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Israeli A-50 PHALCON AWACS will play a key role in establishing that PAF lost F-16 to Mig-21

Israeli A-50 PHALCON AWACS will play a key role in establishing that PAF lost F-16 to Mig-21 Published March 5, 2019 | By admin SOURCE: ABHINANDAN RAO / FOR MY TAKE /

IDRW.ORG Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elta Electronics Industries of Israel developed EL/W-2090 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) radar system mounted on the Russian supplied Il-76 A-50 heavy Air-lifters will play a key role in establishing Radar Electronic Recording of not only PAF F-16s crossing the Line of control (LOC) in its futile attempts to target Indian military installation but also establish that PAF lost one F-16B fighter jet to Indian Air Force’s Mig-21Bis which was piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. According to sources close to idrw.org, Alone A-50 PHALCON AWACS flying well within Indian territory near state of Jammu and Kashmir was first to detect close to 24 PAF jets coming towards LOC. 3 F-16s before the LOC breach happened they were warned by IAF which they chose to ignore and invading aircraft entered nearly 3kms inside the Indian side of LOC and tried to target key Indian military installations but due to early detection close to six more IAF jets were scrambled and were already in the air. The whole sequence of events from their takeoffs from their forward base till the time they fled back to their base was recorded by the powerful Israeli Radar in the sky. F-16 going down and Mig-21 which was also later shot down was also recorded by the Airborne system which will be playing a key role in establishing facts of the whole sequence of events which took place that day. Indian officials have already submitted this key Electronic Radar Recordings of the F-16 breaching LOC and one being shot down with American interlocutors who will be sharing the same with US Administration. Pentagon is likely to study the evidence provided by the Indian side with Israeli help to establish facts and come to a conclusion. What will the US Administration do with the evidence is not clearly known yet but it is likely will create pressure on Pakistani military establishment to come clean or face sanctions.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/israeli-a-50-phalco...in-establishing-that-paf-lost-f-16-to-mig-21/ .
Stop crying. Airforces can show these things in public. why aren't they providing data regarding F-16? Why only a amraam casing? Kuch yo garbar h
musharraf says if pakistan hits with one nuke India will wipe out entire pakistan....if pakistan is ready to hit with 50 nukes?
you had nukes this time as well, where are they? why no nuke hit at us? why only talk about it and not even try about it?
guys, its time we all acknowledge that India called off pakistani nuke bluff.... if you have it we also have it. we may lose part of our country but you will lose everything.... and world will reel under nuclear cloud for years.

and most important thing here is India also called off the bluff of two front war. eastern neighbor said nothing till date against India apart from condemning the Pulwama attacks.
Pakistan was ready if India fired Brahmos, Nasr would have been your fate.
India and Isreal are thick as thieves. They are now covering each other because if you pull out the belt of one, pants of both will drop.
musharraf says if pakistan hits with one nuke India will wipe out entire pakistan....if pakistan is ready to hit with 50 nukes?
you had nukes this time as well, where are they? why no nuke hit at us? why only talk about it and not even try about it?
guys, its time we all acknowledge that India called off pakistani nuke bluff.... if you have it we also have it. we may lose part of our country but you will lose everything.... and world will reel under nuclear cloud for years.

and most important thing here is India also called off the bluff of two front war. eastern neighbor said nothing till date against India apart from condemning the Pulwama attacks.
what is ur age beta?
musharraf says if pakistan hits with one nuke India will wipe out entire pakistan....if pakistan is ready to hit with 50 nukes?
you had nukes this time as well, where are they? why no nuke hit at us? why only talk about it and not even try about it?
guys, its time we all acknowledge that India called off pakistani nuke bluff.... if you have it we also have it. we may lose part of our country but you will lose everything.... and world will reel under nuclear cloud for years.

and most important thing here is India also called off the bluff of two front war. eastern neighbor said nothing till date against India apart from condemning the Pulwama attacks.
Bluff was well known from the past as well. i guess, what this makes a difference is that for every terror attack in India, there will be Air/Sea Strikes deep inside Pakistan. That is the message i think world took. Only three countries only able to do it . USA, Israel, and now India.
IAF air superiority is clear advantage. Netra and Phalcon planes provide clear advantage in any conflict.

Mirage reached Balakot without any resistance.
pakistan PAC fooled completely and they thought IAF is going to bomb Bahwalpur for obvious reasons.
when Mirage reached Balakot to resistance to offer from PAF as they were fooled and busy chasing decoys.

im not saying anything of this, your own Mr gafoor is saying it.

try doing this with IAF once.
Haha listen to the statement of your own air chief. He has changed his stance faster than a chameleon changes colour. Now he says India MAY HAVE shot an f16
Israeli A-50 PHALCON AWACS will play a key role in establishing that PAF lost F-16 to Mig-21 Published March 5, 2019 | By admin SOURCE: ABHINANDAN RAO / FOR MY TAKE /

IDRW.ORG Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elta Electronics Industries of Israel developed EL/W-2090 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) radar system mounted on the Russian supplied Il-76 A-50 heavy Air-lifters will play a key role in establishing Radar Electronic Recording of not only PAF F-16s crossing the Line of control (LOC) in its futile attempts to target Indian military installation but also establish that PAF lost one F-16B fighter jet to Indian Air Force’s Mig-21Bis which was piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. According to sources close to idrw.org, Alone A-50 PHALCON AWACS flying well within Indian territory near state of Jammu and Kashmir was first to detect close to 24 PAF jets coming towards LOC. 3 F-16s before the LOC breach happened they were warned by IAF which they chose to ignore and invading aircraft entered nearly 3kms inside the Indian side of LOC and tried to target key Indian military installations but due to early detection close to six more IAF jets were scrambled and were already in the air. The whole sequence of events from their takeoffs from their forward base till the time they fled back to their base was recorded by the powerful Israeli Radar in the sky. F-16 going down and Mig-21 which was also later shot down was also recorded by the Airborne system which will be playing a key role in establishing facts of the whole sequence of events which took place that day. Indian officials have already submitted this key Electronic Radar Recordings of the F-16 breaching LOC and one being shot down with American interlocutors who will be sharing the same with US Administration. Pentagon is likely to study the evidence provided by the Indian side with Israeli help to establish facts and come to a conclusion. What will the US Administration do with the evidence is not clearly known yet but it is likely will create pressure on Pakistani military establishment to come clean or face sanctions.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/israeli-a-50-phalco...in-establishing-that-paf-lost-f-16-to-mig-21/ .

Now that is a big shame. India is making fake organisations to just prove its fake claims. It reminds me of someone making fake accounts to get 30 day free trials for a service.
as i said in another thread,
India is ready to climb the escalation ladder, what about pakistan?? ik shown white flag even before maggi on hot plate was cooked.
Pakistan is enjoying every single time of it. Please keep sending more ABHI.
Israeli weapons only work on unarmed civilians.
If I as much as pissed on these Israeli bustards they will be taken to red sea.
we dont want to kill any pakistani civilians. our fight is not with civilians at all. I personally dont want to kill any pakistani civilian no matter what they think of us.

We Pakistanis stand with our army.
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