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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

So the best way to Counter it is Playing clever Diplomacy.Not talking Big.

Kind of and also you need back ups as Pakistan would never had tested its devices if India didn't Thanks to India :lol:

Also when the fears were there that indian supported Terrorists would attack Kahuta and cause a Drama the "Counter meassures " were done a long time ago.

Iran should have a nuclear bomb but they need to keep their Arab neibours in Trust and not Let Zionists play around with their already malfunctioned brains.:coffee:
What are 1 billion impoverished people going to do? The fact is, India has always been dominated by foreign countries and 400 million Indians cannot read or right.

If that's the way educated Iranian's are running their country, then we are better off with 1 billion impoverished people. A saying goes

"You have got a million dollar body but 2 cent brains " :lol:

India is simply following hundred year old tactics " If you can't beat them, Join them". So far Indian diplomacy has achieved all around success.

US is going to remove crazy Ahmed and install its version of democracy and you can't do jack about it ,doesn't matter how much you bash India with your preconceived brainwashed 2 cent brain.
all the gulf countries have been dramatically upgrading their anti missile capabilities for awhile now. It will not be like the first Gulf war. Anti missile tech has improved by a huge margin.

As far as Iranians living there. Do you really think those Iranians are going to rise up? and from where are they going to get weapons? Please give me an example in recent history for this to happen.

Your grasping at straws to try and justify your feelings for Iran.

Like what ?

is it just me who is unaware of such developments ?
all the gulf countries have been dramatically upgrading their anti missile capabilities for awhile now. It will not be like the first Gulf war. Anti missile tech has improved by a huge margin.

As far as Iranians living there. Do you really think those Iranians are going to rise up? and from where are they going to get weapons? Please give me an example in recent history for this to happen.

Your grasping at straws to try and justify your feelings for Iran.

America's Anti-ballistic missile tests failed two months ago. No country in the world has anti ballistic missile defences.
If that's the way educated Iranian's are running their country, then we are better off with 1 billion impoverished people. A saying goes

"You have got a million dollar body but 2 cent brains " :lol:

India is simply following hundred year old tactics " If you can't beat them, Join them". So far Indian diplomacy has achieved all around success.

US is going to remove crazy Ahmed and install its version of democracy and you can't do jack about it ,doesn't matter how much you bash India with your preconceived brainwashed 2 cent brain.

How is America going to remove Ahmadinejad? India is just a slave country, first under Persians, then Moghols, then Persians again, then the British and now America. Indian diplomacy is worth ****, how long have you been asking for nuclear reactors from America?
all the gulf countries have been dramatically upgrading their anti missile capabilities for awhile now. It will not be like the first Gulf war. Anti missile tech has improved by a huge margin.

As far as Iranians living there. Do you really think those Iranians are going to rise up? and from where are they going to get weapons? Please give me an example in recent history for this to happen.

Your grasping at straws to try and justify your feelings for Iran.

This is their weapon. Mind you, its better than F-18 super hornet :lol:

What are 1 billion impoverished people going to do? The fact is, India has always been dominated by foreign countries and 400 million Indians cannot read or right.

Have u just landed from mars ??
How is America going to remove Ahmadinejad? India is just a slave country, first under Persians, then Moghols, then Persians again, then the British and now America. Indian diplomacy is worth ****, how long have you been asking for nuclear reactors from America?

Well i guess Alexander made millions of persians his slave after defeating Darius in the battle of Gaugamela.

Post your source of you being 100% sure of US Involvement in this possible strike first !

In a war you should not leave any possibility or surprises. It is known fact that USA is going to support whatever Israel needs. Be it weapons or diplomatic support.

USA army has large presence in Gulf region.
Vajpayee never said that he will wipe off Lahore or Islamabad from the face of earth..

Source ??

A recent Book disclosed that Vajpai talked about wiping Pakistan out of the Map and in retaliation he was ready to sustain 0.5 Billion Indian life loss -- we had a thread about it a while ago.

Iran does not have a nuclear weapon yet

How do you know they dont ?;) (Did you knew that Pakistan had its First Nuke in 1985 ?)

but isreal has nuclear,chemical,and biological weapons.I suggest u watch the documentary "Isreals secret weapons" if it is there on you tube..

Its an open secret and i know about it. BTW why IAEA is not Concerned about Israeli nukes which has oveturned 60 UN resolutions ?

Its just Iran just because they are Muslims ???

Maybe u will reconsider ur statement of Iran bombing Tel Aviv to stone age.

This statement has been quoted from an Israeli General !!
How is America going to remove Ahmadinejad? India is just a slave country, first under Persians, then Moghols, then Persians again, then the British and now America. Indian diplomacy is worth ****, how long have you been asking for nuclear reactors from America?

63 years, got succeeded in 2009. In 1971 Americans dispatched carrier group to nuke Indian slave. In 1998, America placed sanctions on Indian slave. In 2009 Indian slave force landed American plane and strip searched the Americans. In another instance, Indian slave force landed American place from diego garcia to afghanistan.

Don't get Jealous, China has or will shown/show its buttocks (read my earlier post). America was also under british occupation and so was china under Japan. Don't live in past brother and stop spewing your frustrations at me or India.
In a war you should not leave any possibility or surprises. It is known fact that USA is going to support whatever Israel needs. Be it weapons or diplomatic support.

USA army has large presence in Gulf region.

I think i can agree with that , but how can you be so sure that USA will Sustain another War just because of Israel ??

Provided the current situation between US and Israel it is already a question Mark .

Israeli PM was given the Most "Coldest" welcome in history by Americans just some days back.

BTW Israel has a capability to Strike Iran alone but Iran also has a capability to do same amount of damage by Destroying Dimona and Til Aviv.
Well i guess Alexander made millions of persians his slave after defeating Darius in the battle of Gaugamela.


Pls bro, let me answer him. Thanks
I am going to stop posting on this thread, i have had enough of fan boys with a slave mentality getting a boner every time their masters say something about Iran.
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