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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

U call ahmedanijad sensible!!!U call a person who has decided to destroy a country sensible.U call the person who oppresses people of his own country sensible(didn't u see the massive protests against him in Iran,didn't u see how they were beaten up by thugs from the basij militias????)

i feel him sensible....by making his country a NUCLEAR POWER.....& those massive protests were by American agencies to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power & to get rid of Ahmed bin nijad & to replace him with there man......the brave man of righteousness fighting for his country & Muslim Ummah!!
please open ur EYES!!!!
Army of UAE

50,500 Soliders ???

Why do you think UAE was offered nuclear deal ?
Why did UAE recently opened fire on Saudi Navy

Why do you think UAE , has been acting up against some island disputes with Iran ?

UAE is the new kuwait a sacrificial goat , if war happens it will be started by UAE , and then Israel will play its cards from behind the scenes ;) I know they were british but same strategy .... :P

Ever questioned why the french are there with their new shiny base ? East India company Act 2 I think ?

The strategy is simple you find a country that has weak leadership , and army you move your own armed men into that country , and when it gets attacked your own army , starts defending it and you end up controling the country , this is why French wanted to get a foot hold on Arabian land ....

Same approach which East India Company used to colonize Sub continent 100 of years ago ...

Why did Israeli's went and killed some Hammas leader and then blamed it on European ppl with fake passport , trying to get UAE and Iran diplomatically angry at each other ?

Colonization begins with bases in other countries
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wrong time to be in middle east i guess if something like war happens.

well guys will there be any country joining Iran in the event of a War??/
wrong time to be in middle east i guess if something like war happens.

well guys will there be any country joining Iran in the event of a War??/

Secret ;) sometimes suprises are nice :smokin: for all we know
Iran might have no problem with no middle eastern nation

A war with iran would signal expansion agenda of G8 on global resources and I am sure Russia and China will have their say ..

Russia may have had a false flag to go after chechnian rebels , with agreement from US(no interference), so it would not support iran , but it remains to be seen what will China say ? China was angry with the tiwan deal so its their turn to veto
Secret ;) sometimes suprises are nice :smokin: for all we know
Iran might have no problem with no middle eastern nation

A war with iran would signal expansion agenda of G8 on global resources and I am sure Russia and China will have their say ..

Russia may have had a false flag to go after chechnian rebels , with agreement from US(no interference), so it would not support iran , but it remains to be seen what will China say ? China was angry with the tiwan deal so its their turn to veto

Secret?? eyy.. please share that secret you only know..:D

So you think Isreal cares about a UN veto before attacking poor Iranians??/
Hey Chill mate.... we are discussing Iran Vs. Israel not U Vs. Mod + thatGirl + forum rules etc.

Back to Topic.

What is it that Iran has currently that can make Israel think twice before attacking Iran?
Lets see:
1. Ballistic Missiles
2. Hizbullah
3. Persian Gulf and Oil Trade.

what do you guys think?

Iran has one edge over Israel which is its vast spread terrain.

Iran can sustain multiple strikes but if Til aviv is hit , its over for Israel .

This is what Israeli generals say!
Secret?? eyy.. please share that secret you only know..:D

So you think Isreal cares about a UN veto before attacking poor Iranians??/

Agree with you , Israel is the only Country in the world which has rejected over 90 UN resolutions.
31 years and counting
Iran will never in a billion years be attacked by Israel
Pakistan attacking Iran is a bigger possibility at this point lol

Just STFU man dont talk nonsense !

Stop ruining my thread put up or shut up !
btw, no matter how much I say our airforce is **** in every thread, it won't matter to you cause you want to create a weak image of Iran.

The Israelis themselves say they don't have enough planes to take out Iran's facilities

First of all you are not an Iranian & having a Iranian flag won't make you one.

2nd creader and me already have done a counter anylasis of Iranian and israeli air forces on first and second page of the thread go read it if you haven't.

3rd: Founded 1948
Country Israel
Size ~750 aircraft

Part of Israel Defense Forces

Israel has over 750 Fighter bombers & most of them are F-15 Strike Eagle F-15 Eagle , F-16A/B , F-16C/D , and highly upgraded F-16I Sufa.

Israel can shoot down whole fleet of 330 Iranian fighters if they bring in their whole fleet to iran or most of it.

But if they bring 100 Jets for strike than Iran can repell the Attacks.
btw,care to explain why Pakistan is being attacked by drones while having a billion shiny f-16s?

Its not the topic , go the relevant thread and we will reply you .

Iran has a lot of deterrents that will keep Israel in check

Like what ??

lol 2 pages of irreverent discussions about Iran's airforce when Israel isn't even able to launch an attack

You can prove otherwise to us , can you ??
Iran is doomed. :(

Not That simple , but in the end of the day it is their own fault of not modernising their Air Fleet .

It may cost Iran its nuclear program now , lets say even if iran hits Israel after the attack , The iranian Nuclear program is already gone !
This is bad for both sides, if Israel wants they can decimate the entire Iranian airforce.

Russki , Iran is your long time Ally wont you help them when they would be being doomed ?

If Russia can sale Iran.

10 batteries of S-300 SAMs
100 Su-27 & Su-30Mkm and two IL-78 Refulers

Israel will think a million times before attacking iran.

But its up to Russians if they decide to Save Iran as an ally or produce another enemy in the region.:tup:
First of all you are not an Iranian & having a Iranian flag won't make you one.

2nd creader and me already have done a counter anylasis of Iranian and israeli air forces on first and second page of the thread go read it if you haven't.

3rd: Founded 1948
Country Israel
Size ~750 aircraft

Part of Israel Defense Forces

Israel has over 750 Fighter bombers & most of them are F-15 Strike Eagle F-15 Eagle , F-16A/B , F-16C/D , and highly upgraded F-16I Sufa.

Israel can shoot down whole fleet of 330 Iranian fighters if they bring in their whole fleet to iran or most of it.

But if they bring 100 Jets for strike than Iran can repell the Attacks.

I smell American hand also in these. They will definitely provide Israel with more than anything if it happens against Iran. And the people supporting Iran is too much dependent on US nowadays like Saudi, Pakistan , India etc that they will be seen only making protests and dialogues like "we condemn " in International forums as we have seen in Iraq invasion.
Russki , Iran is your long time Ally wont you help them when they would be being doomed ?

If Russia can sale Iran.

10 batteries of S-300 SAMs
100 Su-27 & Su-30Mkm and two IL-78 Refulers

Israel will think a million times before attacking iran.

But its up to Russians if they decide to Save Iran as an ally or produce another enemy in the region.:tup:

Russia and China will have to think 100 times before thinking selling something to Iran now at this juncture.

Any move by them and the war happens will take away all their oil deals with Iran.
Practically, Iran will suffer heavy loses against Israel but if Iran's Missile is an effective one than Israel will also be doomed.

Lets see what happens!
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