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Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

Feiglin: No "Palestinian Nation" - Middle East - News - Israel National News

As “peace talks” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are set to restart, MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) says it is the proponents of the supposedly pragmatic “two state solution” who are the truly delusional ones.

“The very recognition that there is a 'Palestinian nation' that has rights in our country's heartland is a tragedy in and of itself,” Feiglin wrote Sunday. “When you recognize that a different nation has rights in your land, you lose your own legitimacy. When you surrender your sovereignty on the Temple Mount to the Muslim wakf and then you do not build at all in Jerusalem, which is what is happening now, you lose your legitimacy in Sderot, Tel Aviv and Holon. In universities in London and Paris they are already explaining that there is no legitimacy for a Jewish state anywhere in the world. That is the result of these rounds of talks.


Like I said, Israelis clearly in many ways indicate they support an imposition of a Jewish supremacist state that confines palestinians to those racial enclaves.

They either want to Judacize Palestinian lands through their unlawful occupation or have the Palestinians as far away from them which is achieved by expulsions my making their conditions very difficult.
How is the general consensus towards Turkey ? Erdogan talks much but acts less.

They love Erdogan here very much, as much as they loved Mursi if not more. We're waiting for him to visit. That would really have been awesome. And everything Turkish people like here, especially their mafia shows, LOL. And the marmara memorial site I went and saw. It's a nice place now. Turkey funds some things here and my plastic chairs and table are from Turkey. Good quality. :)

I can go on and on, some Palestinian men are married to Turkish women here too.
There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the definition of the term "terrorism".[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions of "terrorism". Moreover, the international community has been slow to formulate a universally agreed upon, legally binding definition of this crime. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged.[3]

Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament has stated that "The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination."[4] These divergences have made it impossible to conclude a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that incorporates a single, all-encompassing, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[5]

Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And tell us how Israel respects international law.

Does they allowing Launching Rockets towards Innocent Civilians

Don't Crack these Meetings using your **** Rockets


we are all need only one help Please stop Launching Rockets
Does they allowing Launching Rockets towards Innocent Civilians

Don't Crack these Meetings using your **** Rockets

Israel to release Palestinian prisoners to bolster peace talks - FT.com

we are all need only one help Please stop Launching Rockets

I've already repeated myself several times, and the siege of Gaza collectively punishes all palestinian civilians. Israel's hardly innocent. It must be difficult for you to comprehend what a form of resistance is. You're speaking of tactics and not objectives, the objective is for freedom in response to the unlawful occupation of Palestinian land. It's a form of resistance. While you Israelis ignore the true aspects of the conflict and try to bring a new stage which only israel sees in that way, the truth is we also see what is happening in the West Bank. A policy which goes against international law and by the day more Jewish only settlements are being built in order to divide the land so in future peace talks israel can claim land swaps are impossible and the settlers aren't going nowhere. Which means they seek their Jewish theocracy on our land. Which justifies the armed struggle against israel which hasn't even defined its borders.
They love Erdogan here very much, as much as they loved Mursi if not more. We're waiting for him to visit. That would really have been awesome. And everything Turkish people like here, especially their mafia shows, LOL. And the marmara memorial site I went and saw. It's a nice place now. Turkey funds some things here and my plastic chairs and table are from Turkey. Good quality. :)

I can go on and on, some Palestinian men are married to Turkish women here too.

What i don't like is, at the time Erdogan said "Warships will back flotillas" regarding to the future flotillas. We all get excited.


Isreali response was even better.

But that flotilla never happened... :disagree:

Anyways, it's very good to see that we can relate ourselves. :tup:
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Yes there was, it's very common.

Limited Israeli incursion into southern Gaza | Maan News Agency

Here's one of them.
Unconfirmed Palestinian report. Anything better?

No, they didn't just attack empty 'buildings' as you'd like to call them. They attacked 'military infrastructure sites as they like to call it.
No one was killed or even seriously hurt so they are empty.

And they have killed someone earlier in the year through a targeted 'strike'. Or bomb attack.
He was a member some nutcase jihadist organization, even Hamas itself fights these guys.

And you can't take away history of this conflict since this armed struggle directly is in response to the unlawful occupation of our lands.
There is no occupation in Gaza and terror is a war crime in any case.

500, you answer us, where do you want the Palestinians to be/go? This will prove my point once I get an answer.
I dont want anyone to go anywhere. In fact I believe that everyone has right for independence. For example if some Israeli Arab town votes for independence from Israel he can get it. Welcome.

Fateh-110 is a game changer, with a 300 km range and ability to precisely hit the target with its powerful warhead.It'll be a nightmare for Israel. I don't think Hamas currently has any F-110, but Hezbollah most probably has some. It's hard to send them to Hamas right now because of Egyptian turmoils and destroying tunnels to Gaza.

PS: Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of all kinds of guided and unguided missiles right now.Much larger than 2006 war.If they ever succeed to use them against Israel in case of another war, they'll definitely paralyze Israel. They can attack all major power plants, factories and sensitive areas.
If Hezies will have stupidity to fire such rockets, then 2006 war will seem a boyscout camp to them. In fact after the slaughters they committed in Syria they have a danger of complete eradication.
500, maan is a reliable source and its a confirmed report. Israel doesn't report it's own incursions. I constantly see and hear Israeli fighter jets flying over our skies, are you going to say I'm lying too?

And he used to be a member of Hamas and he was one of the people who fired a rocket at tel aviv if what I heard is true. He also was the person who bought me ice cream 3 years ago.

And you can't just claim authority over palestinian lands by claiming its an Israeli 'Arab' town. Once again the disregard for the national identity of Palestinians. The West Bank is not Israeli land and your statements do not at all reflect the Israeli people or their right wing leaders who lead israel and are opposed to such self determination of the Palestinians.

Your answer was hardly honest. You personally probably have very different views which you're not willing to share.
500, maan is a reliable source and its a confirmed report. Israel doesn't report it's own incursions.
So Kassams on 11th July were fired against the alledged Israeli incursion on 9th July?

I constantly see and hear Israeli fighter jets flying over our skies, are you going to say I'm lying too?
Jets will keep flying until peace agreement is signed.

And he used to be a member of Hamas and he was one of the people who fired a rocket at tel aviv if what I heard is true. He also was the person who bought me ice cream 3 years ago.
Not Hamas member anymore. Hamas did not retaliate in any way, I wont be surprised if he was eliminated in coordination with Hamas.

And you can't just claim authority over palestinian lands by claiming its an Israeli 'Arab' town. Once again the disregard for the national identity of Palestinians.
Well its up to them to decide. If they want to be Palestinians and not Israelis - they are welcome. But I never met any Arab who would wish that.

Your answer was hardly honest. You personally probably have very different views which you're not willing to share.
I am very liberal and honest. :)
So Kassams on 11th July were fired against the alledged Israeli incursion on 9th July?

Jets will keep flying until peace agreement is signed.

Not Hamas member anymore. Hamas did not retaliate in any way, I wont be surprised if he was eliminated in coordination with Hamas.

Well its up to them to decide. If they want to be Palestinians and not Israelis - they are welcome. But I never met any Arab who would wish that.

I am very liberal and honest. :)

Coordination? No, but Hamas definitely looks for calm because it serves our national interest. Well good to know you're a liberal voice since I neither like the right wingers in the United States nor israel.

So 500, you're a senior Israeli aren't you? Be honest? Are you polish or Russian? ...:D

Unconfirmed Palestinian report. Anything better?

No one was killed or even seriously hurt so they are empty.

He was a member some nutcase jihadist organization, even Hamas itself fights these guys.

There is no occupation in Gaza and terror is a war crime in any case.

I dont want anyone to go anywhere. In fact I believe that everyone has right for independence. For example if some Israeli Arab town votes for independence from Israel he can get it. Welcome.

If Hezies will have stupidity to fire such rockets, then 2006 war will seem a boyscout camp to them. In fact after the slaughters they committed in Syria they have a danger of complete eradication.

It's gonna be the Izzies who start the next war.
Coordination? No, but Hamas definitely looks for calm because it serves our national interest. Well good to know you're a liberal voice since I neither like the right wingers in the United States nor israel.
SO they retaliate to some mythical incursions that hurt nobody but dont retaliate when guy actually killed?

So 500, you're a senior Israeli aren't you? Be honest? Are you polish or Russian? ...:D
I am a sergeant in reserve.

It's gonna be the Izzies who start the next war.
We did not start before there is no reason we would start in the future.
SO they retaliate to some mythical incursions that hurt nobody but dont retaliate when guy actually killed?

I am a sergeant in reserve.

We did not start before there is no reason we would start in the future.

You're funny shlomo david, 'liberal' voice. :rofl:
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