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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

as for talks of a Hezbollah involvement or Hezbollah ''cell'' operating in india -- i think that's sheer nonsense. Hezbollah only operates within it's own domain.

that domain is Southern Lebanon -- chiefly around Baalbek but of course also certain areas of Beirut
India is not as serious as Israel in fighting terror... Do you know a Pakistani terrorist known as Kasab was very much protected in Indian jails with 2 million US $ spent on his safety... Where as its citizens were killed like dogs by this very same terrorist!

do you know that Kasab is more of a heart-throb of bollywood now?

india is not serious because rather than address the root causes of terrorism, they actually do a good job of creating more of it....planting the seeds for discord and resentment. In that sense, the israelis and indians make similar mistakes. israelis in occupied Palestine, indians in occupied Kashmir.

actually in india's case, kasab is a huge asset to them.....why do you think it's taken them so long to carry out his sentence? If you know that he's guilty, then fry him.

but that's a whole other subject altogether. All you indians do is yap, in order to garner sympathy. At least the israelis are good at getting the 'sympathy' :laugh:
Indian Muslims are the most sane and peaceful Muslims in the world.

Its a plot of Al Queda/LeT to derail the friendship of India-Iran and to target Isreal.

i was waiting for that one :rofl:

actually this was a fairly amateur job....if they really wanted to make an impact, they would have trailed the car for months (noting patterns, timings, regular destinations etc.); the reason the bomb in Georgia didnt go off was because the bomber's ''sticky bomb'' was attached poorly and in clear sight (just underneath the car, hanging loosely enough to make noise and arouse suspicion)

very easy for indians to just throw the ''al qaeda/Let'' EXCUSE
India is not as serious as Israel in fighting terror... Do you know a Pakistani terrorist known as Kasab was very much protected in Indian jails with 2 million US $ spent on his safety... Where as its citizens were killed like dogs by this very same terrorist!

If we cannot remove this government being a democracy, then shame on us when we hear news of dictators being overthrown overnight in much more oppressed countries. We are suffering because of our selfish attitude.

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

Apparently 4 people have been injured.
What do these scum care if it is man or woman that is killed, as long as they are Israeli... They will pay.

I sure hope you guys start tracking immediately. We have to wait for another 2 years till we remove this terrorist-loving government.
Main Street : Shobhan Saxena's blog-The Times Of India
In Oliver Stone’s JFK, Kevin Costner, playing an attorney who wants to dig out the truth behind President Kennedy’s assassination, meets X, a former CIA operative, to know who really pulled the trigger on JFK. ‘X’ chuckles and says, “The real question isn’t “Why?”… The “how” is just "scenery" for the suckers…, it keeps people guessing like a parlour game, but it prevents them from asking the most important question – Why? Who benefitted? Who has the power to cover it up?”

If we leave news to screaming TV anchors, our understanding of the world would be so skewed that we will not be able to tell truth from fiction. In the cacophony after the bomb attack on an Israeli embassy car in Delhi, a TV reporter interviewed the Israeli ambassador. She didn’t bother to throw any hard questions at him, just asking stock questions and giving him full opportunity to make allegations against Iran. Even obvious questions like why the Palestinians are not a suspect in this case or the alleged role of Mossad in the murder of four Iranian nuclear scientists in recent months or Israel’s history of killing its political opponents in other countries were not asked.

The West, led by the US, has been trying for years to damage India’s ties with Iran, our second biggest supplier of oil. If Delhi incident leads to a friction in Delhi-Tehran ties, who benefits? The whole incident has to be seen in this perspective.

This simple question – Who benefitted from this attack – hasn’t been asked. The only country that benefits from this attack is Israel. I am not suggesting that Israelis themselves bombed their car because there is no evidence to suggest so (just like there is no evidence to prove that Iranians were behind this attack), but there is enough evidence to hint that Israel has been itching to attack Iran and now it will milk the Delhi incident to the full to put pressure on India to cut off its ties with Iran. For years, Israel has been trying to prove that Iran is a state that supports terrorism and that it is pursuing a nuclear-weapons programme with the aim of attacking the Jewish state.

The truth, as exposed by some of the top print journalists, is exactly the opposite. In a recent article in the New York Times, “Will Israel Attack Iran", Ronen Bergman, a well-connected political analyst with the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, says: “After speaking to many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of the military and the intelligence, I have come to believe that Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012.”

In the same article, Bergman corroborates previous articles in the Israeli press reporting that “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak have been pressing for the country’s security cabinet to authorise an attack on Israel”. Is it any wonder that within hours of the Delhi incident, Netanyahu claimed that “Iran was behind the attack.” And what evidence did Netanyahu give? Nothing. (Nor did his ambassador in Delhi come up with anything; he just kept telling the TV reporter that “We don’t talk about security issues”, and she kept nodding her head and saying yes).

The Israelis have been lying about Iran so much and so loudly that it has begun to almost sound like truth. “The Israeli President [Peres] warns us that Iran is on the cusp of producing a nuclear weapon… Yet we reporters do not mention that Shimon Peres, as Israeli Prime Minister, said exactly the same thing in 1996… And we do not recall that the current Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in 1992 that Iran would have a nuclear bomb by 1999,” veteran journalist Robert Fisk wrote in the Independent of London, putting the whole thing in perspective.

The fact is that it’s Mossad which has been killing people in cold blood in other countries. In an article, again in New York Times of January 11, Scott Shane wrote that experts believe that the magnet bomb attack which killed Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan in the heart of Tehran in January was “carried out mainly by Israel”. Roshan was at least the fifth Iranian scientist with nuclear connections to be killed since 2007. All killed in similar magnetic bomb attacks, like the one in Delhi.

The Americans not only denied their involvement in the Iranian scientist's murder but also condemned the attack. But the Israeli reaction to the attack left little doubt about who placed the magnetic bomb on Roshan’s car. The Israeli military spokesman, Brig Gen Yoav Mordechai, writing on Facebook about the attack, said, “I don’t know who took revenge on the Iranian scientist, but I am definitely not shedding a tear.” This was reported by the Israeli news media.

According to Scott Shane of NYT, Israel “has used assassination as a tool of statecraft since its creation in 1948…killing dozens of Palestinian and other militants and a small number of foreign scientists, military officials or people accused of being Holocaust collaborators.” And according to Julian Borger of the Guardian, Israel “certainly has a track record of assassinations, from the Palestinian perpetrators of the Munich Olympic attack of 1972, to the killing of senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room in early 2010. This week, Le Figaro reported that Mossad had been recruiting Iranian dissidents in the Kurdish region of neighbouring Iraq, to conduct operations in Iran.”

In an excellent piece of reporting, Borger exposed the Israeli hand behind these murders in Iran. “If you look at the choice of target it really could only be Israel," Robert Baer, a former CIA agent in the Middle East, currently working on a book on assassination called The Perfect Kill, told Borger. “If it was an internal group, like the MeK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq) it would be security official or policeman… If you look at the motivation, it must be Israel.”

And the motivation, of course, is to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. This brazen behavior despite the fact that till today no one – not even the International Atomic Energy Agency – has given an iota of evidence so fat that suggests that Iran is building nuclear weapons. Even today’s development of Iran inserting first domestically produced, 20-percent enriched nuclear fuel into a research reactor, doesn’t mean that Iran is in the process of making the bomb.

The western governments and Israeli intelligence keep feeding the story to the media that Tehran is about to explode a bomb. Every small development in Iran becomes a big media event in the West. We got to be careful here. It’s amazing how easily we have forgotten that the US and UK invaded Iraq and destroyed that country by fabricating a total lie that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons. Till this day, they haven’t found any trace of enriched uranium in Iraq.

And now, Israel is repeating the same allegations against Iran. Last November, Israel claimed yet again that Iran was close to testing the bomb, prompting the leading US arms control expert, Jeffrey Lewis, of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, to ask “Just what technical or political fact has brought the deadline to the crossroads?”

The real story is actually unraveling in Israel. The Israeli leaders, who are living in the past, don’t know how to deal with the changing reality of their region. The Arab dictators with whom Israel had cosy ties are gone. Two rival Palestinian organizations – Fatah and Hamas – have joined hands. And most importantly, millions of Israelis have been rallying against their government and asking for better living conditions. Amid Arab Spring last September, hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Israel's biggest ever demonstration to demand social justice, a lower cost of living and a clear government response to the concerns of an increasingly squeezed middle class. “We are the new Israelis,” student leader Itzik Shmuli told a rally. “And the new Israelis want only one simple thing: to live with dignity in this country.”

But the old, orthodox Israelis, represented by the likes of Netanyahu and Barak don’t know how to respond to this challenge. So they are offering them a war they don't want. For this, they need a target. And the target in this case is Iran. And the Orthodox Jewish extremists are doing their bit to scuttle a genuine people’s movement in Israel. After the recent massive rallies across the country, Jewish ultra-Orthodox extremists tried to exclude women from public life. In a shameful incident, a seven-year-old girl was spat on and abused by radicals who claimed she was immodestly dressed; Signs had also been erected calling on men and women to use separate pavements.

The conservatives have turned Israel into an anachronism. Maybe Netanyahu and his chums should listen to Ruth Dayan, the widow of Moshe Dayan, a national hero and one of the founding fathers of Israel. In an interview to Newsweek magazine recently, Ruth said, “Zionist dream has run its course.” On Netanyahu's policy on Palestine, she said, “I reject Netanyahu’s policy; it is a recipe for disaster. He is unwilling to address the issue. It’s a bunker mentality...”

In the words of Ruth Dayan, who played as much role in building Israel as her husband, “Israel today is not a dream, it is a country in a lot of trouble…”

The truth of Israel, a un-declared nuclear power, is that it’s ruled by a troubled government which is completely out of touch with reality. And it wants to create trouble in other countries.

Iran is no Angel itself...The question is where does Indias' larger interest lie..with Iran or Israel??

For the present I would go with Israel, till mindset of Iran changes.
Dude lol. You think Iranian intelligence agencies are behind these little meaningless operations ? If the Iranian intelligence wanted they would toast the whole Israeli embassy in Dehli. This is the work of non Iranians.

Dude, Iranian intelligence cannot touch Israeli embassy in India. Nor can Israeli intelligence touch Iranian embassy in India. India should protect diplomats and never allow its soil for third countries to deal with each other.
Dude, Iranian intelligence cannot touch Israeli embassy in India. Nor can Israeli intelligence touch Iranian embassy in India. India should protect diplomats and never allow its soil for third countries to deal with each other.

But it seems it has, India, Georgia, Thailand has become a battleground.
Cops name Iran military arm for attack on Israeli diplomat

Neeraj Chauhan, TNN | Jul 30, 2012, 01.58AM IST


The bombed out car burning outside the New Delhi embassy in February. (photo credit: Joji Philip Thomas, via Twitter) / TOI

NEW DELHI: Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved in the February 13 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in the capital, the Delhi Police has concluded that the suspects were members of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the nation's military.

The investigation report, exclusively accessed by TOI, states that the IRGC members had discussed the plan to attack the Israeli diplomats in India and other countries with Indian journalist Syed Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi in January 2011, after Iranian scientists had been attacked allegedly by the Israelis. The cops have also learnt that Kazmi was in touch with these people for almost 10 years.

Details about the suspects have been shared with Iran through a letter rogatory. Delhi Police has sought more details of the five IRGC members, including the main bomber, Houshang Afshar Irani, who mentions his profession in Iran as a builder, Sedaghatzadeh Masoud (sales employee in a commercial company on Baharestan St, Tehran), Syed Ali Mahdiansadr (a mobile shopkeeper in Tehran), Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi (clerk in the finance department of Tehran's water authority) and Ali Akbar Norouzishayan (a retired accountant in Tehran).

According to the sources, Masoud is said to be the operational head and it was he who planned the attacks in Georgia, Bangkok and Delhi.

Apart from these five, police have also come across the role of an Iranian woman, identified as Leila Rohani, in the February 13 attack in New Delhi as well as the attacks in Bangkok and Georgia, and has sought details about her as well from Iran. Rohani had allegedly helped Iranian suspects in Bangkok attack of February 14 in getting a flat, after which she fled to Tehran.
Puts India in a difficult spot.
But I guess Iran should't have done this in Indian soil.

Cops name Iran military arm for attack on Israeli diplomat

Neeraj Chauhan, TNN | Jul 30, 2012, 01.58AM IST


The bombed out car burning outside the New Delhi embassy in February. (photo credit: Joji Philip Thomas, via Twitter) / TOI

NEW DELHI: Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved in the February 13 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in the capital, the Delhi Police has concluded that the suspects were members of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the nation's military.

The investigation report, exclusively accessed by TOI, states that the IRGC members had discussed the plan to attack the Israeli diplomats in India and other countries with Indian journalist Syed Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi in January 2011, after Iranian scientists had been attacked allegedly by the Israelis. The cops have also learnt that Kazmi was in touch with these people for almost 10 years.

Details about the suspects have been shared with Iran through a letter rogatory. Delhi Police has sought more details of the five IRGC members, including the main bomber, Houshang Afshar Irani, who mentions his profession in Iran as a builder, Sedaghatzadeh Masoud (sales employee in a commercial company on Baharestan St, Tehran), Syed Ali Mahdiansadr (a mobile shopkeeper in Tehran), Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi (clerk in the finance department of Tehran's water authority) and Ali Akbar Norouzishayan (a retired accountant in Tehran).

According to the sources, Masoud is said to be the operational head and it was he who planned the attacks in Georgia, Bangkok and Delhi.

Apart from these five, police have also come across the role of an Iranian woman, identified as Leila Rohani, in the February 13 attack in New Delhi as well as the attacks in Bangkok and Georgia, and has sought details about her as well from Iran. Rohani had allegedly helped Iranian suspects in Bangkok attack of February 14 in getting a flat, after which she fled to Tehran.
Main Street : Shobhan Saxena's blog-The Times Of India
In Oliver Stone’s JFK, Kevin Costner, playing an attorney who wants to dig out the truth behind President Kennedy’s assassination, meets X, a former CIA operative, to know who really pulled the trigger on JFK. ‘X’ chuckles and says, “The real question isn’t “Why?”… The “how” is just "scenery" for the suckers…, it keeps people guessing like a parlour game, but it prevents them from asking the most important question – Why? Who benefitted? Who has the power to cover it up?”

If we leave news to screaming TV anchors, our understanding of the world would be so skewed that we will not be able to tell truth from fiction. In the cacophony after the bomb attack on an Israeli embassy car in Delhi, a TV reporter interviewed the Israeli ambassador. She didn’t bother to throw any hard questions at him, just asking stock questions and giving him full opportunity to make allegations against Iran. Even obvious questions like why the Palestinians are not a suspect in this case or the alleged role of Mossad in the murder of four Iranian nuclear scientists in recent months or Israel’s history of killing its political opponents in other countries were not asked.

The West, led by the US, has been trying for years to damage India’s ties with Iran, our second biggest supplier of oil. If Delhi incident leads to a friction in Delhi-Tehran ties, who benefits? The whole incident has to be seen in this perspective.

This simple question – Who benefitted from this attack – hasn’t been asked. The only country that benefits from this attack is Israel. I am not suggesting that Israelis themselves bombed their car because there is no evidence to suggest so (just like there is no evidence to prove that Iranians were behind this attack), but there is enough evidence to hint that Israel has been itching to attack Iran and now it will milk the Delhi incident to the full to put pressure on India to cut off its ties with Iran. For years, Israel has been trying to prove that Iran is a state that supports terrorism and that it is pursuing a nuclear-weapons programme with the aim of attacking the Jewish state.

The truth, as exposed by some of the top print journalists, is exactly the opposite. In a recent article in the New York Times, “Will Israel Attack Iran", Ronen Bergman, a well-connected political analyst with the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, says: “After speaking to many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of the military and the intelligence, I have come to believe that Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012.”

In the same article, Bergman corroborates previous articles in the Israeli press reporting that “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak have been pressing for the country’s security cabinet to authorise an attack on Israel”. Is it any wonder that within hours of the Delhi incident, Netanyahu claimed that “Iran was behind the attack.” And what evidence did Netanyahu give? Nothing. (Nor did his ambassador in Delhi come up with anything; he just kept telling the TV reporter that “We don’t talk about security issues”, and she kept nodding her head and saying yes).

The Israelis have been lying about Iran so much and so loudly that it has begun to almost sound like truth. “The Israeli President [Peres] warns us that Iran is on the cusp of producing a nuclear weapon… Yet we reporters do not mention that Shimon Peres, as Israeli Prime Minister, said exactly the same thing in 1996… And we do not recall that the current Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in 1992 that Iran would have a nuclear bomb by 1999,” veteran journalist Robert Fisk wrote in the Independent of London, putting the whole thing in perspective.

The fact is that it’s Mossad which has been killing people in cold blood in other countries. In an article, again in New York Times of January 11, Scott Shane wrote that experts believe that the magnet bomb attack which killed Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan in the heart of Tehran in January was “carried out mainly by Israel”. Roshan was at least the fifth Iranian scientist with nuclear connections to be killed since 2007. All killed in similar magnetic bomb attacks, like the one in Delhi.

The Americans not only denied their involvement in the Iranian scientist's murder but also condemned the attack. But the Israeli reaction to the attack left little doubt about who placed the magnetic bomb on Roshan’s car. The Israeli military spokesman, Brig Gen Yoav Mordechai, writing on Facebook about the attack, said, “I don’t know who took revenge on the Iranian scientist, but I am definitely not shedding a tear.” This was reported by the Israeli news media.

According to Scott Shane of NYT, Israel “has used assassination as a tool of statecraft since its creation in 1948…killing dozens of Palestinian and other militants and a small number of foreign scientists, military officials or people accused of being Holocaust collaborators.” And according to Julian Borger of the Guardian, Israel “certainly has a track record of assassinations, from the Palestinian perpetrators of the Munich Olympic attack of 1972, to the killing of senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room in early 2010. This week, Le Figaro reported that Mossad had been recruiting Iranian dissidents in the Kurdish region of neighbouring Iraq, to conduct operations in Iran.”

In an excellent piece of reporting, Borger exposed the Israeli hand behind these murders in Iran. “If you look at the choice of target it really could only be Israel," Robert Baer, a former CIA agent in the Middle East, currently working on a book on assassination called The Perfect Kill, told Borger. “If it was an internal group, like the MeK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq) it would be security official or policeman… If you look at the motivation, it must be Israel.”

And the motivation, of course, is to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. This brazen behavior despite the fact that till today no one – not even the International Atomic Energy Agency – has given an iota of evidence so fat that suggests that Iran is building nuclear weapons. Even today’s development of Iran inserting first domestically produced, 20-percent enriched nuclear fuel into a research reactor, doesn’t mean that Iran is in the process of making the bomb.

The western governments and Israeli intelligence keep feeding the story to the media that Tehran is about to explode a bomb. Every small development in Iran becomes a big media event in the West. We got to be careful here. It’s amazing how easily we have forgotten that the US and UK invaded Iraq and destroyed that country by fabricating a total lie that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons. Till this day, they haven’t found any trace of enriched uranium in Iraq.

And now, Israel is repeating the same allegations against Iran. Last November, Israel claimed yet again that Iran was close to testing the bomb, prompting the leading US arms control expert, Jeffrey Lewis, of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, to ask “Just what technical or political fact has brought the deadline to the crossroads?”

The real story is actually unraveling in Israel. The Israeli leaders, who are living in the past, don’t know how to deal with the changing reality of their region. The Arab dictators with whom Israel had cosy ties are gone. Two rival Palestinian organizations – Fatah and Hamas – have joined hands. And most importantly, millions of Israelis have been rallying against their government and asking for better living conditions. Amid Arab Spring last September, hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Israel's biggest ever demonstration to demand social justice, a lower cost of living and a clear government response to the concerns of an increasingly squeezed middle class. “We are the new Israelis,” student leader Itzik Shmuli told a rally. “And the new Israelis want only one simple thing: to live with dignity in this country.”

But the old, orthodox Israelis, represented by the likes of Netanyahu and Barak don’t know how to respond to this challenge. So they are offering them a war they don't want. For this, they need a target. And the target in this case is Iran. And the Orthodox Jewish extremists are doing their bit to scuttle a genuine people’s movement in Israel. After the recent massive rallies across the country, Jewish ultra-Orthodox extremists tried to exclude women from public life. In a shameful incident, a seven-year-old girl was spat on and abused by radicals who claimed she was immodestly dressed; Signs had also been erected calling on men and women to use separate pavements.

The conservatives have turned Israel into an anachronism. Maybe Netanyahu and his chums should listen to Ruth Dayan, the widow of Moshe Dayan, a national hero and one of the founding fathers of Israel. In an interview to Newsweek magazine recently, Ruth said, “Zionist dream has run its course.” On Netanyahu's policy on Palestine, she said, “I reject Netanyahu’s policy; it is a recipe for disaster. He is unwilling to address the issue. It’s a bunker mentality...”

In the words of Ruth Dayan, who played as much role in building Israel as her husband, “Israel today is not a dream, it is a country in a lot of trouble…”

The truth of Israel, a un-declared nuclear power, is that it’s ruled by a troubled government which is completely out of touch with reality. And it wants to create trouble in other countries.

Atlast some one saw the truth buried deep under the pile of **** lies , told to the world by media...............

Well i really couldnt understand who isrealis prime minister told the media just after one day of attacks that they were done by iran . How the hell he know so fast without any damn investigation. Right isreal is in a state of frustration trying every possibly it can (even if they have to kill there own citizens)to show the world that they are victims and iran as an aggressor, but world is not buying this **** any more so much for crying like a *****.

India should wake up before they destroy u as well.......

PS : i am going to start a new thread regarding Israel role in India .
I don't believe this conspiracy theories where governments kill their own people to put blame on other govts.
theories like America did 9/11. Jews did the holocaust. Indians did Mumbai blasts.
Its like Iranians killed their own scientists to bring a bad name to Israel. Its like saying Pakistanis are droning their own people to bring a bad name to America.
Cut it man. I know Israel is very shrewd but it can't kill its own people on India's soil and expect that nobody will detect it.
Also, Israel values the life of its citizens more than any country in this world.

Atlast some one saw the truth buried deep under the pile of **** lies , told to the world by media...............

Well i really couldnt understand who isrealis prime minister told the media just after one day of attacks that they were done by iran . How the hell he know so fast without any damn investigation. Right isreal is in a state of frustration trying every possibly it can (even if they have to kill there own citizens)to show the world that they are victims and iran as an aggressor, but world is not buying this **** any more so much for crying like a *****.

India should wake up before they destroy u as well.......

PS : i am going to start a new thread regarding Israel role in India .
Atlast some one saw the truth buried deep under the pile of -
Qui bono? may suggest a line of investigation but the mere accusation itself is not conclusive truth. As for "proofs" since Pakistanis often won't say what evidence they would find conclusive when they don't want to make such a finding, there seems to be little point in establishing such with people who demonstrably lack merit.

Well i really couldnt understand who isrealis prime minister told the media just after one day of attacks that they were done by iran .How the hell he know so fast without any damn investigation.
Good question but the answer is in the very start of the thread: the Azeris claimed the Iranains were involved in such plots. There were no other candidates.

Right isreal is in a state of frustration trying every possibly it can (even if they have to kill there own citizens)...i am going to start a new thread regarding Israel role in India .
Pakistan works that way (or else 1971 would never have happened) but I see no support for claiming Israel does.

To bring to the open what you seem to be trying to conceal to yourself, is your suspicion and perhaps secret conviction that Israel has behaved more morally than Pakistan has since its creation and continues to do so and the implication that Jews, just because they are Jews, are better people than Muslims. Let me assure you that while the first part is true (all anti-Israel propaganda breaks down under the sunshine of facts, you see) the second doesn't necessary follow and is probably based more on cultural and political factors: two thousand years ago it was the Jews who could be seen as the world's intolerant "Muslims".

A better future may lie ahead for the Muslims of Pakistan but you're going to have to reach for it; seeking to strike at Israelis and Indians isn't going to help solve your problems, though.
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