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Israeli PM in Holocaust Day: Jews Are Still under Threat of Extintion

Yet you're crying about the Hizbullah all the time.
No one is crying. Since we kicked their butt in 2006 they sit quiet.

lol. it shows how much you know about chemical/biological weapons.
I stydied physics and made NBC drills in army, what about u?

I've been to ramsar several times because it's in the north of Iran close to the Caspian sea and is a very beautiful place to go. I don't know what radiation level you're talking about, it's definitely not nuclear radiation because there's no nuclear reactor close to Ramsar.
It is nuclear radiation. :) By the way nuclear plants produce less radiation than coal plants :)

when we talk about radiation, we're talking about electromagnetic waves traveling in space or any other medium, depending on the frequency, the photons can carry different levels of energy. When we talk about nuclear radiation we're talking about alpha,beta and gamma rays and other high-energy ionizing radiations. You know these things well because you've studied physics as you have previously said. Now what kind of radiation you're talking about? I wonder.
Combination of all these. Radiation levels are measured by calculated equivalent.

lol. You talk about military option because you want to isolate Iran? You can isolate Iran even without talking. the USA is doing that already. You talk about war because you hope you could launch a psychological warfare campaign against Iran. Iran talks for the same reason.
Of course we need to talk, otherwise everyone will say: look even Israel does not care, why should we care.

It's not like you're innocent either and the atrocities are coming only from the Iranian regime. But Iranians would not mind to restore relationships with Israel either.
We did not start emnity with Iran, in fact we supported Iran even after Islamic revolt, hoping it will change the attitude. Alas result was quite the opposite: once war ended Iran started massive support of terrorists groups against Israel.
I think most arabs and Muslims would agree with my post. Muslims and Jews never actually had many problems in the past, thats why you guys lived in Muslim countries in the past. Up until Isreal, their was no prblems what so ever. We share way more friendly histroy with you, than we share with European countries after all. Thats why you guys should take advantage of the situation and accept a Palestinian state on 1967 borders, and lets work together to develop this region.

Well mate I have seen many videos from Youtube from mainstream Arab media, and everyone is open to abuse Jews to any extent. I saw some Sudanese Mullah calling Vaccination as Jewish conspiracy and then witness another Iranian video where Tom-Jerry was being projected as Jewish conspiracy. I have even witnessed a video where Mullah was saying Jews invented Mobile Phone so that Muslims could be disturbed during offering Namaz.

Since I am neither a Muslim, nor a Jew, this thing really sounds awkward to me and the extend of hatred for Jews in Middle East is like a Maniac. Sometime, it feels to me everyone is competing to reach the zenith of Jew hatred in Middle East. And with that attitude, there would be no peace in the Middle East, your future will only be violence.
OK, stop teaching your children to hate and detest Israel and there will be a Palestine.
Well, your country and its leaders stop killing Palestinians, apologize for your crimes since 1948, and then our children will grow up not hating you. You don't teach love and hate, its all emotional. Your actions, and past is the reason we don't like you guys.
A big shame that Iranians wrote the first bill of human rights, are willing to forget the human suffering of Palestinians and become friends with Israel the terrorist nation.

On top of this Israel kills Iranian civilians but Iranians have no shame and still want to be friends with these facist people.
Well, your country and its leaders stop killing Palestinians, apologize for your crimes since 1948, and then our children will grow up not hating you. You don't teach love and hate, its all emotional. Your actions, and past is the reason we don't like you guys.
No, we teach love for life, you teach the sanctity of death. That is why you will always lose.
Well mate I have seen many videos from Youtube from mainstream Arab media, and everyone is open to abuse Jews to any extent. I saw some Sudanese Mullah calling Vaccination as Jewish conspiracy and then witness another Iranian video where Tom-Jerry was being projected as Jewish conspiracy.

Since I am neither a Muslim, nor a Jew, this thing really sounds awkward to me and the extend of hatred for Jews in Middle East is like a Maniac. Sometime, it feels to me everyone is competing to reach the zenith of Jew hatred in Middle East. And with that attitude, there would be no peace in the Middle East, your future will only be violence.
Their is def. Israeli/Zionism hate in our region, i can not deny that, but tell me one reason we should not hate Israel or Zionism ? People are not that stupid to hate jews as a whole, no. Not saying that their is no crazy people, because their is. but the vast majority are against Israel, not the the Jews... If Israel stops killing Palestinains, regret its crimes, give back that they taken by force, i think the hate toward Israel will go down, and relations will become normal. Most people and governments in the Middle East are welling to accept Israel on pre 1967 borders now. Don't you think its time for Israel to take an actuall step toward peace ?
No, we teach love for life, you teach the sanctity of death. That is why you will always lose.

Lmao, the Jews of Israel believe that you are the chosen people of God, and anyone that is not Jewish is below human. If the Nazis were bad you people are pure evil.
A big shame that Iranians wrote the first bill of human rights, are willing to forget the human suffering of Palestinians and become friends with Israel the terrorist nation.

On top of this Israel kills Iranian civilians but Iranians have no shame and still want to be friends with these facist people.
Well, one memeber doesn't represent a whole nation. People are and should be free to express their opinions.
A big shame that Iranians wrote the first bill of human rights, are willing to forget the human suffering of Palestinians and become friends with Israel the terrorist nation.

On top of this Israel kills Iranian civilians but Iranians have no shame and still want to be friends with these facist people.

Better to hope for peace than to be filled with venomous hatred like yourself.
Better to hope for peace than to be filled with venomous hatred like yourself.

I have very good friends in the US that are Israeli and even they think your country's policies are retarded. I believe there should be a Jewish state, but not at the expense of Palestinian blood.
No, we teach love for life, you teach the sanctity of death. That is why you will always lose.
Wow, you guys are terrible teachers... Dying to protect your country, land, mother, kids is a great thing, maybe you don't understand it, but i do, and i know a lot of people that do too, and not just Muslims.
They wouldnt be at the "brink of extinction" if they learnt to live in peace with others. They have to accept the harsh truth that they will due to various reasons be outnumbered almost always. They survived as a minority for thousands of years no? Why cant they survive for another few thousand years as a minority then? Of course if they make a majority somewhere then they are in full rights to create their own country there. But if they just come in and kick out the natives and then expect everybody around them to send them kisses and hugs, then they are surely very delusional. They are just asking to go "extinct" then.
Just because I'm tired of continuing this discussion, I'll just answer few ones.

It is nuclear radiation. By the way nuclear plants produce less radiation than coal plants

Nuclear radiation from where? There's no nuclear reactor or anything related to nuclear industry in Ramsar or around Ramsar. And yes, coal plants create more radiation and pollution, but not nuclear radiation. Iran has power plants working with natural gas and oil. Around 80% of Iran's electricity production is through burning fossil fuels. (mostly natural gas).

I stydied physics and made NBC drills in army, what about u?
I'm a student of medicine and have a quite advanced understanding of how chemical/biological weapons work in the body. + All Iranians in the 10th grade are taught general information about NBC. In the 10th grade there is an obligatory course called 'Defense teachings' or something like that. They don't talk about biological or chemical weapons in a physics undergraduate program as far as I know, not even in higher grades I think, but they talk about bacteria like Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus anthracis, Ebola and other bioweapons in several contexts related to medicine. Also, med. students generally have two courses of biochemistry (Biochemistry I, Biochemistry II) while physic majors don't have such courses. So while you study things like mechanics, electricity and magnetism, subatomic particles, Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and so forth, we study things like Pathology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, electricity and magnetism (under the name general physics II), mechanics (general physics I) and so forth.
why are all zionist prime ministers and presidents into sex scandals and corruption scandals??????

this is the reason why u stole this land from palestinians?

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------

I have very good friends in the US that are Israeli and even they think your country's policies are retarded. I believe there should be a Jewish state, but not at the expense of Palestinian blood.

imo new york should be renamed as israel and should leave the federation of united states of america.:tup:
Their is def. Israeli/Zionism hate in our region, i can not deny that, but tell me one reason we should not hate Israel or Zionism ? People are not that stupid to hate jews as a whole, no. Not saying that their is no crazy people, because their is. but the vast majority are against Israel, not the the Jews... If Israel stops killing Palestinains, regret its crimes, give back that they taken by force, i think the hate toward Israel will go down, and relations will become normal. Most people and governments in the Middle East are welling to accept Israel on pre 1967 borders now. Don't you think its time for Israel to take an actuall step toward peace ?

Well, as a non-Muslim, non-Jews I see no victim here but attacking counter attacking only. Arab States expelled 1 millions Mizrahi Jews out of Arab World into Israel by scrapping away their citizenship and still calling Israel as a occupied Land. And I have also read about Palestinians slaughtering & killing Jewish Children.

You talked about 1967 border first tell me, Do you guys recognize Israel as a state even after expelling 1 million Jews, No!! There is Israeli stubborness towards status of Jerusalem but there is stubborness from Arab Side also. I know Egypt recognizes Israel what about other Arab States. As a Non-Muslim and Non-Jew I support two-State formula, Arabs recognizes existence of Israel, Israel recognizes Palestine and there should be a peaceful talks on status of Jerusalem. Dream of wiping out Israel will only lead you to "Wild Goose Chase."
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