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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Overconfidence is the key to disaster.

Dont bother with him mate, read his argument he said airforce is irrelevant to this conflict lol

Seriously, If Israel attacks Iran we are going to see World War 3. Its going to be no good. Iran will also attack the nations that allow use of their airspace to get to Israel. And it is speculated that Iran will attack Saudi Arabia oil refineries.

World war ??? you have a world war when the world is at war with each other, in this case the entire world be at war with iran lol..Also Iran aint that dumb to attack Saudia, it knows what saudia will do, moreover it knows what Pakistan will do if it went after saudis
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i dont think Israel has balls to attack Iran......& i also think that it will lead to world war 3....between Israel & many other Arab countries as they will find it as a chance to get Israel.....!!!!!
Frankly speaking

If we looks the map

It brings the whole situation into shape

Iran has 1 Million + Armed men and women in Military that is alot

Lets juts look at the scenario

They have Good Air defence capabilities
a) They got long range Surface to Surface Missiles
b) They got Mid range Missiles
c) They got Short range missiles

So the normal planes like F16 , F15S, Canarry birds , all all dead ducks

They use systems (missile systems that are still main part of British air defences so there you go)

Plus they can launch 600 missiles at Israel in matter of 2 hours , we (here I mean me and you as reader including Indian) can imagine what the situation will be on ground , as these missiles are not going to be silly old qassam rockets.

Now we look at the other element -

One of the decisive factors for Iran would be , if it can link up with Syrian forces by Land so obviously the push will be made thru Iraq and also US will retaliate from Afghanistan.

Iran stated that it would block the oil supplies which it will and can
so logically if we view the map , Iran would drop 10,000-20,000 troops into UAE , and possible UAE has no military just planes which could become Iranian planes in matter of days. If Iran preemtive strikes UAE. Instant access to F16E/F

Iran could move its 200+ Heliocpter fleet into UAE, and capture the base or knock out major allied forces in Afghanistan

They S200 , or possibly S300 systems can carry almost 150 missiles meaning they can get 150 kills in air !!!

Then again Iran also has Tor missile systems and other locally produced systems!!!

This is why their research and development comes into factor

They also have ample supply of shoulder based missiles

Now comes the interesting part

So what will the Iranian Airforce do ? or could do

Well simple patrol and spot Stealth fighters dog fight it
400-500 planes to watch out for stealth is pretty good plan

So what are Iranian chances ... are they done yet ? No

3000 KM range , nuclear capable missiles

I would think twice before trying something that should be tried

I mean really Iran could take over UAE, knock out US out of Iraq/Afghanistan (once supplies are cut off for Afghanistan)

And Syria can move into Iraq as well instead of going into Israel , and all the fire power is launched at Israel .. :toast_sign:

Yeah :toast_sign:

300+ C130 Hercules would drop in supplied of shoulder fired stingers and drop it off in Lebonoon , and you got your self , ample force to take out the F16 rightinside israel tunnel it thru ... into Israel :toast_sign:

If I was Iran I would make sure , that there are enough shoulder fired missiles , that are dropped off in syria and lebnoon -

Iran could knock out all airfields for allies and israel in matter of few days

Plus they also have 400-500 planes as well enough to engage stealth fighters in air-air battles dogfights -

Do they have BVR ? or Air-Air - ? You tell me -
Do they also have S300 systems ? You tell me-

Will you dare fly 1200 km to Iran only to find S300 and scramble back only to find your old airport fields uncapable of landind and you end up ditching your F16 into dead seas?

Can, anyone risk war in Afghanistan again ?? they can't contain 100-2000 rouge taliban how can they fight 1,000,000 armed men to teeth !!!!

Did I mentioned Syria will also use its 400,000 men in military to crowd out iraq ?

Who do you think the typical Iraqi solider will work with arab speaking syrians
or ajnabi occupation soliders ?

100+ cobras to support from air

Also not forgeting Syrian 200 Fighters planes just in case they happen to engage the returning F16 Low on fuel in a dog fight - who happened to get just caught mid way


Iran is generally not interested in war but what can you do when someone attacks you or put sanctins on your country , just like in ww2 sanctions and embargoes lead to world wars
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Iran is ruled by a bunch of retards headed by ahmedanijad who has promised to remove Isreal from the face of earth.In that case Iran will solely be responsible for starting the third world war.

whats the matter with u man ....i think in other thread...some one mentioned that may be u watch BBC too much...& i think he was correct!!

& Iran is ruled by a very sensible person.....i think only one in the Muslim ummah to have enough balls to challenge America & Israel both at the same time..........

& please arik try to watch the world from brought view....not through BBC
Frankly speaking

If we looks the map

It brings the whole situation into shape

Iran has 1 Million + Armed men and women in Military that is alot

Lets juts look at the scenario

They have Good Air defence capabilities
a) They got long range Surface to Surface Missiles
b) They got Mid range Missiles
c) They got Short range missiles

So the normal planes like F16 , F15S, Canarry birds , all all dead ducks

They use systems (missile systems that are still main part of British air defences so there you go)

Plus they can launch 600 missiles at Israel in matter of 2 hours , we (here I mean me and you as reader including Indian) can imagine what the situation will be on ground , as these missiles are not going to be silly old qassam rockets.

Now we look at the other element -

One of the decisive factors for Iran would be , if it can link up with Syrian forces by Land so obviously the push will be made thru Iraq and also US will retaliate from Afghanistan.

Iran stated that it would block the oil supplies which it will and can
so logically if we view the map , Iran wodrop 10,000-20,000 uld troops into UAE , and possible UAE has no military just planes which could become Iranian planes in matter of days. If Iran preemtive strikes UAE.

Iran could move its 200+ Heliocpter fleet into UAE, and capture the base or knock out major allied forces in Afghanistan

They S200 , or possibly S300 systems can carry almost 150 missiles meaning they can get 150 kills in air !!!

Then again Iran also has Tor missile systems and other locally produced systems!!!

This is why their research and development comes into factor

They also have ample supply of shoulder based missiles

Now comes the interesting part

So what will the Iranian Airforce do ? or could do

Well simple patrol and spot Stealth fighters dog fight it
400-500 planes to watch out for stealth is pretty good plan

So what are Iranian chances ... are they done yet ? No

3000 KM range , nuclear capable missiles

I would think twice before trying something that should be tried

I mean really Iran could take over UAE, knock out US out of Iraq/Afghanistan (once supplies are cut off for Afghanistan)

And Syria can move into Iraq as well instead of going into Israel , and all the fire power is launched at Israel .. :toast_sign:

Yeah :toast_sign:

300+ C130 Hercules would drop in supplied of shoulder fired stingers and drop it off in Lebonoon , and you got your self , ample force to take out the F16 rightinside israel tunnel it thru ... into Israel :toast_sign:

which hollywood war movie did u watch lately???
trust me brother Iran has nothing and will surrender within few days if Isreal attacks Iran.
whats the matter with u man ....i think in other thread...some one mentioned that may be u watch BBC too much...& i think he was correct!!

& Iran is ruled by a very sensible person.....i think only one in the Muslim ummah to have enough balls to challenge America & Israel both at the same time..........

& please arik try to watch the world from brought view....not through BBC

U call ahmedanijad sensible!!!U call a person who has decided to destroy a country sensible.U call the person who oppresses people of his own country sensible(didn't u see the massive protests against him in Iran,didn't u see how they were beaten up by thugs from the basij militias????)
Seriously, If Israel attacks Iran we are going to see World War 3. Its going to be no good. Iran will also attack the nations that allow use of their airspace to get to Israel. And it is speculated that Iran will attack Saudi Arabia oil refineries.

Yeah that is a remote possibility ADT. but I don't want World War 3 at any costs.. :cry::cry:
which hollywood war movie did u watch lately???
trust me brother Iran has nothing and will surrender within few days if Isreal attacks Iran.

That bollywood movie title was



Iran Military 1,000,000+ soliders (Add 200,000 civilians picking up arms)
400 planes
Air defences to take out 150 + planes (High Altitude , Mid , Short range)
100+ Cobra helicopters

Population of Iran 71,000,000 Million people can you image .... 10% of that
joining armed froces !!!

2 Days is I can say Iran will flood out Iraq with Syria 2 days

Syria Military 500,000 Solideiers (add 100,000 civilians pickin up arms)
200 planes
Air defences to take out 60-80 planes

You add to that AK-47 and Shoulder fired launchers in C130 80 planes off to Lebnoon and you got yourself additional force of 100,000 soliders

A force that can't control 1,000 taliban can't match Trained military

What is gona happen in Iraq? Arabs will not favour Syria ? Or will they
side with good old occupation forces? Moonh ki khani pare gi

Oh wait , lets build bases in UAE to launch attacks well guess what that will be the first casualty of war UAE for opening bases on its soil, all those fancy F16E/F will be in Iranian army's control in 1-2 days

Israel is nothing special you knock out their airfields they are sitting ducks all mojo gone if the airfields are taken out

As for the AWACs when air field hi na rahi to awacs ka kiya faida?

71,000,000 Million ppl
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Azad do you ever, like EVER argue with an ounce of logic ?

Israel isn't gonna invade iran, they're mission will be to take out the nuclear sites thats it...and what world war ?? as if said before you have a world war "if the world nations are at war with eachother", you cannot have a worldwar when one nation is going up against the world. Iran has not a single country that will aid it, and believe me when time comes for a strike israel wont go at it alone, uncle sam will tag along for sure as will UAE and saudia
Azad do you ever, like EVER argue with an ounce of logic ?

Israel isn't gonna invade iran, they're mission will be to take out the nuclear sites thats it...and what world war ?? as if said before you have a world war "if the world nations are at war with eachother", you cannot have a worldwar when one nation is going up against the world. Iran has not a single country that will aid it, and believe me when time comes for a strike israel wont go at it alone, uncle sam will tag along for sure as will UAE and saudia

Lets wait on UN sanctions lets see what china says :china:
I am sure they are happy with the 5 billion dollar package for Tiwan

lol what 1 nation is at war - Iran is closing business deals china
and russia ... only nation I hear about war is Innocent Israel

Uncle ho ya Bhabhi ..when "Akhri ghalti" will hit the movie theatres there will be fireworks
my friend phir na to iraq , hoga na Afghanistan ... aur na hi UAE

Iran has already broken its shackles by being self sufficient in missile technology , UAE is size of 10 football fields lol

1000 sal ki ghulami se behtar hai 1 din ki azadi

Population of UAE 4 Million ppl , we all know 50% is South Asians living in UAE , 10% Iranians - there you go ...

Best strategy would be to get UAE airfields captured , get the F16E/F fly em into Iran
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Lets wait on UN sanctions lets see what china says :china:
I am sure they are happy with the 5 billion dollar package for Tiwan

lol what 1 nation is at war - Iran is closing business deals with china , and pakistan
and russia ... only nation I hear about war is Innocent Israel

Uncle ho ya Bhabhi ..when Akhri ghalti will hit the movie theatres there will be fireworks

tera Allah he hafiz hai bhai :cheers:
Main weapons of Iran is Hizbollah.;)
and Iran may attack US-NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. :D
Main weapons of Iran is Hizbollah.;)
and Iran may attack US-NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. :D

That is probably the only reason why Iran hasn't been bombed yet. The ongoing ops would be severely compromised if Iran started to throw down with their mullah's, any eventuality by iran would lead to a full-fledged war and US will therefore be forced to go after Tehran. Thats iran trump card, atleast for now
Main weapons of Iran is Hizbollah.;)
and Iran may attack US-NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. :D

Its just a neumerical suicide for Israel -

Forget US , its cash strapped and its army is stretched soliders tired ... no gas in tank ...

So they are preparing UAE as sacrificial goal to engage Iran , then it will be a pretext to go help UAE the idea would be to recreate the Kuwait style war to convince ppl its a war to help oppressed nation form some evil froce....

I was looking at the map and that passage between UAE/Iran is so narrow like iran said if they mined it with sea mines you can forget about oil and gas trade ...

Mean while Iran can paratroop into UAE and capture all airfields in 1-2 days what is 20,000 army do vs 1,000,000 soliders might as well gift the F16 E/F to iran how convinent to give it to UAE:cheesy: Answe is right there move your military into UAE and you get 60 F16 E/F and Mirage 2000 supplies , add them into your airforce

And the irony is that these birds have extra fuel capacity to fly to Israel and back to Iran

71,000,000 Million Irannis vs 20,000 UAE military is going to be a short struggle
71,000,000 Million iranis vs a weak iraq forces would be a cake walk for iran
71,000,000 million iranis vs 1,000-2,000 karzai soldiers would be you get the picture

What is Israel going to do fly its 500 F16 to iran , where will they land ??
In Israel , no cus the airfields will be already destroyed by the time they will reach home to refuel , no to mention only 100 odd will return back after encountering Iran air defences

And who will be protecting Israel ? when Syrian planes are flying over Israel while the F16 Fleet is making the 4 hour trip to iran ?

Or what if they want to land in Iraq or Afghanistan ?? Guess where the Iranain forces will go next ?
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Its just a neumerical suicide for Israel -

Forget US , its cash strapped and its army is stretched soliders tired ... no gas in tank ...

So they are preparing UAE as sacrificial goal to engage Iran , then it will be a pretext to go help UAE the idea would be to recreate the Kuwait style war to convince ppl its a war to help oppressed nation form some evil froce....

I was looking at the map and that passage between UAE/Iran is so narrow like iran said if they mined it with sea mines you can forget about oil and gas trade ...

Mean while Iran can paratroop into UAE and capture all airfields in 1-2 days what is 20,000 army do vs 1,000,000 soliders might as well gift the F16 E/F to iran how convinent to give it to UAE:cheesy:

And the irony is that these birds have extra fuel capacity to fly to Israel and back to Iran

your war scenarios are enough to give a guy brain tumour
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