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Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey

As illegal occupiers of Palestine, the State of Zionist Israel is a non entity for us so no one gives a hoot about you or your opinions.

Judging from your response in the bold, I am willing to bet you are an immature kid. Have you had your Bar Mitzvah yet kid ? Now go to bed, it is past your bedtime. Have mommy come and tuck you in and sing you a ZIONIST lullaby.

By the way, I am quite relaxed sipping my evening lemonade, ZIONIST KID.

Your immaturity, with your level of correspondence, suggests you've never quite developed your speaking skills.
You say "Zionist" as if it is an insult, but i wear the name with pride. I wear it everywhere i go, though i doubt you do the same with your Pakistani origin.

Must be frustrating, living in a country where you are considered a terrorist. But really, you are just an old man who has never quite grown up.
Your immaturity, with your level of correspondence, suggests you've never quite developed your speaking skills.
You say "Zionist" as if it is an insult, but i wear the name with pride. I wear it everywhere i go, though i doubt you do the same with your Pakistani origin.

Must be frustrating, living in a country where you are considered a terrorist. But really, you are just an old man who has never quite grown up.

"one doesn't get upset if a passing stray dog barks at you"

simple yet meaningful...what say fellow zionist!:lol:
Your immaturity, with your level of correspondence, suggests you've never quite developed your speaking skills.
You say "Zionist" as if it is an insult, but i wear the name with pride. I wear it everywhere i go, though i doubt you do the same with your Pakistani origin.

Must be frustrating, living in a country where you are considered a terrorist. But really, you are just an old man who has never quite grown up.

I'm sure you wear the blood of thousands of innocent children in your hands with pride, no news there buddy.
holocaust was the best thing that has ever happened . That should be repeated once more but i hope this time its Turkey who plays the role of Germany.
well this is the word they hate the most and terrorist is the word we hate the most. one thing i cant understand when they speak ,talk or draw things against our beloved Prophet(pbuh) , they tag it as a freedom of expression. While on the other hand they pass orders to countries that if somebody talks about holocaust , he should be handed over to Israel. where does the freedom of speech go when this happens?
Turkey is the only Country in the entire Middle East region who can teach a lesson to Israel, the indictment of Military ex high Commands is a part of Turkish strategy to put Israelis in the dock and this case will be escalate to international forums to make the life of Israeli diplomats difficult and finally Israel will have to kneel down to meet Turkish demands.
well this is the word they hate the most and terrorist is the word we hate the most. one thing i cant understand when they speak ,talk or draw things against our beloved Prophet(pbuh) , they tag it as a freedom of expression. While on the other hand they pass orders to countries that if somebody talks about holocaust , he should be handed over to Israel. where does the freedom of speech go when this happens?

Yes, i understand what you mean mate but believe me there are better ways to express yourself..With promoting mass murder, you are degrading yourself to the ones who insult our Prophet(Pbuh) level..Well of course thats my opinion, you are entitled to your opinion
well this is the word they hate the most and terrorist is the word we hate the most. one thing i cant understand when they speak ,talk or draw things against our beloved Prophet(pbuh) , they tag it as a freedom of expression. While on the other hand they pass orders to countries that if somebody talks about holocaust , he should be handed over to Israel. where does the freedom of speech go when this happens?

So you want us downgrade our level to their level? Should we be bad because they are bad.? No It doesn't suite us. We Muslims cant act just like them.
That whole charging issue is stupid but ;

"Foreign Minister urges European nations to 'put Turkey back in its place'"

Thats crosses the line...
Its ok if israel goes around terrorizing poor palestinians but wont tolerate being terrorized,what goes around comes around israel:D
That whole charging issue is stupid but ;

"Foreign Minister urges European nations to 'put Turkey back in its place'"

Thats crosses the line...
He is telling them not to cooperate with this government which is only looking to gain points in the Arab world, by portraying themselves as enemies of Israel.
life is so amazing that i can agree with an israeli for once: yes, erdogan is a deviant radical who embraces a rootless, militant ideology.

...serves the equally rootless jewish race right that this bastardly, militant, pan-turkic terrorist is now their enemy

I read your posts with complete amazement. And i wonder why you are still not banned...
He is telling them not to cooperate with this government which is only looking to gain points in the Arab world, by portraying themselves as enemies of Israel.

Then he should be more careful while picking the words, don't know though if its his direct quote or the crap of the news site.
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