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Israeli, Indian chess champions continue to battle for world title

Whatever happened to the Russians and Americans? They used to dominate.

The undisputed champions were the Soviets, and still they produce the bulk of the 'stars' in Chess. Americans are not even close in this field.

FIDE Top players and Statistics

Ranked #1 Most times Kasparov, Garry (RUS) (23 times)

Highest rating Kasparov, Garry (RUS) - 2849

3 Most represented countries RUS (1292)
UKR (425)
FRA (255)

There is no Garry Kasparov playing now, that's why a Westerner could come to be ranked 1st

FIDE Online. FIDE Top players - Top 100 Players May 2012
Rank Name Title Country Rating Games B-Year
1 Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2835 0 1990
2 Aronian, Levon g ARM 2825 3 1982
3 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2801 0 1975
4 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2791 4 1969
5 Radjabov, Teimour g AZE 2784 0 1987
6 Karjakin, Sergey g RUS 2779 7 1990
7 Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2775 5 1987
8 Caruana, Fabiano g ITA 2770 26 1992
9 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2769 7 1977
10 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2764 0 1969

6 out of top 10 in this list are still from the Former Soviet Union. The only "American" in the list is Hikaru Nakamura (Japanese).

The next ten on the list are

11 Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2761 0 1983
12 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2752 0 1975
13 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2741 12 1976
14 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2741 0 1974
15 Tomashevsky, Evgeny g RUS 2738 6 1987
16 Wang, Hao g CHN 2738 6 1989
17 Gashimov, Vugar g AZE 2737 5 1986
18 Jakovenko, Dmitry g RUS 2736 17 1983
19 Adams, Michael g ENG 2728 9 1971
20 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2727 0 1968

Of these 10, at least 6 hail from the former soviet union/Warsaw pact countries. The two members from USA and so called "Israel" were also born in the former Soviet Union.
Well,chinese,japanese and korean has their own chess.

True. I have seen many Chinese elderly people playing Chinese Chess in South East Asia and elsewhere. Unfortunately, many Chinese people love to gamble a lot, which is actually a harmful habit. They even invited me to gamble, and when I explained to them that it is forbidden, they seemed not to understand. Macau is one of the largest gambling dens in the world now.
The Hindu : Sport / Other Sports : Anand and Gelfand head to the tie-breakers

Viswanathan Anand's world title now hangs on a series of rapid chess games after he and challenger Boris Gelfand finished tied at 6-6 at the end of regulation time in their world chess championship contest here on Monday.

In the critical twelfth game, Anand shocked the spectators by offering a draw to Gelfand in a position where Gelfand had no winning chances and needed to make 18 moves in 16 minutes to avoid a time forfeit. Gelfand accepted immediately, ending the game after 22 moves and just under 3 hours play.

Some observers in Moscow's Tretyakov Gallery viewed Anand's offer as an act of sportsmanship — not attempting to win a game purely on the clock — while Anand's old world championship rival Vladimir Kramnik was less generous, saying “This is a clear sign that Vishy is lacking self-confidence.”

Simple realism

At the packed press conference after the game, Anand explained that his offer was simple realism; “To play for a win, you need some pieces left. Boris's position was very easy to play, so I didn't see any point in playing on. Here we have only drawn when the game is going nowhere.”

Earlier, Anand, playing with the white pieces, had looked to be getting on top early with an eighth move pawn sacrifice described by Gelfand as “brilliant”.

On his tenth move, Gelfand thought for 37 minutes before deciding to return his extra pawn and soon sacrifice one of his own.

Instead of retreating to a room behind the stage, Anand stayed at the board to gain extra calculation time and put extra pressure on Gelfand.

“Boris reacted well,” said Anand “[His tenth move] showed that he was very alert. After I win the pawn, Black is always going to have compensation.”

The two players reached a complicated endgame where pundits had violently opposed views on who might hold the advantage, with Kramnik going so far as to say that “Anand's decision to take the pawn is hard to explain; a sign that Vishy is out of shape or that tiredness has started to play its role.”

Anand's main hope lay in Gelfand's time shortage but a series of accurate moves by the Israeli challenger convinced Anand that a draw was inevitable, meaning that the two players will have to return on Wednesday for series of up to 15 tie-breaking games.

No opinion

Neither player was willing to give an opinion as to who is favoured in the rapid time limit tie-breakers.

Anand has an outstanding record over his career at rapid chess but has lost two important world championship rapid tie-breakers — the playoff for the FIDE world title against Anatoly Karpov in Lausanne in 1998 and a Candidates semifinal match against Gata Kamsky in Sanghi Nagar in 1994.

Just play my best chess

“Boris and I have played each other in rapid,” said Anand, “I am not sure about the exact score. I don't know if it is possible to train for these things, but it is certainly an abrupt shift in the tempo of the match. I will just play my best chess. Tthat's all I can do.”

Gelfand, who came through one rapid tie-breaker against Kamsky on his way to qualifying to challenge Anand, was also unwilling to make predictions. “I am here to play chess. It is up to others to assess the chances.”

The tie-breakers, starting with four games of 25 minutes per player per game plus a 10 second increment per move, will be played on Wednesday from 1.30 p.m. IST.

I like you Israel, but sorry, here, you are going down :tdown: :P
Israel and India are doing so much together, Israel is not helping India in farming and health research too I hear, amazing.
Poor jealous boy. By the way most of Soviet chess champions were Jews. Kasparov is half Jew.

Isn't it a proof that you have no argument when you need to make personal insults?

Why don't 7 million Jews in so called "Israel" and many other million Jews in the Western world produce Chess champions like the Soviets? Azerbaijan is Muslim majority, so Muslims have chess "champions" in there, but no body brags about it like "poor little boys" from "Israel".

Another "funny" aspect of "Jewishness" is that Jews won't accept others as Jews unless they pass a lot of screening tests. If their mothers are not Jews, certain people can not be Jews. EXCEPT if they happen to be brilliant scientists, chess champions or other publicly visible influential people, like Garry Kasparov. In those cases, Kasparov too can be considered Jewish so long as it helps them inflate their image in front of the world.

I had a bout of laughter with many friends when I read that Jews also claim Lotfi Zadeh of Iran as part of their "Jewish" success.
Does it really matter? Why does everything have to be about race, religion, country :blah: Indians invented the game, that makes us the smartest:lol:
Isn't it a proof that you have no argument when you need to make personal insults?
U jumped to this thread to attack Israel without any reason, you are putting so "called "Israel"" in every second sentence and now you are whining? :lol:

Why don't 7 million Jews in so called "Israel" and many other million Jews in the Western world produce Chess champions like the Soviets?
Because they have other priorities. Why Jews who consist less than 2% of Soviet population producedd most of Soviet chess champions?

Azerbaijan is Muslim majority, so Muslims have chess "champions" in there, but no body brags about it like "poor little boys" from "Israel".
Only chess champion from Azerbaijan is Kasparov, half Jewish half Armenian.
Currently best chess player in Azerbaijan is Teymur Rajabov, also Jewish.

Another "funny" aspect of "Jewishness" is that Jews won't accept others as Jews unless they pass a lot of screening tests. If their mothers are not Jews, certain people can not be Jews.
I dont understand what u are rambling there.
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