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Israeli Spy killed in Christchurch quake had five passports


Mar 16, 2011
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There are reports the SIS has been carrying out a full audit of the police national computer system following concerns it may have been hacked by Israeli spies.

The issue only came to light in the aftermath of the February earthquake in Christchurch, when intelligence services became concerned about the activities of several groups of Israelis, the Southland Times reports.

Three Israelis died in the quake, and one of them is said to have been found carrying at least five passports.

He was Ofer Mizrahi who was crushed by falling masonry in a parked van in Gloucester Street. His three compatriots, who were also in the vehicle, managed to escape. Within 12 hours of the quake they had met with Israeli officials and left the country the Southland Times says.

Veteran journalist Fred Tulett, who edits the Southland Times and unearthed the story, told Radio New Zealand today : "I spoke to the Israeli ambassador last week and he confirmed to me that he took them to the airport so obviously it was organised at a quite high level".

The incident attracted high level interest from Israel, with its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly making four calls to his Kiwi counterpart John Key that day. The Israeli ambassador for the South Pacific flew into Christchurch to visit the morgue and an Israel urban search and rescue squad was flown in.

However, the search and rescue squad did not have the correct accreditation and their offer of help was rejected by New Zealand authorities after they had arrived in the country.

Members of the squad were later discovered in the cordoned off area in the city centre, and were removed by armed New Zealand officers.

A forensic analysis team was also flown in from Israel to help with the identification of quake victims, and their help was readily received.

However, the SIS grew suspicious and once it was realised the group would have access to the national police computer system a full audit was ordered.

"We were concerned that could have happened," an SIS officer told the Southland Times.

The officer said it would only take a few minutes for a programme to be uploaded onto the system which could give spies remote access to the database that contains criminal records.

"We carried out an urgent audit. If it had been done it would eventually have given the Israelis access to all of our intelligence.

"It all looks suspicious, but a lot of what the Israelis do raises suspicion. So lots of smoke but we haven't found any fires. The file remains open though."

Tulett told Radio New Zealand that whether any of the Israelis were spies or not was "suspicion rather than certainty".

"My information is that the SIS became suspicious of so many unusual things related to various Israeli groups in Christchurch in the immediate aftermath of the quake in Christchurch," he told Radio NZ.

"A group of forensic scientists was sent by the Israel government and welcomed in Christchurch, but the SAS later became suspicious that they could have had the opportunity to access the national police computer so they organised an audit of the system to see if they could find anything embedded in there."

He said the issue was concerning because the Americans, for example, have discovered malware that has the ability to glean all of a country's security data.

The Israeli ambassador for the South Pacific, Shemi Tzur, is currently in Tonga but last week told Tulett his claims were "science fiction". He said the Israelis were young holidaymakers enjoying the country.

But Tulett says he also finds it unusual that despite Ofer Mizrahi being described as popular in his homeland, a Facebook tribute page following his death has only received five comments.

ONE News is in the process of making contact with Prime Minister John Key to ask him about the claims made in the Fairfax article.

Israeli killed in Chch quake had five passports | NATIONAL News
How did the Israeli guy die? Is his death accidental or is it some kind of conspiracy or plan ?/
Major earthquake, leaders from all over the world were making calls.
Search and rescue teams were sent from an number of countries arrived with out acreditation and were sent back.
New Zealand police dont carry weapons so the removed by armed police would be inccorect.
Accsess to police files, no evidence that they did, no evidence that any thing was loaded into the system.
One person had 5 pasports on him here they all his or were they the passports of other people in the van?
Embassy got the survivors out of the country quickly, we had no power no water, the army on the streets a lot of people got out of town as fast as they could.
Supposition and conjecture from a small town paper with a circulation of 20,000 let me know when there is some evidence.
How did the Israeli guy die? Is his death accidental or is it some kind of conspiracy or plan ?/

Six Israelis were traveling in a mini van when part of a building colapsed on it during the earthquake, three killed three survived.
Major earthquake, leaders from all over the world were making calls.
Search and rescue teams were sent from an number of countries arrived with out acreditation and were sent back.
New Zealand police dont carry weapons so the removed by armed police would be inccorect.
Accsess to police files, no evidence that they did, no evidence that any thing was loaded into the system.
One person had 5 pasports on him here they all his or were they the passports of other people in the van?
Embassy got the survivors out of the country quickly, we had no power no water, the army on the streets a lot of people got out of town as fast as they could.
Supposition and conjecture from a small town paper with a circulation of 20,000 let me know when there is some evidence.

A small town newspaper has more weight than someone who is anonymous and a water carrier for the Israelis.

You have not discredited anything rather posted a rant.
A small town newspaper has more weight than someone who is anonymous and a water carrier for the Israelis.

You have not discredited anything rather posted a rant.

Vassanti is a indian dude...n india buys weapons frm israel.... get my drift.
A small town newspaper has more weight than someone who is anonymous and a water carrier for the Israelis.

You have not discredited anything rather posted a rant.

And yet you have proven yet again what a racist fellow you are.

Every Israeli is an agent of the Mossad, didn`t you know?
A small town newspaper has more weight than someone who is anonymous and a water carrier for the Israelis.

You have not discredited anything rather posted a rant.

I listed the things that incorrect or exagerated in the article.
If the journalist wants to show some connection between the person invovlved and Mosad then the proof would have been to show that the one person carried 5 pasports with different names/nationalities but the same identity.

That he hasnt but has drifted off into perhaps and unnamed sources implies he has no evidence but rather an empty spot to fill in the paper.

Vassanti is a indian dude...n india buys weapons frm israel.... get my drift.

I get so tired of this crap, the nearest i have ever been to India is a pint and a vindallo. Amazingly not everyone that disagrees with you is Indian, i would expect better from a senior member.
As before if you dont belive me ask Webby he will have my Ip and can confirm my location.
I listed the things that incorrect or exagerated in the article.
If the journalist wants to show some connection between the person invovlved and Mosad then the proof would have been to show that the one person carried 5 pasports with different names/nationalities but the same identity.

That he hasnt but has drifted off into perhaps and unnamed sources implies he has no evidence but rather an empty spot to fill in the paper.

I get so tired of this crap, the nearest i have ever been to India is a pint and a vindallo. Amazingly not everyone that disagrees with you is Indian, i would expect better from a senior member.
As before if you dont belive me ask Webby he will have my Ip and can confirm my location.

You could do better.

Its just interesting the way you defend Israelis, maybe they are chosen ones after all !!

Here is the source from the number one newspaper in circulation,

Spy details 'not in national interest'

Prime Minister John Key has confirmed few details and refused to answer most questions about a news story claiming "suspicious" activities of several groups of Israelis following the February 22 Christchurch earthquake.

The Southland Times this morning reported that the activities of a number of Israelis following Christchurch's earthquake February raised the suspicions of the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) and sparked an investigation into the possibility the police national computer may have been hacked.

Mr Key, currently on tour in the US, this morning said it was "not in the national interest" to give details of any SIS inquiry.

He told reporters an Israeli had been caught with several passports after the February 22 quake, but there were no New Zealand passports among them.

"I can't confirm the number of passports - because I don't know," Mr Key said.

"I can confirm that I have no knowledge of misuse of a New Zealand passport.

"We don't have any evidence to support there has been misuse of New Zealand passports."

He said it was not against the law to hold more than one passport.

Asked if he had any reason to believe that Mossad agents had been active in Christchurch at the time Mr Key said, "I'm just not in a position to comment on those matters and I'm not going to.

"I don't think it is in the national interest to do so.

"If I thought it was in the national interest to discuss those matters I would. The previous Government where these was misuse of New Zealand passports, it was deemed to be in the national interest. I'm just not in the position to do that."

Asked if Israeli had done anything wrong, he was not in a position to discuss it.

He had not met with the Israeli ambassador over the issue.

Asked if the Fairfax Media story was wrong, he said he was not going into detail on those issues.

Asked if he had been aware of an Israeli search and resuce team having been found in the red zone and being ordered out by armed police Mr Key said, "I'm aware of some of those details I can't confirm all of the details you presented are correct."

He wouldn't confirm if there was an SIS inquiry into any alleged Israeli activity following the quake.

Mr Key did say Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to call him four times on the day of the February 22 quake, but did not get through each time.

Earlier today, The Southland Times claimed the SIS launched an investigation into the "suspicious" activities of several groups of Israelis during and after the earthquake.

Three Israelis were amongst the 181 people killed in the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on February 22.

An unnamed SIS officer told the newspaper there were fears a group of Israelis had accessed the police national computer database, which holds records of convictions and other information collected by police.

The officer said the investigation failed to find any suspicious files indicating the computer system had been hacked in to but the file remained open.

Israeli Ambassador Shemi Tzur dismissed suspicions that a group from Israel's secret service, Mossad, were caught up in the quake as "science fiction".

"These were youngsters holidaying in your beautiful country ... we encourage our young people to visit New Zealand," Mr Tzur said.

The SIS investigation focused on a group of four people who were in a van in the central business district (CBD) when the quake hit.

Ofer Benyamin Mizrahi, 23, the driver of the van, was killed instantly in the quake while the other three escaped the van's wreckage and left the country within 12 hours.

The SIS became suspicious after "at least" five passports were found on Mr Mizrahi. Other behaviour that raised concerns included the immediate flight of his three companions, the high level Israeli Government interest in the quake and the unexplained behaviour of a private search and rescue squad funded by the families of Israelis killed in the quake.

The search and rescue group was not allowed to join other rescuers because it was not United Nations accredited and reportedly had to be escorted from the red zone by armed police.


Israeli identity theft likely - expert - National - NZ Herald News
Come clean over Israeli suspicions - Goff

Labour leader Phil Goff is calling on the Government to "come clean" about what it knows about suspicious activities of Israelis following the Christchurch earthquake.

The Southland Times said the Security Intelligence Service launched an investigation after concern the police national computer had been hacked into by a group of Israel forensic analysts who were helping identify bodies at the Christchurch morgue.

Three Israelis were among the 181 people who died when the earthquake destroyed most of Christchurch's central business district on February 22.

An SIS source says Ofer Benyamin Mizrahi, 23, was found to be carrying at least five passports and the SIS was also suspicious about why his three travelling companions left Christchurch 12 hours after the earthquake when their friend's body remained in the van they were travelling in.

Goff said all New Zealanders felt immensely sad when it was revealed Israelis were amongst those killed in the February tragedy.

"But now serious questions have emerged about the activities of at least one of the Israeli groups in New Zealand and there are questions that need to be answered."

That included why Mizrahi was found to have five passports, he said.

"The Government needs to come clean with New Zealanders to say exactly what they know about the activities of this group while they were in New Zealand and whether those activities were illicit.

"This is not something that should be withheld from New Zealanders, we deserve to know."

Green MP Keith Locke said the many "loose ends" warranted further investigation.

"The public needs to be updated on what police have found out. If there have been Israeli agents involved, then that does need to be disclosed.

"We can't have agents operating in our country and it all being covered up by the SIS or the police."

Police and SIS should release the files they have on the matter, he said, even if it was an edited version.

Locke said it seemed strange that the companions of Mizrahi left New Zealand so quickly after their friend died.

There were also questions about why there was high level contract between the Israeli and New Zealand Governments - Prime Minister John Key fielded four calls on the day of the earthquake from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The SIS began to have suspicions about the forensic analysts when it realised they could have accessed the national police computer database.

An SIS officer said it would take only moments for a USB drive to be inserted in a police computer terminal and for a program allowing remote backdoor access to be loaded.
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"We carried out an urgent audit. If it had been done it would eventually have given the Israelis access to all of our intelligence."

However, the audit had not identified any suspicious files so far, but a wider SIS investigation was continuing.

Israeli Ambassador Shemi Tzur dismissed the claims as "science fiction".

He said he was "shocked and upset" that New Zealand's intelligence agencies would have such suspicions.

The three friends of Ofer Mizrahi, who was killed instantly when the van the four were in was crushed by falling concrete in the central city, had left New Zealand so hurriedly because they were shocked and crying and wanted to go home.

Tzur said he was aware that Mizrahi was found to be carrying more than one passport when identification checks were being made of the earthquake victims.

"I was handed a parcel of his effects and it did contain more than one passport" but dual citizenship was common in Israel because of difficulties over the use of Israeli passports in some other countries.

He said he had not been told anything about Mizrahi being found with five or six passports, and to suggest that he and his friends were anything other than young tourists made him upset.

Israeli spy claims: latest updates - World - NZ Herald News
Asked if he had been aware of an Israeli search and resuce team having been found in the red zone and being ordered out by armed police Mr Key said, "I'm aware of some of those details I can't confirm all of the details you presented are correct."

Because there never was a team forced out by armed police. They wernt allowed in in the first place because they wernt acredited.

Prime Minister John Key has spoken to his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu after claims an Israeli search and rescue team was refused entry to Christchurch's inner-city cordon.

Earlier today, the Government rejected Israeli media reports that Wellington refused Israel's offer to send a search and rescue team to Christchurch after the earthquake.

Key said this afternoon the Israelis were not part of a United Nations-accredited team.

The Government had received a wide range of offers of help but had not accepted all of them because there were enough people on the ground, he said.

'No formal Israeli search offer to NZ' | Stuff.co.nz

"I understand that private search experts retained by families of missing Israeli citizens presented to Civil Defence officials in Christchurch.

"Civil Defence requirements for (Urban Search and Rescue) teams were that they be self-deploying, self-sustaining and United Nations-accredited.

"Civil Defence officials therefore declined the private Israeli offer, and other similar non-accredited offers of assistance."

Israel had offered specialist Disaster Victim Identification personnel and the offer was accepted and they arrived on Monday.

Its not a matter of supporting Israel its a matter of being alergic to bullshit. We arent scared of Mosad in NZ were scared of the DGSE.

Yes Israli agents have been caught forging NZ pasports in the past however this time there is no evidence the pasports were faked or New Zealand ones.
There is no evidence that any one hacked the police computer system.

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