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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

You're not effectively challenging anything I write, instead you are going all nutter on unsupportable what-ifs.

Very interesting. Once the Janissaries started running things they became more interested in using their position to build wealth and didn't want to risk their comfy situation by war. Do you see the same thing happening with the IRGC?

You can write that and then accuse me of making moronic statements? If the fate of millions of people wasn't at stake I might laugh.

1) well everything that you write is based on the impression that the mullahs in Iran are a suicidal bunch which is completely false.

2) War or no war the IRGC will collect its oil money but year by year they're expanding their operations, they have a hand in everything now. They will definitely try to avoid a war but they will do it in their own way. An open society with a liberal economy is not what they want. The status quo is very much in their favor so the only way that they can avoid a war, which is smtg they want in order to remain in power, is to continue making Iran's military stronger.

3) you don't value human life. If you did you would stop this none sense and go ***** and moan about the Iraq war or the Afghanistan war or maybe about the fact that the USA is spending close to 1/14 of its GDP on the military!!!
Iran has every right to produce limited number of nukes to defend itself against Israeli aggression...When the notorious jewish state can have 300 warheads and no one likes to talk about them so what the bloody hell is so wrong with iran ?
The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran has signed, forbids Iran to develop nukes. In exchange Iran has access to nuclear technologies.

Israel is not a signatory to the NPT, so its nukes - if they have them, which they aren't admitting to - would be legal under international law.

And "defending against Israeli aggression" is a real stretch, because Israel, while it doesn't let its enemies walk over it all the time, is very far from being an aggressive power.

Still, I can tell you don't care very much for the legal niceties. Do you think it's O.K. for big bullies in the schoolyard to beat up the little guys? When the little guy has the gun the school is safer; when the bullies get guns everyone is scared, right? How is this different? Or do you believe in siding with the bullies, because they look strong and act mean and you fear opposing them? As one Dawn columnist put it recently,

Exhibiting a somewhat cowardly strain of Machiavellian tact, a number of politicians, former military men and journalists are known to loudly support and defend the position of the extremists on various TV channels, blissfully believing they are protecting themselves from the ideologically-motivated violence various anti-Taliban politicians face every day.
Is the Iran situation really very different?

Iran does not need the american believe them -
Of course they do, because America could bomb the country to smithereens at any time, and has had that ability for decades. Probably Israel has the same capability, for that matter, or can have on short notice. They just don't want to, because Americans and Israelis aren't the kind of people to kill for terror and conquest, but for defense.

...as long as you have your nuke, you dont have right to talk about other countries nuclear program.
Why do you think you have a right to decide who has a "right to talk" about anything?
@ solomon
The Romans had 3 major offensives against Sassanid Persia.
In those 3 wars we killed 2 of their emperors and captured the last one alive and imprisoned him in a fort built by his own soldiers. He spent the rest of his life there. I've had the honor of visiting it actually.
You guys are very welcome to try but you will just be added to the long list of invaders we have pooped on in the last 2500 years ;)
for over 31 years you've been talking ****. Our soldiers fear old age more than your over exaggerated military.
Iranian tribes have flourished for 7000 years on the Iranian plateau and we're not about to roll over for a 200 year old, culture less country like yours.
Talk **** all you want but we will do what we want, when we want and no bomb will stop us.
This is the same Band which created the sound track of spiderman movie.
The song is abt the Israeli Raids against innocent women and children of Lebanon and Gaza..

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I think the Israeli's have been practicing an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities for years...... this is nothing new, also the Iranian's have probably made some decent preperations to defend their instilations but lets face it - If Isreal gets a green light to strike Iran, then its only a question of how badly damaged will the reactors get. In all probablity looking at time scales every month that passes brings Iran closer to achieving their goals and sooneer than later they will have the material they need. So if Isreal is going to strike it would be when they are pretty sure there is no more time to lose and all other options have been exhausted. in my opinion if that could still mean there are months if not years before Israel acts. In the mean time if Iran sleep walks with its security then they deserve to see their reactors in a pile of rubble.
I think the Israeli's have been practicing an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities for years...... this is nothing new, also the Iranian's have probably made some decent preperations to defend their instilations but lets face it - If Isreal gets a green light to strike Iran, then its only a question of how badly damaged will the reactors get. In all probablity looking at time scales every month that passes brings Iran closer to achieving their goals and sooneer than later they will have the material they need. So if Isreal is going to strike it would be when they are pretty sure there is no more time to lose and all other options have been exhausted. in my opinion if that could still mean there are months if not years before Israel acts. In the mean time if Iran sleep walks with its security then they deserve to see their reactors in a pile of rubble.
I love arm chair generals
Israel doesn't have the refueling capacity to launch an attack and they have admitted it. Until they can fix that then we shouldn't even be talking about an attack. And Iran's main defense is its geography. We have a big country with mountains through out. All installations are deep inside mountains and scattered through out the country. Even if they bomb one location they still have to travel hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to location B. An attack by Israel is absolutely impossible and they know it. Has Israel EVER acted like this before? Do they ever advertise before going to a war? Never! This whole thing is an attempt to force the Americans into a war b/c they're the ones that can do some damage.

look @ this map btw
these are just the main nuke installations. They still have to hit the air defenses and missile silos etc... when they attack! That's literally hundreds and hundreds of targets in a country where location A could be 1000 miles away from location B. The only certain thing about all this is that Iran will never ever be attacked by Israel. The US is another debate all together though.
@ solomon:

Iran has Signed the NPT which means that they are not allowed to make any Nukes that could be used against the zionist state for defense.

Israel has NOT signed NPT but still IS a nuclear power which makes the whole thing unvalid and since the Zionists have wet dreams of Attacking Iran then NPT for iran is nothing morethan a Toilet paper.

Israel being a supreme threat to the security of the Iranians gives Iran every right to protect its people even if it means to become a Nuclear power.

I love arm chair generals
Israel doesn't have the refueling capacity to launch an attack and they have admitted it. Until they can fix that then we shouldn't even be talking about an attack. And Iran's main defense is its geography. We have a big country with mountains through out. All installations are deep inside mountains and scattered through out the country. Even if they bomb one location they still have to travel hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to location B. An attack by Israel is absolutely impossible and they know it. Has Israel EVER acted like this before? Do they ever advertise before going to a war? Never! This whole thing is an attempt to force the Americans into a war b/c they're the ones that can do some damage.

look @ this map btw
these are just the main nuke installations. They still have to hit the air defenses and missile silos etc... when they attack! That's literally hundreds and hundreds of targets in a country where location A could be 1000 miles away from location B. The only certain thing about all this is that Iran will never ever be attacked by Israel. The US is another debate all together though.

Nima, you're assuming Israel is far, FAR away. When in fact both Israel and Iran are within firing range of each other. I don't see the mullahs to be complete fools, so they must have acquired some MEGA-TON NUKES FROM UKRAINE & KHAZAKISTAN during the breakup of the USSR. Do keep in mind hundreds of nukes are UNACCOUNTED FOR. Beyond these defensive measures, Iran has made more advanced preparations.

Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. :agree:
Nima, you're assuming Israel is far, FAR away. When in fact both Israel and Iran are within firing range of each other. I don't see the mullahs to be complete fools, so they must have acquired some MEGA-TON NUKES FROM UKRAINE & KHAZAKISTAN during the breakup of the USSR. Do keep in mind hundreds of nukes are UNACCOUNTED FOR. Beyond these defensive measures, Iran has made more advanced preparations.

Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. :agree:

Remember the Israeli F-16s that hit the Iraqi site ? they almost ran out of fuel when coming back. And they had drop tanks. How many planes can Israel refuel ? And over what country ? Will they ask the U.S. to refuel there aircraft over Iraq? What would the Iraqi government say ? Lots of factors to consider. Then again they could just throw missiles at each other. Only risk with that is Iranian proxy close to Israel. Would Israel risk going nuclear first if Iran has not ?

1,250 miles, the distance by air between Israel and Iran's main nuclear and missile sites
Israel has NOT signed NPT but still IS a nuclear power which makes the whole thing unvalid and since the Zionists have wet dreams of Attacking Iran then NPT for iran is nothing morethan a Toilet paper.
The "wet dreams" only exist because of Iran's developing WMD capability and stated desire to make destroying Israel a national goal. Don't put the cart b4 the horse, BB, or you won't get anywhere, yes?
Remember the Israeli F-16s that hit the Iraqi site ? they almost ran out of fuel when coming back. And they had drop tanks. How many planes can Israel refuel ? And over what country ? Will they ask the U.S. to refuel there aircraft over Iraq? What would the Iraqi government say ? Lots of factors to consider. Then again they could just throw missiles at each other. Only risk with that is Iranian proxy close to Israel. Would Israel risk going nuclear first if Iran has not ?

1,250 miles, the distance by air between Israel and Iran's main nuclear and missile sites

Yeah, I'm thinking the same. Striking distance for rockets / missiles. In the situation you describe, I can see it quickly turning nuclear. Israel and USA are convinced Iran already possesses Nukes (bought from black market in Ukraine). Hence, the issue of "crippling sanctions" on Iran, which they hope will throw the country into chaos and mutiny.
The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran has signed, forbids Iran to develop nukes. In exchange Iran has access to nuclear technologies.
Israel is not a signatory to the NPT, so its nukes - if they have them, which they aren't admitting to - would be legal under international law.

Since uncle sam is so eager to make all the Muslim states sign the ******* NPT what stops it from persuading Israel to do this noble deed?
And "defending against Israeli aggression" is a real stretch, because Israel, while it doesn't let its enemies walk over it all the time, is very far from being an aggressive power.

After having stolen the land of the Palestinians if Israel is not aggressive then Hitler must have been equally peace-loving.
NPT is no more than a tactic to restric powers to those big brothers favoured by Uncle SAM.
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