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Israel warns India of al Qaeda threat, seeks protection of its subjects

Don't allow Israeli Mossad agents into your nation whom have blood on their hands.

Live more safely? How do you come to that conclusion? Since the Arab people are busy in uprisings against their local regimes?

The point was that terrorism isn't exclusive to Muslims, Israelis have committed terrorism in Iraq and India has committed terrorism in Pakistan.

This intelligence 'briefing' is fabricated by Israel to make it appear that they're threatened by 'Islamic terrorism' so they could claim that case against the Palestinians.

In other words to justify their occupation and crackdowns against the Palestinian people under the pretext of fighting 'Global Jihad'.

What the hell are you talking about?
Do you know anything about Pakistan? But we know after all we are suffered due to regular terror attacks supported by Pakistan.
Traditionally India supports Palestinian cause.But dont take your petty quarrel in to our soil.In our soil we dont allow anything like that.Any person who conspired or tried to killl the people in India through most coward acts of terror attacks will meet with iron hand.Any one who takes arms against our nations be it Hindus or any other religions we will hunt them if we need we will kill them.
So dont try to comment about a subject that is out of your knowledge.

Hey mister we dont need so called 'freedom fighters' or 'non state actors' or 'terrorists' to complete our missions.we can do it our own .
We have our own agencies and systems.
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Nope, there are Western terrorists invading foreign lands killing millions. Muslims aren't invading foreign lands and killing millions of Westerners.

Hamas fights for the survival of the Palestinian people. As usual, you disregard all violence committed by one side since it doesn't suit your perspective.

We dont support massacres cause by Israeli military forces .But we cant do anything about that .After all they got support from US ans West countries.Personally ,may be I am wrong,But I dont consider Hamas as a terrorists organisation.They are resistance.But other organistaion that created due to inspiration from that are too evil
This is nonsense, Israel doesn't have intelligence from the West to the East.

You reap what you sow Israel, don't launch terrorist attacks against the people of the Middle East next time.

If this has any truth in it, although I have a feeling it's a typical day where India and Israel want to refer to Muslims as 'terrorists'. Even though they're some of the worst terrorist scum on this earth:

Bodies found, more missing after India massacre of Muslims| Reuters
Jaffna hospital massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish-Zionist Terror.
Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack - The Washington Post


So you blame Indians for what exactly? The first article was about some dead ppl who happened to be Muslims? Jaffna Hospital massacre? Back in 1987? If you read the Wiki, it stated the voctims were caught in a cross fire. LTTE was known to use such tactics. How far do you want me to go back to show you some Muslim atrocities?
Don't allow Israeli Mossad agents into your nation whom have blood on their hands.

why do we worry about it... ya they've blood in their hand.. bloods of terrorists.. thats a good thing... and don't you tell indians what to and what not to do... you better take care of your Palestinian children who're trained to kill innocents..


You have a problem with calling al qaeda and it's affiliates as terrorists? why is that?

He himself a terrorist from Hamas... what do you expect

The Israeli state is responsible for their actions. Bad actions lead to increased danger for your citizens.

So now because of the bad actions done by Palestinians caused them in such a situation that they're in now.. right???
2) India has more muslims than your entire middle east. And guess what, they all live much more safely than most parts of your middle east. The number of muslims killed in riots in India is less than a fraction of a fraction of those that are killed in your middle east each year. Of course even a single killing is regrettable and condemnable, but don't pretend that India is the place that terrorizes muslims en masse. Look at your own favorite regions for that. Also, in these religious riots, muslims have also killed non muslims - it's not a one way street. And no we don't consider muslims to be terrorists, unless they indulge in terrorism. The majority of our muslim population do no such thing.
this is the biggest misfortune of India that muslims live here, these traitors wont let the followers of other religion live with peace, most of the muslims hav terrorist mindset and want to impose their barbaric religion on others. history tells us that all the countries which had muslem population disintegrated, be it Russia, India, Sudan or others
Well i had this perception that Israel only warns and tries to fight or fights with Muslims and Muslim Nations,, for the first time i have seen Israel warning in India.

Indians have got enough inteligence and security to save themselves even it few people can breach security like the recent attack on India.. India defended its soil without any trouble.

Well the biggest threat for the world is ISRAEL not us Muslims. Why don't Israel solve their problem first they have to bring justice and provide land to Palestinians , they have clearly stolen that land. Now these thieves will secure the World with peace how can that be possible. They do all kinds of evil against Palestinians and yet they talk about Justice.

Well i had this perception that Israel only warns and tries to fight or fights with Muslims and Muslim Nations,, for the first time i have seen Israel warning in India.

Indians have got enough inteligence and security to save themselves even it few people can breach security like the recent attack on India.. India defended its soil without any trouble.

Well the biggest threat for the world is ISRAEL not us Muslims. Why don't Israel solve their problem first they have to bring justice and provide land to Palestinians , they have clearly stolen that land. Now these thieves will secure the World with peace how can that be possible. They do all kinds of evil against Palestinians and yet they talk about Justice.


I like many Indian love Israel and Jews. We have no problem with them. We can always use the Israeli assistance to help us weed out all these terrorists supported by various states including Pakistan. Plz don't waste our time with BS. Your own Army generals have stated they don;t mind talking to Modi but with all option available inlcuding terror.
I like many Indian love Israel and Jews. We have no problem with them. We can always use the Israeli assistance to help us weed out all these terrorists supported by various states including Pakistan. Plz don't waste our time with BS. Your own Army generals have stated they don;t mind talking to Modi but with all option available inlcuding terror.
I have no problem with jews.. but its their government. ISRAEL if u will think logically they were the ones who started bloodshed and were against peace..
who said them to occupy land that belongs to other nation..
You wont understand it unless they occupy ur India ..
World was at peace who fought WW1 who fought WW2.. We don't support terrorism we are in middle of WAR.

So u mean to say Indians want to weed out terrorism with ISRAEL (The Country formed forcefully , The Country which kills palestian children without any reason, the country that builds illegal settlements. the country that blocks shipment of foreign aid, food supplies, educational stuff to the Palestinians. The Country that has breached many foreign laws.. Probably you are right ISRAEL wants peace as they are working hard for peace.. Kudos!

Wow Brother ,, all i can say is GOOD LUCK.

What the hell are you talking about?
Do you know anything about Pakistan? But we know after all we are suffered due to regular terror attacks supported by Pakistan.
Traditionally India supports Palestinian cause.But dont take your petty quarrel in to our soil.In our soil we dont allow anything like that.Any person who conspired or tried to killl the people in India through most coward acts of terror attacks will meet with iron hand.Any one who takes arms against our nations be it Hindus or any other religions we will hunt them if we need we will kill them.
So dont try to comment about a subject that is out of your knowledge.

Why are you not hunting SHIV SENA the biggest terrorist hindu on the face of earth and come on u guys are Voting Modi.

perhaps from your points i can say India supports hindu extremists and we can see you guys are voting one too.. now dont bring up your biased comments instead accept the fact good and evil exist everywhere.
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Why you in America rocking an American flag, if you hate us so much? Go back to Pali land then? Oops I forget there is no such thing :sarcastic:

Hey give him some Respect. His land is occupied.
Atleast they have got Bathrooms.
O sorry u r Indian
"A Bathroom is a place where people go for bathing, to pee and to shit, to shave to brush etc"

Don't worry your MODI will build them for you AB Ki BAR MODI Sarkar..

Israel should provide you guys AID for building bathrooms,, Their Jewish residents are having problems living in India because they cant find a proper place to shit.. I wonder why are they not focusing on that.
I have no problem with jews.. but its their government. ISRAEL if u will think logically they were the ones who started bloodshed and were against peace..
who said them to occupy land that belongs to other nation..
You wont understand it unless they occupy ur India ..
World was at peace who fought WW1 who fought WW2.. We don't support terrorism we are in middle of WAR.

So u mean to say Indians want to weed out terrorism with ISRAEL (The Country formed forcefully , The Country which kills palestian children without any reason, the country that builds illegal settlements. the country that blocks shipment of foreign aid, food supplies, educational stuff to the Palestinians. The Country that has breached many foreign laws.. Probably you are right ISRAEL wants peace as they are working hard for peace.. Kudos!

Wow Brother ,, all i can say is GOOD LUCK.

Why are you not hunting SHIV SENA the biggest terrorist hindu on the face of earth and come on u guys are Voting Modi.

perhaps from your points i can say India supports hindu extremists and we can see you guys are voting one too.. now dont bring up your biased comments instead accept the fact good and evil exist everywhere

Who are you to question our parties and leaders and our system? Did I attack any leaders or parties in Pakistan? We will vote for Modi if we want .Who are you to question that?
Who the heck cares about your opinion?
First you clean up your own country and criticize your own leaders ,make your country to stand is own feet and then criticize us.
Your leaders already acknowledged the use of so called non state actors or sub conventional warfare against India.Do you want proof?
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Hey give him some Respect. His land is occupied.
Atleast they have got Bathrooms.
O sorry u r Indian
"A Bathroom is a place where people go for bathing, to pee and to shit, to shave to brush etc"

Don't worry your MODI will build them for you AB Ki BAR MODI Sarkar..

Israel should provide you guys AID for building bathrooms,, Their Jewish residents are having problems living in India because they cant find a proper place to shit.. I wonder why are they not focusing on that.

Who said he does? Respect for what? He showed no respect for India and Indians. Half of India has bathrooms.....more than Pakistan and imaginary Pali land.

Modi makes you worried right? I love it. I enjoy seeing him elected:azn:

Oh trust me, Jews and Indians are working together to get of "that shit.":coffee:
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