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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

I say it is meaningless for me. The readers can decide for themselves.

No...Am saying that if you are going claim that the US persecute political dissent, provide credible sources. lol

As you wish...

How Ahmad Batebi Survived Torture In Iran - 60 Minutes - CBS News

'Torture, murder and rape' — Iran’s way of breaking the opposition - Times Online

Now...Can you show the readers if any of the loud mouthed students at UC Irvine suffered similar fates after they were ejected from the lecture hall?

Nope...Am pointing out, or rather asking you, to show the readers how the oh-so-scary CIA torture prisoners.

Says who? You? Based on what criteria can you say that US prisons are filled with political dissenters and that no one is watching over them? Yours is the appeal to ignorance argument. Look it up.

This is the typical inconsistent argument when it come to free speech in the US compared to MEastern despotic regimes. It is somewhat narcissistic as well. What you are saying is that because major newspapers like the NY Times or the LA Times or USA Today, all quite liberal and anti-Bush/conservative prints, did not report your little local news item, therefore it is 'evident' that there is media oppression or collusion among the major news prints to hide political oppression in the US. Ever consider the possibility that after they examined the details of the event, something that you obviously failed to do, they found the story to be a non-story?

The most that CAIR... CAIR > Home ... managed to milk out of that event is a bland statement...

Student protests at speech of Israeli ambassador at California campus raise free speech issues : First Amendment Coalition

Nothing about if any of the UC Irvine students suffered at the hands of the state anywhere to the level of their Iranian collegiate brothers and sisters. If anyone who should be monitoring this closely would be CAIR, Human Rights Watch or Amnessty International. But what we have is zilch. CAIR's leadership probably behind closed doors considered the event to be a waste of blood sugar to even type up that bland statement.

It is funny but in a sad way. The streets of America have been proven to be effective venues for political dissenting speech, from calling a sitting US President names such as adulterer and war criminal to pointing out America's societal ills. Whereas the streets of Iran under the mullahs today proved to be shooting ranges with live targets.

Common wisdom compels people not to seek for what is 'good' but to seek for what is 'better' than the current situation they are in at that time. That is why we see war refugees fleeing to a neighboring country even though this neighbor may not be any better of a government. Frankly, we Americans really do not care if anyone consider our country to be 'good' or not. But if the current immigration problem we have with Mexico is any indicator, it is that we are 'better' than Mexico. Same thing for between US and Iran. We do not care if you or any Iranian consider US to be 'good' or not, only that you are intellectually honest enough to examine the details, apply logical thinking, and be willing to admit that we are 'better'. By demanding that we live up to impossible standards, those impossible standards afford you the way to indirectly shill for the mullahs and give them the latitude to do what they did to your fellow Iranians as shown above.

Israel was never a signer of the NPT and therefor not subject to it. However Personally I think Israel should open up to the IAEA. In fact I think the goal should be the elimination of all nuclear weapons. I do not believe though that is obtainable.

Iran is a signer of the NPT. And it doesn't matter if it was the Shah's regime that signed it or not. The reason Iran is viewed with such alarm when it comes to their nuke program. Is they are supporters of groups internationally recognized as terrorists. They make inflammatory statements calling into question Israels existence and chant death to America. Then expect everyone to believe them when they say their nuke program is for peaceful power generation. That doesn't garner to much goodwill or trust with the international community.

There is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. And until Iran can prove otherwise it will be on a collision course with the west.


with your logic if Iran quite the NPT then no problem here, whatever Iran does is her own business like Israeil
No you use proxies to do it through the Revolutionary guard and Qud's force. (Hezbollah, Hamas, Shia Militia groups, and most recently the Taliban)

first of all Taliban is US made militia and is irrelevant to Iran. make yourself proud of made in USA product.
secondly, Hamas and Hizbolla defending their own country against invasion by Israeil which is US best ally in world. offcourse Iran support them to protect their territory. US support invader and Iran support defender.
He has some valid points. But I think he over estimates Iran's ability to last years of open conflict with the west. As Saddam Hussein found out. Fighting a war with the west was not the same as fighting a war with Iran. The west along with the Gulf countries could completely decimate Iran's Ports and shore batteries. As well as Air force, Navy, and Army. It's industrial and civil infrastructure would be in tatters and most likely all gasoline production cut off. In fact Gasoline production is probably the most critical area where Iran is vulnerable.

I have doubts Obama would unilaterally hit Iran. But he would have no choice but to join Israel if they attacked. Since Iran would most likely carry through with it's threat to attack Gulf countries and shipping.

US never had real equal war experience. Vietnam was a very weak and poor country but you lost. you attacked Panama, Afganestan such a honorable art of war!!!!
Iraq had a little bit power you kept it under sanction for 10 years them attacked.
please do not upper estimate your military forces.
your ally Usraeil with advanced weapons lost to a small militia group such Hizbollah in 2006.
i guess if US become sure that can win in war wont wait even for a day.
thought that was china. for one, we still write with chinese characters, but no iranian writes with old persian characters =)

with my respect to you.1- Chinese recorded history is Max 5000 but Iran's 7000
2- just WW2 helped you overcome the invasion of Japan( Tianjin, Dalian ,.....)
what you say is garbage which distributing by Saudi against Iran reputation. because Saudi and Egypt are losing their face in Muslim world due to their reaction in Palestine, so they make this kind of against Iran

lol, so your saying it's all a Saudi/Egyptian conspiracy against Iran?:rofl:
lol, so your saying it's all a Saudi/Egyptian conspiracy against Iran?:rofl:

yes, That's what the saudi/egyptian conspiracy theorists have posed.

the genius american with a sense of humor, the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is approximately a 60 year old history. was there any islamic republic of Iran at that time? If Israel wanted to make peace, It could've done it by now before the islamic republic of Iran came to exist.
lol, so your saying it's all a Saudi/Egyptian conspiracy against Iran?:rofl:

for this point i agree with him
it is true that the picture of saudi in muslim countries is bad . look what Egypt is doing: bomb tunnel? what else? forbid Gaza moves when its people are suffering a hell.
Sadly Iran having too much involved in this but it is true that Iran got popularity because of its speech and help.

I don't understand what is not true in what he said
and what is about a conspiracy

in the past with another government the relations with saudi were far better. this special relation is to work hard on it and make lot of efforts. because from all the countries in the region, surely saudi is acting like the ennemy. but hopefully it will change.
with my respect to you.1- Chinese recorded history is Max 5000 but Iran's 7000
2- just WW2 helped you overcome the invasion of Japan( Tianjin, Dalian ,.....)

i see, learn something every day.

hopefully soon it'd be the israelis on this forum that are talking about how they deserve nuclear weapons and don't have to be disarmed, as the iranian air force prepares to bomb dimona.
i see, learn something every day.

hopefully soon it'd be the israelis on this forum that are talking about how they deserve nuclear weapons and don't have to be disarmed, as the iranian air force prepares to bomb dimona.

1) actually right now They are in possession of ~200 nuclear war heads and no one cares about the disarmament of Israel.
2) Iran's military doctrine is based on position of defense
i just have gut feeling that if third WW is going to start it would start by an event like Israelis attacking Iran.
for this point i agree with him
it is true that the picture of saudi in muslim countries is bad . look what Egypt is doing: bomb tunnel? what else? forbid Gaza moves when its people are suffering a hell.
Sadly Iran having too much involved in this but it is true that Iran got popularity because of its speech and help.

I don't understand what is not true in what he said
and what is about a conspiracy

in the past with another government the relations with saudi were far better. this special relation is to work hard on it and make lot of efforts. because from all the countries in the region, surely saudi is acting like the ennemy. but hopefully it will change.

If Saudi Arabia and Egypt feel threatened by Iran it could have something to do with Iran's wish to export it's brand of Islamic theocracy. and Ayatollah Khomeini's statement "We shall export our revolution to the whole world"
for this point i agree with him
it is true that the picture of saudi in muslim countries is bad . look what Egypt is doing: bomb tunnel? what else? forbid Gaza moves when its people are suffering a hell.
Sadly Iran having too much involved in this but it is true that Iran got popularity because of its speech and help.

I don't understand what is not true in what he said
and what is about a conspiracy

in the past with another government the relations with saudi were far better. this special relation is to work hard on it and make lot of efforts. because from all the countries in the region, surely saudi is acting like the ennemy. but hopefully it will change.

iran is a danger on arabs so they will help demolish them ,egypt will never forget iran's situation calling a street after khaled elislamoly killer of egyptian ex president elsadat .
states of the arab gulf specially UAE have problems with iran occupying the three emirates islands .

look what Egypt is doing: bomb tunnel? what else? forbid Gaza moves when its people are suffering a hell.

egypt are bombing tunnles over the heads of hizb allah terrorists who pass explosives and weapons to egyptian sinai,,,about gaza your heart won't be more kind on them than egypt.
We enterd wars to free palastein 30.000 egyptian were killed in 1948 war for palasteins,,food and medical care is entering gaza through crossings and egypt has the full right to do any thing in its lands even building the wall.

Saudi treat iran like an enemy cause you are an enemy don't you remember how iran tried to explode the haram of meka with mouslims in it,,, irans record is full and there is awar coming to put every thing in its right place<<UAE islands,,irans helping hauthis in yemen fighting saudis,,helping hizb allah terrorists in egypt>.

so it is time to deal with persia :)
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. don't forget if it weren't for iran, iraq and afghanistan wont fall.
Islam wasnt Sadat killed by Akhwan ?
And wat happened in Mecca wasnt sponsored by Iran or its government.
Your criticising Iran but dont u see wat Misr is doing>???
Killing and stoping AID for the Palastinians?
Arent they arabs?also even us Pakistan thousands of miles away from israel havent accepted is...l while u have?
You have no right to talk about critising anybody.
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