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Israeli Soldier Killed after being kidnapped by Palestinian.


Father of Palestinian who murdered soldier says he would kill son

‘He’s no hero. He’s a coward,’ says Abdullah Amar of son Nidal, who killed IDF soldier Tomer Hazan and planned to use the corpse to extort his brother’s release

BY AVI ISSACHAROFF September 22, 2013, 6:50 pm 11 Share 119

The scene of the killing of an IDF soldier, at Beit Amin near Qalqilya on Saturday (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)The scene of the killing of an IDF soldier, at Beit Amin near Qalqilya on Saturday (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)

he father of a Palestinian man who confessed to kidnapping and killing an unarmed IDF soldier in the West Bank over the weekend expressed shock and disgust over his son’s actions Sunday, saying he would kill his offspring if he could.

“I am telling you this from the bottom of my heart… if the military would today give me an M-16 [assault rifle], I would go and shoot my son in the head,” Abdullah Amar told The Times of Israel.

The murder took place in the Palestinian village of Beit Amin, where Nidal Amar, who admitted killing Sgt. Tomer Hazan, and his family reside. On Saturday, Amar, 42, was apprehended by Israeli security forces who were searching for Hazan. Amar admitted to luring the Bat Yam native to the village on Friday before killing him as part of a plan to use his body as a bargaining chip for his brother’s release from an Israeli jail.

The Amar family compound is only about 40 meters away from the West Bank security barrier and the outermost houses of the Sha’arei Tikva settlement. Nidal Amar murdered Hazan, 20, in a field nearby, and then threw his body into a well.


Tomer Hazan (photo credit: screen capture/Channel 2)

The killer’s father, Abdullah Amar, shaken and distraught, made it clear that he did not support his son’s actions.

“I and all my family, from the youngest to the eldest, condemn the murder of a man who came here without a weapon,” he said Sunday.

“I could never imagine that Nidal would cause harm to anyone,” Amar continued. “But the Israeli government and the Israeli public should know that, if he did commit such a crime, he should pay for it as required by law.”

“He killed a man for no reason,” added Abdullah Amar.

Over the past couple of years, Abdullah explained, he’d had only limited contact with his son, who worked illegally at a restaurant in Bat Yam where Hazan was also employed part-time.

Nidal Amar (photo credit: Israel Security Agency spokesperson/Flash90)

“Once every month or two, he would arrive here for a half-hour, maybe a little more. Sometimes he stayed the night and that’s it,” he related. “I did not know where exactly he worked, I did not know what he was doing. He has a wife and eight children in Jaljulia and has been there for 17 years.”

Seven of Nidal’s brothers were arrested along with him Saturday.

Though he continued to firmly denounce his son, Abdullah pleaded that the Israeli authorities allow his other children to return home.

“I want to punish him and anyone who knew of his plans, but please release all those who are not connected to the murder,” he said.


Archive footage: Nur al-Din Amar, brother of Nidal Amar, flashes a victory sign at the camera. (photo credit: screen capture/Channel 2)

According to Shin Bet operatives, Nidal confessed to intending to trade Hazan’s body for the release of another brother, Nur al-Din, a member of the Fatah Tanzim terror group, who has been serving time in an Israeli jail since 2003 for his role in several terror attacks, including planning a suicide bombing by a female bomber that was thwarted.

Abdullah Amar recounted the impact Nur al-Din’s arrest had on the family, and said Nidal was not thinking clearly if he believed his actions would better his family’s condition, or speed up his brother’s release.

“Nidal’s brother went to jail 11 years ago. He [Nidal] saw how much suffering it caused, and now he thinks he can kidnap and kill an Israeli soldier, and liberate his brother? That is the thought of a child, not a 42-year-old adult.” Abdullah Amar said.

The father went on to assert that his son’s actions were cowardly, and breached both Islamic and Jewish law: “This contradicts the Torah and the Koran; it is immoral.”

“This is no act of heroism,” Abdullah Amar added. “If an Israeli kills an unarmed Palestinian, would we call him a hero? And if a Palestinian who murdered an Israeli citizen was killed, would we say he’s a hero? I see nothing heroic about this.”
Big deal. One dead Israeli that looks like a Mizrahi Jew (Arab Jew). How many Palestinian children are dying on a regularly basis without such a big publicity?

Palestine and Israel are in a state of war. The first don't have the financial or military support of the USA, NATO etc. And thus the same resources.

Having said that then it is always unfortunate when people die and the perpetrator was an coward and did not act according to Islam. Nor should that incident be used to blame all Palestinians. Plenty of Jewish cowards and murderers too.
Well one Israeli less in the world. A good thing. They have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese. Tit-for tat.
Am I holding a Pro-Israel rally that I should expect a Pro-Pakistan rally from the Israelites ?

Do not call them Israelites, they are Israelis.
Big deal. One dead Israeli that looks like a Mizrahi Jew (Arab Jew). How many Palestinian children are dying on a regularly basis without such a big publicity?

Palestine and Israel are in a state of war. The first don't have the financial or military support of the USA, NATO etc. And thus the same resources.

Having said that then it is always unfortunate when people die and the perpetrator was an coward and did not act according to Islam. Nor should that incident be used to blame all Palestinians. Plenty of Jewish cowards and murderers too.

We will show you how many can die. We will show you.


Well one Israeli less in the world. A good thing. They have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese. Tit-for tat.

And many more thousands to come.

Soon. Promise we are preparing surprises for the next 'intifada'.

It will be their last.

They are very close to being transferred.
Big deal. One dead Israeli that looks like a Mizrahi Jew (Arab Jew). How many Palestinian children are dying on a regularly basis without such a big publicity?

Palestine and Israel are in a state of war. The first don't have the financial or military support of the USA, NATO etc. And thus the same resources.

Having said that then it is always unfortunate when people die and the perpetrator was an coward and did not act according to Islam. Nor should that incident be used to blame all Palestinians. Plenty of Jewish cowards and murderers too.

The dead dude was a soldier and not a civilian.

We will show you how many can die. We will show you.


And many more thousands to come.

Soon. Promise we are preparing surprises for the next 'intifada'.

It will be their last.

They are very close to being transferred.

Two accounts, you are pathetic. :rofl:
@Aeronaut this guy is @Mozambique Drill.
@Zakii @Jungibaaz
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We will show you how many can die. We will show you.


And many more thousands to come.

Soon. Promise we are preparing surprises for the next 'intifada'.

It will be their last.

They are very close to being transferred.

Ther are 450 million Arabs in the world and 13 million "Jews" out of which nearly half of them are Arabs (Mizrahi Jews) who converted to Judaism hence why you cannot distinguish them between regular Arabs.

Just look at that Israeli soldier. Looks like a regular Arab. Hell, your Moroccan Jewish relatives probably also look like the regular Arab/Berber mixture that are the Moroccans of today, LOL.

I am sorry but the publicity and eternal "Jewish guilt" is sickening while hundreds of Palestinians die each year while living in horrible conditions.

Do you think that we Arabs are afraid of Israel? That little piece of land? Kuwait is bigger.

Size of the Arab world:

13,333,296 km2

Israel: 14,000 km2

And who the hell are we? I am not an Palestinian.:lol:
And who the hell are we? I am not an Palestinian.:lol:

Enough nukes to consign you to history.

You may as well be a 'palestinian'. They are just Arabs who were re-branded in the 60's.

Prior to that, they called themselves Syrians or Egyptians.

They are a fake entity and yesterday was the turning point for me. That's it. I am done with them, done with you, done with trying to live with your lot.

You're killing everywhere. You're killing in Kenya as we speak.

Your death ideology is everywhere and it MUST be defeated. It MUST be and the 'palestinians' are the EPITOME of your cult.

Enough trying to be civil with you savages. Enough trying to find common ground. Enough giving those SAVAGE MURDERING SCUM work permits to work in Israel. Enough relaxing their travel. Enough helping their economy. Enough with trying to be friends with murderous baboons.

It's time you were defeated PERMANENTLY.
It's time you were defeated PERMANENTLY.

I am still not an Palestinian.


The Moroccan/Romanian went berserk. Deal with your own Arab Jews who number half of all the world's Jews and 25% of the Israeli population who happen to be Palestinians before you start daydreaming.

You sound more and more like a Nazi. You like them? Probably not. Some sources claim that they killed 6 million Jews and also wanted to eliminate Jews PERMANENTLY. Same method you want to use against another group of people (Palestinians).


Definetely not an Askhenazi Khazar that guy. Might for once be a genuine Jew or an Mizarahi Jew (Jews from Arab lands).
By building more settlements and land is not going to solve the issue by the way. You will only shift the front to the East. The only way to solve this issue is by political means.
By building more settlements and land is not going to solve the issue by the way. You will only shift the front to the East. The only way to solve this issue is by political means.

We need to build on top of their ruins just like the despicable savages built their ugly, crass golden monstrosity on top of ours.

I am sick of this entity. Sick to the back teeth of their murderous savage ways. Sick of their beheadings and brutality. Sick of their acid attacks, sick of their bomb attacks, sick of them subjugating women and executing people and stoning and bombings and terror and stabbing and slitting throats, chopping hands.

These BABOONS. These monstrous BABOONS. Look what they do in Syria. Setting people on fire, cutting heads off in front of kids.

THIS is the entity we in Israel are dealing with. THIS is who the world is telling us to make peace with? to give this brutal savage barbarian baboon scum MORE land? like 22 stinking nations aren't enough for this entity? that our 0.6% of middle east land is too much?

We are supposed to deal with these disgusting people that we give work permits to and who take advantage of this to kill?


No more peace. Only military victories at ALL costs.
Fatah Wing: We're Behind Kidnap, Murder of Soldier - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Fatah's military wing, the Al Aqsa Brigades, on Sunday took responsibility for the murder of IDF soldier Tomer Hazan Friday. According to Israeli officials, Nadal Amar, the terrorist who killed Hazan, was not affiliated with any terror group.

Time to start targeted liquidations on the streets of the so-called 'west bank' (Judea and Samaria)

Liquidate, liquidate, liquidate.

Checkpoints every 300 meters. Don't let the despicable entity fart without permission and showing ID.
Utterly disgusting. I am sick to my stomach right now after reading this news. I might not agree with the policy of the Israeli Government, but this is something that is simply shameful and there is absolutely no justification for this savagery. The Israeli soldier must have been just an average kid with a family and loved ones, they deserve better than this. I am glad the perpetrators were caught, i hope they face the music.

RIP soldier

It's the price Israel pays for their illegal and aggressive occupation and displacement of Palestinians. It's very easy for us to judge these actions when we haven't endured the same conditions of the Palestinians which have led them to this level of desperation.

Time to start targeted liquidations on the streets of the so-called 'west bank' (Judea and Samaria)

Liquidate, liquidate, liquidate.

Checkpoints every 300 meters. Don't let the despicable entity fart without permission and showing ID.

Alright, Internet Prime Minister of Israel go and sign an executive order, waiting...What's taking you so long?
It doesn't seem right to take such big moves in response to the acts of a few terrorists. I don't get the logic behind it.

Hebron has been inhabited by Jews thousands of years before the Arabs left the Arab peninsula.
The house itself was rightfully purchased from an Arab by an Israeli family.
The only reason it was not allowed to be inhabited is so that the Arabs won't whine about it.
The Palestinian Arabs don't acknowledge the transaction because they have racial laws (something akin to the S.Africa apartheid) that they are not allowed to sell homes to Jews and it is punishable by death

Is moving into a house you paid for fully under agreement of both parties an extreme move now? If so then I am sure that many of the posters here are extremists by that standard.

Big deal. One dead Israeli that looks like a Mizrahi Jew (Arab Jew). How many Palestinian children are dying on a regularly basis without such a big publicity?

Palestine and Israel are in a state of war. The first don't have the financial or military support of the USA, NATO etc. And thus the same resources.

Having said that then it is always unfortunate when people die and the perpetrator was an coward and did not act according to Islam. Nor should that incident be used to blame all Palestinians. Plenty of Jewish cowards and murderers too.

I agree that it shouldn't be an international big deal, but everything involving Israel is always blown out of proportions.
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