russian centric it was not popular in central asia.

Is there evidence for this... I read that mullahs had wanted bab dead .

Look, there is a slight difference. I am not saying that he was completely an agent. He used their money, and their thoughts to expand his network. Actually, he was under their heavy influence.
Yes, there are numerous documents showing it. mostly written in Persian language. So, I need some time to search for translated documents if you be interested. but there is tons of documents showing it. As I told you before, mullah's reason for wanting him dead is different and it is their rivalry to him. there was very serious economical and ... motivations for mullahs to oppose Bab.

But about Russians:
There is 3 different cases, Central Asia, Caucasus, and persia.
Central Asians were super fanatic Sunni muslim and they were not interested about what is going on in Shia religion at all.
in Caucasus, the situation is very complicated. There are Orthodox christians, (Armenians and Georgians) and also Shia and Sunni sect.
in persia the strategy was "Divide and conquer".
rmi5, the only nation in central asia that fanatical was uzbekistan or khiva as it was known then. I have done research on russian orthodoxy,and the russian orthodox priests and govt were pretty fearful of Bahai teachings capabilities.
rmi5,saints with spiritual power have channelled information from higher planes of existence about transmigration and reincarnation .It was there in taoism and buddhism.One started in China east,other started in central india.

Even clairvoyance,dowsing,psychic teleportation are ESP. It is said that Bab had ESP capabilities.

Whats your take on this

My knowledge about Chinese spiritualities is limited, so I prefer to hear more about them and learn about them than making comment about them.
but about Bab:
Do not believe this stuff at all. He tried to write some of his writing in Arabic instead of Persian, and there are lots of funny grammatical mistakes in his writing. If he had some special power, why he couldn't write his writings without any mistake.
rmi5, the only nation in central asia that fanatical was uzbekistan or khiva as it was known then. I have done research on russian orthodoxy,and the russian orthodox priests and govt were pretty fearful of Bahai teachings capabilities.

Actually, Uzbeks were the most fanatic ones, that's true. but it does not mean that rest of them like Turkmens, and tajiks were not fanatic. Khiva Khanate and Bukhara khanate and Samarghand khanate had pretty the same mentality.
That's a reason that orthodox christianity religion didn't expanded, and simultaneously It's also a reason that Bahai faith didn't expanded there.

rmi5, the only nation in central asia that fanatical was uzbekistan or khiva as it was known then. I have done research on russian orthodoxy,and the russian orthodox priests and govt were pretty fearful of Bahai teachings capabilities.

Actually, Uzbeks were the most fanatic ones, that's true. but it does not mean that rest of them like Turkmens, and tajiks were not fanatic. Khiva Khanate and Bukhara khanate and Samarghand khanate had pretty the same mentality.
That's a reason that orthodox christianity religion didn't expanded, and simultaneously It's also a reason that Bahai faith didn't expanded there.
My knowledge about Chinese spiritualities is limited, so I prefer to hear more about them and learn about them than making comment about them.
but about Bab:
Do not believe this stuff at all. He tried to write some of his writing in Arabic instead of Persian, and there are lots of funny grammatical mistakes in his writing. If he had some special power, why he couldn't write his writings without any mistake.

One thing about ESP is that you cannot have powers unless you are very accomplished in meditation or creation of thoughtlessness. The tendency to understand other languages without knowing it comes to a person with extremely powerful siddhis(a term in buddhism). And having ESP also does not mean you can know all languages without learning it.

If you are interested in ESP ,I will give evidence on dowsing successes in oil and gas after 30 posts. Dowsing was used intensively in USSR and China for water and mineral exploration with good success rate. You can google Peter Taylor and chevron if you like.
That's a reason that orthodox christianity religion didn't expanded, and simultaneously It's also a reason that Bahai faith didn't expanded there.

From what I read,bahais had gained influence in central asia and soon russian orthodox church got uncomfortable looking at their growth,so they clamped down on it . Second thing was that ,the russian orthodox church and govt started using british strategy(wahabbi,barelvi,deobandi) of funding ultra orthodox ulema so that central asians could be kept ignorant and backward. It was strategy to counter sufis as sufi sects were known for constantly instigating revolts against the russian empire and were good strategists.But the same was not so for the orthodox mullahs.
One thing about ESP is that you cannot have powers unless you are very accomplished in meditation or creation of thoughtlessness. The tendency to understand other languages without knowing it comes to a person with extremely powerful siddhis(a term in buddhism). And having ESP also does not mean you can know all languages without learning it.

If you are interested in ESP ,I will give evidence on dowsing successes in oil and gas after 30 posts. Dowsing was used intensively in USSR and China for water and mineral exploration with good success rate. You can google Peter Taylor and chevron if you like.

It would be very good if I could read your evidences.
Actually, previously, there were some people who were using dowsing for finding the best places for digging a water well in Iran. But, I am very suspicious about it, since I am an agnostic and I have not seen anyone does it in front of me ;)
From what I read,bahais had gained influence in central asia and soon russian orthodox church got uncomfortable looking at their growth,so they clamped down on it .
Are you sure that it has happened in Central Asia? In my opinion, it may have happened in caucasus. specially if you consider that caucasus had very strong ties with Iran in comparison to Central asia.
By considering the fact that Bahai's were more anglophil and the russian supported sect didn't have any progress between followers of Bab and it lost to Bahai sect of followers of Bab, it may have happened.
Second thing was that ,the russian orthodox church and govt started using british strategy(wahabbi,barelvi,deobandi) of funding ultra orthodox ulema so that central asians could be kept ignorant and backward. It was strategy to counter sufis as sufi sects were known for constantly instigating revolts against the russian empire and were good strategists.But the same was not so for the orthodox mullahs.
It would be very good if I could read your evidences.
Actually, previously, there were some people who were using dowsing for finding the best places for digging a water well in Iran. But, I am very suspicious about it, since I am an agnostic and I have not seen anyone does it in front of me ;)

Corporate letters from Chevron:
Peter Taylor Dowsing - gold oil and gas
Peter Taylor Dowsing - oil and gas
Ponyder resources corporate letter:
Peter Taylor Dowsing - gold oil and gas

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