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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

As Iran stated an attack on Syria was the same as an attack on them, it will be interesting to see if there is bite to go along with the bark.

This isn't called 'launching a war'.You are American, you should know better what a war is.
It's just one of those cowardly hit and run incidents,you know, Israeli type.
Very critical point indeed.I don't think anyone will attack Israel for just an air strike. They may do other thongs things, like using some chemicals on FSA to warn Israel, or giving a few Kornets to PKK.

ha ha, using chemical on FSA to scare Israel?.... r u not aware of Israel's WMD , if Syria does anything stupidly on Israel land then Damascus will burn


I hate Hitler but at times like these, I miss Hitler.
ha ha, using chemical on FSA to scare Israel?.... r u not aware of Israel's WMD , if Syria does anything stupidly on Israel land then Damascus will burn

I know. That is why I said someone else will pay for it. Assad said the redline for chemical weapon is foreign invasion. This is a bit of foreign invasion. Of course, it is very difficult to foresee. If they hit chemical plants, Syria may not react at all. Israel's redline is chems.
I hate Hitler but at times like these, I miss Hitler.

hitler murdered many innocent jews...and due to this israelies hate them we all know....but what are they doing now???now they are playing hitler......they are hitlers of present.......:confused:

whatever.....but people will hate israel more then before......!!!don't you have a heart?:butcher:
Syria is not in any necessary position to respond. :coffee:

syria has to be...or else death toll will increase....!!!:cry:

thankyou tyrant......

Israeli fighter jets targeted a military research center near Damascus early on Wednesday morning, Syrian state news agency SANA said citing army officials.
The Syrian army’s general command has issued a statement, saying an airstrike was launched by the IAF targeting a military research center in Jamraya, rural Damascus.*
“Israeli fighter jets violated our air space at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research center in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defense,” the army statement said as cited by SANA.
The strike caused material damage to the center and a nearby building, killing two workers and wounding five others, the statement added.
Earlier there were reports in the media of an attack by Israeli jets on Wednesday morning striking a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border amid repeated violations of Lebanese airspace. It is unclear whether this is the same air raid the Syrian military is now referring to or if there were two separate assaults. Israel has not confirmed that it has launched any attack on Syrian territory.
I know. That is why I said someone else will pay for it. Assad said the redline for chemical weapon is foreign invasion. This is a bit of foreign invasion. Of course, it is very difficult to foresee. If they hit chemical plants, Syria may not react at all. Israel's redline is chems.

it's not a foreign invasion, Israel always preempt some selective targets to keep the enemies hands tied,...you know what happened when Assad tried to bring out his chemical weapons right?...
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