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Israelis don't want to be America's pawns in the Middle East any longer

Israel is the first project of new colonialism for the whites. Most whites migrated to Israel as Jews are indistinguishable from other secular whites and they do not care about religion beyond political and financial advancements.
Now, ISIS was a similar new colonial project where white people pretended to be Muslim converts who wanted to set up another white colony in the middle East. These fake converts are so much Muslim as much it takes to marry a naive Muslim teen.
Al-Qaeda Networks and ISIS are branchoffs of the Salafi Jihadism religio-political phenomenon of which ample tendency exists in the minds of Muslims unfortunately.
Al-Qaeda Networks and ISIS are branchoffs of the Salafi Jihadism religio-political phenomenon.
Yes and yet these are NATO projects. Israel was also officially a Jewish jihadi phenomenon but yet a White project where Stalin and the west all worked hands in hands.
Goys must support Israel cause only democracy in Mid East

I don't trust these Liberal Jews they are snakes and infiltrators they only use the anti war and anti Yankee movement to absolve responsibility
It’s ok to support them with money and guns but they have to fight and die for their own wars and stop pushing the goys to die for them.
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