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Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey

No sane man attacks armed Soldiers, these people wanted to die to become "martyrs" as many youtube videos show them saying. I see you are a sympathizer with these dead terrorists since logic is not working on you.

In case you forget, or you confused yourself, it was the terrorists hitting the soldiers before they even boarded the ship.
They should have used snipers rather than board the ship, one in the head would have ended this for everyone who was holding a weapon and waiting to murder and die.

Funny thing is thats what i was thinking about you, logic is not working on you. Let's end this here.
I can live with that. I said "Should have", which means they should have blown the engine so that it would have stopped the flotilla, instead of risking Israeli lives.

I would also like to say that if a 19 year old came running at me with a knife, i'd shoot him till the chamber was empty just for trying to kill me.

Like i said, do not judge unless you know what it feels like to be in a life and death situation. You could never understand unless you felt it yourself.

We know from history how big of a killer nation you are. Anything that you observe as a "threat" must be eliminated, that's very common Israeli ideology. This is also to be seen in your millitary training - Krav Maga.

We know Israel from its history. Let's have a little look on your 60-70 year old history:

We also know why all those state-based terror acts can be forgotten without paying the debts. Let's put an ear to American officials:

There is no way you can justify to a Turk the killings on Mavi Marmara. You are messing with the wrong country now.
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You didn't state the reason why. Is "Theirs but to do and die? Into the Valley of Death..."

Because Turks are persistant in what they believe is true, until the end of times.
No sane man attacks armed Soldiers, these people wanted to die to become "martyrs" as many youtube videos show them saying. I see you are a sympathizer with these dead terrorists since logic is not working on you.

In case you forget, or you confused yourself, it was the terrorists hitting the soldiers before they even boarded the ship.
They should have used snipers rather than board the ship, one in the head would have ended this for everyone who was holding a weapon and waiting to murder and die.

dont play ethic game in hear

there is basic concept in international politics one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. is it ?:wave:
I am pretty sure that the Israeli soldiers are soooo scared right now... What a ridiculus thing to do... What kind of person would think that one of the top three intelligence agencies in the world would let their soldiers harmed, specially if its an honor thing?

This is just a show and nothing more... I hope for justice for our brethren but not with this ridiculus statemens and acts... Turkish courts have no legal right to sentence someone over a thing they were already pardoned by UN... Turkey should have acted sooner and should not let Israel keep all that videos of 19 years of guy being shot in the head in point black range then show our guys resisting their attack like some sort of savagery...

Israel is not a rational state and they are wrong on so many level but I think we have to accept that one of the major reasons that Israel got away with what it did because of failed Turkish foreign policy. Blaming Israel is like blaming a mad person for a crime he committed, Israel already proved that they can make mass murder, ethnic cleansing, chemical attacks on civilians, etc

Turkey should never let her people in harms way and when she did, she should atleast take responsibilty and better do a damn thing about it. Not like this failed comedy...
No one could expect something like this, even from Israel.
What difference would it make if we acted sooner? They destroyed those records and images as soon as they have them. Just one or two of the records survived thanks to a woman who hide the tapes in her underwear.
I think this unwillingness of Israel to show those records, alone, should have been enough to declare them as guilty. Once again USA's influence saved them but even their influence got its limits. And Israel will pay what it did sooner or later, directly or indirectly...
This is just a show and nothing more... I hope for justice for our brethren but not with this ridiculus statemens and acts...Israel is not a rational state and they are wrong on so many level but I think we have to accept that one of the major reasons that Israel got away with what it did because of failed Turkish foreign policy. Blaming Israel is like blaming a mad person for a crime he committed...Turkey should never let her people in harms way and when she did, she should atleast take responsibilty -
You have the makings of a great politician, Deno.
The world will no longer allow themselves to be terrorized and threatened by Zionism. Your days are numbered.
No one could expect something like this, even from Israel.
What difference would it make if we acted sooner? They destroyed those records and images as soon as they have them. Just one or two of the records survived thanks to a woman who hide the tapes in her underwear.
I think this unwillingness of Israel to show those records, alone, should have been enough to declare them as guilty. Once again USA's influence saved them but even their influence got its limits. And Israel will pay what it did sooner or later, directly or indirectly...
Israel showed more than enough records. As I said, according to the international law Israel had right to sink that ship with all 700 terrorist darwin award supporters once they refused to stop after the clear warning.

Ironically smuggled tapes only strengthened the Israeli side showing Israeli soldiers with paintball guns and hooligans with chains and iron bars.
Israel showed more than enough records. As I said, according to the international law Israel had right to sink that ship with all 700 terrorist darwin award supporters once they refused to stop after the clear warning.

Ironically smuggled tapes only strengthened the Israeli side showing Israeli soldiers with paintball guns and hooligans with chains and iron bars.

Israel didn't show sh*t except some cheap propaganda. If your claims were true Israel would publish all of the records and images. There must be dozens of records and hundreds of pictures.

Enough with that "Israel had every right" bs.
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