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Israeli, Indian chess champions continue to battle for world title

Never heard Chinese..so called high IQ...

Since Indians love to bring Chinese people into this, I must respond to the troll post.

Chinese people play Chinese Chess and Go. Two much harder games which require way more processing power. Chess is a cracked game. Neither of these guys can beat a machine.

Also, Indians have never heard of an extreme outlier, so I will explain. Just because Aishwarya Rai was a good looking woman in her prime (fat & common looking now), doesn't mean all Indian women look like her and India on average has the world's most beautiful women (it doesn't).

So the same goes for IQ. This Anand guy definitely has an above average IQ and superior memory skills (that's what chess at the world champion level is -> extreme memory skills and deep tree searching skills) and that's why a powerful computer can easily beat this Anand guy. It's doesn't mean all Indians have his IQ (they don't) and all Indian woman look like the young Aishwarya Rai (they don't).
I don't follow chess. I just heard the famous names: Karpov, Kasparov, Bobby Fisher, ..

If today is the first day for you to hear the name "Kasparov" then you are a certified resident of the planet Mars.

Welcome to Earth and welcome to PDF.
If today is the first day for you to hear the name "Kasparov" then you are a certified resident of the planet Mars.

Welcome to Earth and welcome to PDF.

I just heard... as in I only heard...
chinese have very poor IQs... they promote false and paid news to boost their people...

their IQ is reflected in their inherent mentality to only follow orders from others

There is no relation of IQ and Chess to be honest
I played Chess till 9th standard .. Played till State level

Many of the Chess players I had seen performed very badly in studies , were literally low IQ people
For example - Bobby Fischer of USA was the best Chess player ever witnessed but he had his share of mental problems and was admitted in hospital for the same reason

Just because we perform better than Chinese in Chess doesn't mean they have a low IQ ..

Chinese people that I have met have an awesome business sense and marketing skills plus they are hard workers too which we Indians lack badly
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