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Israeli university leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake


Jan 28, 2012
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Haifa University President Amos Shapira presented Netanyahu with data that shows the Iranians were investing more in higher education than Israel; now, following the decision to cut NIS 263 million from higher education, university leaders decided to fight back; 'After all, Iran’s bomb is not built by the farmers working in the field,' Shapira warns.


"We're afraid of the Iranian bomb, but if the State of Israel doesn't come to its senses, and continues cutting funds to higher education and research, while the Israeli 'brain drain' continues - Iran will win the race," he asserts.

"This is an arms race for all intents and purposes, except the weapons here are not missiles, but the human brain. Iran must not have the strategic advantage over Israel in research. There are quite a few measures that show that the qualitative gap is getting smaller every year. After all, Iran’s bomb is not built by the farmers working in the field. This is a red line, and it must not be allowed to happen. That is why we joined forces, all the heads of academia, because otherwise the damage to the State of Israel will be unavoidable."


He says he has been aware of the existing problems for a long time. "On the eve of 2009 elections," he says, "when I was the president of the Israeli Friends of Tel Aviv University, I organized a big conference on higher education, attended by Benjamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni. Among other things, I talked about the connection between education and defense, and presented a comparison between higher education in Iran and in Israel. It turns out that in 1996, the national investment on higher education was 0.9 percent of the GNP, and in Iran it was 0.1 percent. In 2006, the investment in Iran and in Israel was the same, and by 2009, Iran had surpassed Israel. The most recent data I have, from 2012, shows that in Israel, that investment went down to 0.7 percent, while in Iran it increased to 1.4 percent.

"Israel got to where it did thanks to its human assets, its research and development. Iran understood that well, and is doing the same thing. Compared to research in the world, Israel is on the decline, while Iran is in a constant state of advancement."

University leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake - Israel News, Ynetnews
to Israelis, don't loose your faith, leave it to Rohani and relax!
Hope Iran Takes Over Israel's higher education and research soon... :)

Damn I really wanna see those faces of Israel when Iran over takes them...InshAllah.

So , They're going to strike universities or assasinate Iranian students now ?

Since I'm a traitor , I'm going to sell some people .

@Serpentine , This dude studies in Sharif university and can be a good target to start mentioning that he is a fanatic Hezbollahi and chants death to America and Israel in every friday prayer .
EY IRAN! Iran doesn't even compete with that little mosquito. Iran should compete with countries it's own size, and it's own intelligence level (like Turkey, France, Britain etc).

Pfff ... Don't you really laugh at yourself when putting Turkey in the same league with France and UK? Are you really insane?!!! :rofl: :rofl: Since when the terrorist islamo-fascist caliphate, is in the same basket with western powers? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That little mosquito as you said, can militarily level super-stronk Turkey to ground. Israel is technologically/scientifically 5-6 decades ahead of Turkey in every field. I don't know what is with Turkey that everyone being in touch with that country, become anti-semitic, anti-arab, anti-west, anti-kurd, anti-civilization and an islamo-fascist.

they're delusional indeed

It's just about getting more budget.
Pfff ... Don't you really laugh at yourself when putting Turkey in the same league with France and UK? Are you really insane?!!! :rofl: :rofl: Since when the terrorist islamo-fascist caliphate, is in the same basket with western powers? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That little mosquito as you said, can militarily level super-stronk Turkey to ground. Israel is technologically/scientifically 5-6 decades ahead of Turkey in every field. I don't know what is with Turkey that everyone being in touch with that country, become anti-semitic, anti-arab, anti-west, anti-kurd, anti-civilization and an islamo-fascist.

It's just about getting more budget.

I'm not saying Turkey is on the same level as the UK or France, I just mean countries with about 70-80 million people, and have SOME level of modernity and economic prowess. Don't hate on Turkey that much. Aside from this Georgian thief's foreign and domestic policy, I love Turkey, and think Iran should aim to be like it, at least on the near-mid term, economically. Later on, every country should strive to be like it wants, and not copy other nations. Iran has a very long history, and a very long future, if it can manage it's sh!t. I'm not glorifying Turkey, but it is quite ahead right now. Time to catch up and hate less.
Iran might be ahead of Israel when it comes number of scientific published papers etc but when it comes to technology and quality they're still ahead in many fields. Obviously the main factor is that they have access to American technologies etc and they have better management, less corruption and of course more opputunities for

Iranians need to have much higher standards for our science. we were once the scientific power on the planet. We have made great progress in various fields like nanotechnology, laser, medicine etc. But we must link our science to our industries. Our scientific advancements need to seen in the industries. No point just writing papers, the knowledge we create has to be put into practise. This requires great investments and proper management. Investment need to also be made to promote innovation and proper R&D.

I could not careless about the Isrealis frankly. But Iran right now is not in a technological/scientific position for us to be proud of. This is not to say we have not made progress, we have, but compared to what we can be...we are nowhere near that.
Iranians have an immense natural talent for the sciences. It's time to bring out that true potential.
I'm not saying Turkey is on the same level as the UK or France, I just mean countries with about 70-80 million people, and have SOME level of modernity and economic prowess. Don't hate on Turkey that much. Aside from this Georgian thief's foreign and domestic policy, I love Turkey, and think Iran should aim to be like it, at least on the near-mid term, economically. Later on, every country should strive to be like it wants, and not copy other nations. Iran has a very long history, and a very long future, if it can manage it's sh!t. I'm not glorifying Turkey, but it is quite ahead right now. Time to catch up and hate less.

You are really insane. Iran becoming like Turkey? isn't it retarded to say that? Ethiopia also has the same order of population as Iran, but neither Ethiopia nor Turkey, and Congo are good role models. Turkish society is really sick, and it's not just because of Erdogan. Erdogan just let the islamo-fascism to be openly expressed, but remember islamo-fascism was already very strong, look at MHP as an example. You should know what I am talking about. BTW, you are just talking like the erdogan's mentality is not popular in Turkey, while the majority of Turkish citizens are either supporting his party(AKP), or MHP(which is even more retarded than AKP).
Turkey is ahead in what terms? Being racists? Being bigot islamists? Bing fascists? hating jews? hating Kurds? hating alevis? Being anti-west? Being anti-civilization? supporting ISIS? committing genocides? having the worst reputation in Europe? Being hypocrites? Being drown in debt?
You are really insane. Iran becoming like Turkey? isn't it retarded to say that? Ethiopia also has the same order of population as Iran, but neither Ethiopia nor Turkey, and Congo are good role models. Turkish society is really sick, and it's not just because of Erdogan. Erdogan just let the islamo-fascism to be openly expressed, but remember islamo-fascism was already very strong, look at MHP as an example. You should know what I am talking about. BTW, you are just talking like the erdogan's mentality is not popular in Turkey, while the majority of Turkish citizens are either supporting his party(AKP), or MHP(which is even more retarded than AKP).
Turkey is ahead in what terms? Being racists? Being bigot islamists? Bing fascists? hating jews? hating Kurds? hating alevis? Being anti-west? Being anti-civilization? supporting ISIS? committing genocides? having the worst reputation in Europe? Being hypocrites? Being drown in debt?

Wow, you're really anti-Turkish. Every society has problems and sick elements. I'm only saying Turkey is at a place where Iran should strive to be at in the next 10-20 years (economically/militarily). I'm not talking about islamism (akp) or racism/fascism (mhp). I'd like Iran to build out it's infrastructure, and modernize. That's all. What's your problem with the Turkey hating?? There simply is no other country to compare Iran to right now. What? Egypt? That poor desert? Saudi Arabia? That retarded fake country? Pakistan? Twice the size. China? India? Europe? No, Turkey is the closest and most comparable nation right now. And I think Iran should be so lucky to be on par with Turkey in the next coming decade or two. After that, let's hope the best for both nations.
Wow, you're really anti-Turkish. Every society has problems and sick elements. I'm only saying Turkey is at a place where Iran should strive to be at in the next 10-20 years (economically/militarily). I'm not talking about islamism (akp) or racism/fascism (mhp). I'd like Iran to build out it's infrastructure, and modernize. That's all. What's your problem with the Turkey hating?? There simply is no other country to compare Iran to right now. What? Egypt? That poor desert? Saudi Arabia? That retarded fake country? Pakistan? Twice the size. China? India? Europe? No, Turkey is the closest and most comparable nation right now. And I think Iran should be so lucky to be on par with Turkey in the next coming decade or two. After that, let's hope the best for both nations.

Again, it's really hard to speak with a stupid person. You try to throw cheap non-senses and say that I hate Turkey to demonize me, instead of answering to what I said. why? because you have no proofs against what I said, and you are not grown up enough to listen to the other side in a debate.
Iran is already ahead of Turkey culturally, scientifically, ...
Economically, Turkey is drown in debt, and its currency is rapidly losing its value while she is not sanctioned, nor .... Turkish people need to work more than any other country just to be able to feed their family. Military? Are you kidding? what Turkey has? Bunch of M60? or the Leopard that turks are not allowed to use them against Kurds? Or maybe the copy of A-129 with shaky hull, which Italians abandoned its design long time ago. What about Altay which gets more close to Korean Tank by each upgrade in design, and yet they don't know what engine to use for it? Don't be ridiculous.
Again, I am sure you are going to reply by saying "You hate turkey". Pfff ... Continue living in your dream world.
Again, it's really hard to speak with a stupid person. You try to throw cheap non-senses and say that I hate Turkey to demonize me, instead of answering to what I said. why? because you have no proofs against what I said, and you are not grown up enough to listen to the other side in a debate.
Iran is already ahead of Turkey culturally, scientifically, ...
Economically, Turkey is drown in debt, and its currency is rapidly losing its value while she is not sanctioned, nor .... Turkish people need to work more than any other country just to be able to feed their family. Military? Are you kidding? what Turkey has? Bunch of M60? or the Leopard that turks are not allowed to use them against Kurds? Or maybe the copy of A-129 with shaky hull, which Italians abandoned its design long time ago. What about Altay which gets more close to Korean Tank by each upgrade in design, and yet they don't know what engine to use for it? Don't be ridiculous.
Again, I am sure you are going to reply by saying "You hate turkey". Pfff ... Continue living in your dream world.

The way a country reaches 'wealth' can be different. So Turkey has lots of debt. Iran has lots of energy reserves, Turkey doesn't. So it needs a different path to wealth. The Western nations have tons of debt as well. Turks right now have a higher standard of living than Iranians. Sure, a lot of that has to do with sanctions, but that's not the point. The point is, as I said, in the short-medium term, Iran needs to aspire to reach Turkey's level of wealth. Not copy it in every single way, just reach about 10k per capita yearly. Later on, the possibilities are limitless. I say you hate Turkey because it's always bad things you say about it. If you're being unreasonably harsh on a country, that makes it look as if you hate it. Turkey is neoliberal. You know why? Because it was a third world hell hole not three decades ago (well, second world, but not far off). Now at least people own homes, buy cars and buy stuff. Iran isn't comparable, because it either has tons of energy (lazy money) or is sanctioned.

Those military products you talk about make you sound like a WAFF fanboy, and not an objective person.
The way a country reaches 'wealth' can be different. So Turkey has lots of debt. Iran has lots of energy reserves, Turkey doesn't. So it needs a different path to wealth. The Western nations have tons of debt as well. Turks right now have a higher standard of living than Iranians. Sure, a lot of that has to do with sanctions, but that's not the point. The point is, as I said, in the short-medium term, Iran needs to aspire to reach Turkey's level of wealth. Not copy it in every single way, just reach about 10k per capita yearly. Later on, the possibilities are limitless. I say you hate Turkey because it's always bad things you say about it. If you're being unreasonably harsh on a country, that makes it look as if you hate it. Turkey is neoliberal. You know why? Because it was a third world hell hole not three decades ago (well, second world, but not far off). Now at least people own homes, buy cars and buy stuff. Iran isn't comparable, because it either has tons of energy (lazy money) or is sanctioned.

Those military products you talk about make you sound like a WAFF fanboy, and not an objective person.

Again, you throw bunch of non-sense. Since when an islamic caliphate is called Neo-liberal? Do you really have any brain?!!! Tell this to any Liberal intellectual from US(or Europe), and just watch their reaction to your non-sense.

@scythian500 Can you educate this guy about economy? I already explained him the basics, yet he does not get anything. You are an economy major, so you may be able to educate this guy. His brain makes "Jaraghgheh" each time, and relates "Gooz" to "Shaghigheh".

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