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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

As far as Iran already having the S300 we will see. There have been numerous claims but so far no one has seen anything. And having looking at satellite photo's of some of Irans nukes facilities. The defensive SAM sites don't appear to be S300's. I tend to believe Russia when it says it has not delivered them yet. especially since Iran still seems to be still upset over the matter.

are you debating or you are saying whatever you want? xD

Russians says they haven't delivered the missiles yet, they haven't denied the claims that Iran is in the possession of S300 missiles,
even If Iran doesn't possesses the 300's, It still has enough number of S-200's.

tell me one thing thomas, for how long you americans want to ignore the elephant in the room?
are you debating or you are saying whatever you want? xD

Russians says they haven't delivered the missiles yet, they haven't denied the claims that Iran is in the possession of S300 missiles,
even If Iran doesn't possesses the 300's, It still has enough number of S-200's.

tell me one thing thomas, for how long you americans want to ignore the elephant in the room?

No I was responding to his claim that Iran already possessed the S300. And the SA-5 Gammon (S200) is very easy to defeat.
No I was responding to his claim that Iran already possessed the S300

whose claim? you can check the provided references before judging.
would you tell me what has happened to Croatia's S-300's? or belarus' S-300's? or libya's S-300's? any idea?
As far as Iran already having the S300 we will see. There have been numerous claims but so far no one has seen anything. And having looked at satellite photo's of some of Irans nukes facilities. The defensive SAM sites don't appear to be S300's. I tend to believe Russia when it says it has not delivered them yet. especially since Iran still seems to be still upset over the matter.


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SA-6 missile site at Natanz

sorry thomas, I'm not that expert like you to understand anything special from the photos except some lables. can you teach me how you find out the type of the missiles from such satellite photos?
We need to initially identify the nature and intention of the Iranian theocratic regime. Their ultimate goal is to reincarnate the old Parsian empire under an Islamic template which well extends from the Indus valley to all the way to the Levant including the Fertile Crescent. They are using Isreal only as pretext and to look safe in the eyes of the Muslim world.
The neighbouring countries of Iran are no safer than Israel and therefore they must line up a coalition against the Imperialist ambition of the Iranian regime which remain unchanged even after the fall of secular Shah. Everyone must act before it reaches the point of no return. BiBi is disliked by many because he speaks no non sense. However, The initiative must come from the 'naive' neighbours of Iran.

Does Iran need to make tension with US and Israiel in order to restablish Persian Impire? Iran will become more powerful as soon as leave Palistaine alone and make better relation with US.
what you say is garbage which distributing by Saudi against Iran reputation. because Saudi and Egypt are losing their face in Muslim world due to their reaction in Palestine, so they make this kind of against Iran
Would you like a nuclear weaponed Iran on your border or not?

Its a simple question and i dont want the talk going anything related to India. Please answer in simple words.

Please put yourself in Iran shoes and answer this simple question too.
I already wrote in my initial post that that Ahmedinjad wants a Persian empire in an' Islamic template' like a 'Khilafa'. Original Persian culture would be too 'unIslamic' for him. But for the neighbours, it is still the same imperialist attitude. Syria , Lebanon ( with Hezbollah proxy) are already under their influence. They are very much busy in Iraq and in Afghanistan . I always oppose any military strike on Iran as it would alienate people like you who are also against the mollahs.

1-Iranian never believe in "Khalifa" what you believe in other Muslim countries.also there is not any references In Quran and Hadith about so called "Khalafat".
2- Iranian concern about Mullahs and Ahmadinejad is a domestic issues and only they can talk about. as Iranian never talk about your military controlled country or your Mr %10 you do not talk about their home issues as well. PLEASE
No one is going to like the consequences. But it still needs to be done if Iran doesn't back down and open up ALL it's facilities to the IAEA. And prove it's program is peaceful.

1- who said Iran did not open all facilities to IAEA? what you hear in your media is what your government need that you hear in order to support your government policy against Iran.unfortunately even Iran opened its military sites to IAEA just to prove peaceful nuclear program which made Iranian angry against Iran government.
2- what is challenge here not is not between Iran And IAEA, it is the US clain on Iran nuclear program.
3- just put yourself in Iranian shoes, why US must be closed to IAEA with thousands of nuke but must open all sites to US spies?
As a Pakistani , I view everything in our immediate neighbourhood is our business. Let me make that clear to you.
Iran is Pakistan's neighbour and that makes everything in Iran our national security interests. We do not want anyone to rock the boat when the situation is already tense enough. My view is the same view as the view of the government of Pakistan which is not the same as you may find among some Pakistanis who believe in Ummah.

you are right, i do believe Iran policy was stupid when you tested your first nuke Iran president supported Pakistani nuke in front of camera and did not care in Iran national security, and only considered Pakistan as a Muslim country that need support by that time. it is good lesson to Iranian public.
Paris agreement of 2004 - Under the terms of the Paris Agreement, on November 14, 2004, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator announced a voluntary and temporary suspension of its uranium enrichment program.


Iran reaffirms that, in accordance with Article II of the NPT, it does not and will
not seek to acquire nuclear weapons. It commits itself to full cooperation and
transparency with the IAEA. Iran will continue implementing voluntarily the Additional
Protocol pending ratification.
(the additional protocol allows for unannounced inspections)

To build further confidence, Iran has decided, on a voluntary basis, to continue
and extend its suspension to include all enrichment related and reprocessing activities
and specifically: the manufacture and import of gas centrifuges and their components;
the assembly, installation, testing or operation of gas centrifuges; work to undertake any
plutonium separation, or to construct or operate any plutonium separation installation;
and all tests or production at any uranium conversion installation. The IAEA will be
notified of this suspension and invited to verify and monitor it.

Paris agreement had tow parts obligations. do you think only Iran must follow that? when you broke the agreement Iran had right do not respect the agreement anymore.
Look......The bottom line can be expressed in the words of the IAEA head at the time Dr. ElBaradei.

Iran Begins Removal of IAEA Seals at Enrichment-related Locations

"In Dr. ElBaradei´s view, maintaining the suspension, resuming the dialogue with all concerned parties, and providing the necessary cooperation and transparency to the IAEA are conditions for a comprehensive and equitable solution that ensures Iran´s right to peaceful nuclear activities while assuring the international community of the peaceful nature of its nuclear programme."

The IAEA still considers Iran to be in breach of the NPT for a reason. If Iran's Nuke program was peaceful it would have nothing to fear in completely opening up to the IAEA. Which includes unannounced inspections.

the final agreement between IAEA and Iran was Mudelitate which IAEA asked all his questions and Iran answered all then the IAEA admitted all answers are credible, but a week or two after that US claimed new things without evidence but not IAEA.
Albaradei told this claim is meaning less too. but as everybody knows UN is always is under US pressure for US interest. and make a club with his western puppets and call themselves international community.(BIG JOKE).
Iran is not responsible to US.
Yes, and as I said in my first posts, I completely accept that the world should be worrying about Iran's nuclear programme and the proliferation of atomic weapons, but even in this report, the IAEA didn't condemn Iran to pursuing nuclear weapons. It was the first report of the agency after elbaradei left the office.

like 2 weeks ago, Iran accepted to let the agency experts visit Arak's heavy water plant. the refusal of accepting that before can be a mater of controversy but still it doesn't PROVE Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. but let's be fair, have the other sides of the treaty honored their obligations so far? why should Iran trust the west when they have never done anything constructive to boost trust?

plus, being under the direct threat of the US and its ally Israel, It sounds completely rational that Iran wants to spread its nuclear facilities to reduce the chance of being damaged by a possible strike. so That's pretty understandable why Iran is planning for the construction of more enrichment sites.

one more question that I want you to clarify it for me, why the IAEA doesn't show the same interest to know more about Israel's nuclear programme?

With all respect, I think you do big mistake when you establish logical argument with american, they use logic and law when has benefit to them and use force whenever is needed.
they do not have right to questioned anybody in nuclear issues, they are the first nation(not only government because still they have public support on) used nuke.
they are the people must answer the world questions about Hiroshima, Vietname, Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia, Panama, Pakistan,Iran passenger plane.....
even with your term of definition on "good" or "better". do you think US is better?
who is killing people all cross the world?do you know how many people have been killed by US soldiers and how many people kidnapped with CIA and tortured in last 5 decades?
If you say you are US treat well with US citizen them American are satisfied with then i am sorry to say you are selfish.
7 Billion people are in danger in the world only for 300 M sure them you feel you are better.change your paradigm then we will be able to see fact and why people hate US. i dont know whether have you been out of US or not. my American friends here always feel shy to say they are American here not for your individual freedom and value there but for your point of view about all people in world.
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