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Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

You're funny shlomo david, 'liberal' voice. :rofl:
where from u know my name?
Back to back airstrikes(beginning of offensive): November 2012 war


I'm sure they have some but I'm not sure they have many. And the Syrian version is the M-600. Do you know what Hezbollah's new rocket arsenal consists of? I hear they have thousands of long range rockets but I don't believe it. Do they use grads as well?

Hmm, cant say that Im an expert on the subject. I know there is a thread in another forum that extensively covers the weapons and capabilities hezbollah that possess. It was either Lebanese forum orange room, or some Iranian forum.
If I come across it again, I will link it here.
Feiglin: No "Palestinian Nation" - Middle East - News - Israel National News

As “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are set to restart, MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) says it is the proponents of the supposedly pragmatic “two state solution” who are the truly delusional ones.

“The very recognition that there is a 'Palestinian nation' that has rights in our country's heartland is a tragedy in and of itself,” Feiglin wrote Sunday. “When you recognize that a different nation has rights in your land, you lose your own legitimacy. When you surrender your sovereignty on the Temple Mount to the Muslim wakf and then you do not build at all in Jerusalem, which is what is happening now, you lose your legitimacy in Sderot, Tel Aviv and Holon. In universities in London and Paris they are already explaining that there is no legitimacy for a Jewish state anywhere in the world. That is the result of these rounds of talks.


Like I said, Israelis clearly in many ways indicate they support an imposition of a Jewish supremacist state that confines palestinians to those racial enclaves.

They either want to Judacize Palestinian lands through their unlawful occupation or have the Palestinians as far away from them which is achieved by expulsions my making their conditions very difficult.

Israel is delusional to think that they can sweep the "demographics problem" under the mat, by amassing Palestinians in ethnic enclaves. These can not be recognized as being viable, because they have no meaningful water resource or agricultural land that can sustain and feed Palestinian state.
Most disgusting system ever. I believe the world will come to turn against it sooner than some people may think.

Imo the best option for Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza, is to forget about the two state solution (its impossible since long time ago) and start anti-apartheid civil rights struggle.
Off course Israel would never accept this, because it would be the end of the Zionist state and all its repressive Zionist institutions. But eventually this racist state will be dismantled.

What do Palestinians in Gaza and WB think? Do they still consider two state solution, or are they starting to think about one binational state (where eventually Palestinians will become a majority and dominate that state's politics)?
Israel is delusional to think that they can sweep the "demographics problem" under the mat, by amassing Palestinians in ethnic enclaves. These can not be recognized as being viable, because they have no meaningful water resource or agricultural land that can sustain and feed Palestinian state.
Most disgusting system ever. I believe the world will come to turn against it sooner than some people may think.

Imo the best option for Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza, is to forget about the two state solution (its impossible since long time ago) and start anti-apartheid civil rights struggle.
Off course Israel would never accept this, because it would be the end of the Zionist state and all its repressive Zionist institutions. But eventually this racist state will be dismantled.

What do Palestinians in Gaza and WB think? Do they still consider two state solution, or are they starting to think about one binational state (where eventually Palestinians will become a majority and dominate that state's politics)?

Everyone is optimistic about the two state solution, it doesn't seem likely at all. As you've mentioned it may be a binational state but that's the last thing Israel wants is to lose their Jewish majority.

Or the situation on the ground may stay as it is. People in Gaza have known the history long enough to have any faith in the two state solution.

The struggle as you've said is the only option for us to acquire our land. And this may be a rights struggle, movement, armed struggle. All of them combined.
@500, is it me or did just hear an airstrike? Is there something going on? Wasn't that loud but I'm used to it I guess. Lol, I acted like nothing happened.
Or maybe it was a sonic boom or their jets broke the sound barrier.
The reported sound of an airstrike that I claimed in my previous post was actually Hamas testing a new rocket and I'm not sure if they purposely blew it up but it did explode somewhere near the coast. And rumor has it is something bigger and better than the current medium range fajr and m-75 rockets they have. It sounded pretty loud but I knew it wasn't an airstrike.

Also, today this morning for some reason Israel simulated mock raids which many people here thought were real airstrikes. But, the border is restively calm and there's no tension right now.
This thread will be dedicated to videos of attacks on the Gaza Strip, since most people don't see massive attacks on a densely populated areas and show anger only at the palestinian response which does not come close to what is experienced here. And this should show people why we have a right to defend ourselves.

So I will post videos from 2009-2013 and I'm sure people have seen rocket attacks on israel which aren't as effective. But, is the only way Palestinians can respond to Israeli massive attacks always near the elections on the Gaza Strip.

This will make the violence seem more real to people.

You agree that Palestinian missile strikes against Israeli (civilian!) targets aren't effective (at all, imo).
So why continue these missile strikes, knowing that it only provokes a military response by the Israelis (that their allies can not condemn)
You agree that Palestinian missile strikes against Israeli (civilian!) targets aren't effective (at all, imo).
So why continue these missile strikes, knowing that it only provokes a military response by the Israelis (that their allies can not condemn)

We don't commit 'strikes'. Rockets are fired in self defense in response to Israeli political decisions to prevent Gaza from achieving humanitarian status and to keep Gaza at a brink of collapse.

Remember that well, israel doesn't want us to thrive and they will do everything necessary to make our lives miserable. This comes in all forms.

These offensives are planned well ahead with the purpose of bringing us back a decade every time we catch up and start gaining access to the international world.

Just as the US is vetoes resolutions against israel and helps enforce this immoral blockade against our people.

That's the sole purpose of this conflict. The occupation. Don't ignore what israel has done with Gaza and how it actively wants to contain civilian life here.

You agree that Palestinian missile strikes against Israeli (civilian!) targets aren't effective (at all, imo).
So why continue these missile strikes, knowing that it only provokes a military response by the Israelis (that their allies can not condemn)

We don't commit 'strikes'. Rockets are fired in self defense in response to Israeli political decisions to prevent Gaza from achieving humanitarian status and to keep Gaza at a brink of collapse.

Remember that well, israel doesn't want us to thrive and they will do everything necessary to make our lives miserable. This comes in all forms.

These offensives are planned well ahead with the purpose of bringing us back a decade every time we catch up and start gaining access to the international world.

Just as the US is vetoes resolutions against israel and helps enforce this immoral blockade against our people.

That's the sole purpose of this conflict. The occupation. Don't ignore what israel has done with Gaza and how it actively wants to contain civilian life here.
We don't commit 'strikes'. Rockets are fired in self defense in response to Israeli political decisions to prevent Gaza from achieving humanitarian status and to keep Gaza at a brink of collapse.

Remember that well, israel doesn't want us to thrive and they will do everything necessary to make our lives miserable. This comes in all forms.

These offensives are planned well ahead with the purpose of bringing us back a decade every time we catch up and start gaining access to the international world.

Just as the US is vetoes resolutions against israel and helps enforce this immoral blockade against our people.

That's the sole purpose of this conflict. The occupation. Don't ignore what israel has done with Gaza and how it actively wants to contain civilian life here.

I see the Palestinians as the agressors each and every time they fire rockets at Israeli civilian targets, and believe it's the Israeli's who are acting in self-defense when they strike back.

That does not mean I don't see any Israeli aggression towards Palestinians, but I believe that to come from the fact that Palestinians won't give up their goal of wiping Israel off the map entirely. I'd like to know where you stand on this point; do you want to see Israel removed from the map?
I see the Palestinians as the agressors each and every time they fire rockets at Israeli civilian targets, and believe it's the Israeli's who are acting in self-defense when they strike back.

That does not mean I don't see any Israeli aggression towards Palestinians, but I believe that to come from the fact that Palestinians won't give up their goal of wiping Israel off the map entirely. I'd like to know where you stand on this point; do you want to see Israel removed from the map?

Maybe your issue is with Hamas then :-)
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