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Israel vs. Egypt: Who Would Win a Total War for the Sinai Today?

There hasn't been a single post that offers any semblance of technical data to support one side or the other. Nothing but biased views based on the usual hatred towards Egypt to the point where they can't list a single technical thing whatsoever! It's astonishing, but not surprising.

All of this crap from a silly OP by @Zarvan , I thought you were better than that to start a flaming war like this because you knew very well this would happen yet you went ahead and posted it. I wonder why?

No one has listed one single defense capability that Egypt possesses that would actually debilitate Israel's air force from the getgo and none of you know about it because you choose to be ignorant in the matter and don't try to educate yourself before spewing out your one-sided bias.

Egypt has a pair of 1100 kilometre surveillance and radar that operates on low L-band radar frequencies made by Russia that covers a diameter area of that 1100 miles which essentially encompasses all of Israel and much much more. There's a dedicated team of very well educated officers who man those command stations and radars 24 hours 365 days and produce daily briefings that reach a certain level of command who then based on the information (which includes all enemy and civilian air and ground equipment within that large air space in surrounding countries and f that individual determines the needs to go any further up the chain, he does. Either way, it ends up at the highest command once a week so that he's in the loop of what is going on for every day that week and so is every one else responsible for the 3 branches of the military.

That's just one aspect. The other is a trained group of forces that breaches the canal in a few hours and drives deep into the Sinai to set up pre-determined positions to create a layered wall of defense that includes several armored divisions including their own mobile SAM batteries along with a huge contingency of infantry brigades split in 3 division, totaling about 150,000 men.

Egypt has 8 E-2C Hawkeyes for AWACs and EW along with 2 C-130 compass calls for dedicated EW as well as other platforms in jamming the enemy to the point that the last time they used the ground units for jamming, they shut down the lower half of Israel's cell phone service for a day or so.

I'll leave it at that for now and come back with more regarding the air force and the navy since the objective is for Israel to invade Sinai an capture it and all Egypt needs to do is defend it. Right? lol, Egypt has been planning and readying and supplying for this day since 1987. All of you posting so far don't have a clue about any of this stuff as it's pretty clear and only chose to degrade and insult but offer nothing in terms of how Israel would come close to pulling it off and all you do is base it on 1967 when the situation was quite different and let alone 1956 when the UK and France fought Egypt at the same time allowing Israel to invade Sinai, only to be told by Eisenhower to GTFO and all three tucked their tails between their legs and did the walk of shame.

Anyone knows anything about military would understand that without the element of surprise, the attacker must have 3 to 5 times the power of the defender in order to only have a chance for victory. That doesn't even guarantee victory, it just raises one's chances, This is basic military stuff that clearly none of you commenting with such confidence in Israel's favor out of personal agendas have a clue about.

And what about separation of forces after the last war in 1973 when Egypt sent Israel packing halfway across Sinai losing half the territory it gained in 1967?!?!?! Anyone know what and how it's shaped for BOTH countries, Egypt as well as Israel? What, no? Of course you don't loool it's clear as day reading the 6th grade commentary on here. I suggest you familiarize yourself with all of Egypt's capabilities (that would take a while, actually) and what they have done in Sinai to prevent another invasion and what protocols does the Egyptian army have to defend Sinai which oh, BTW, is EGYPTIAN land in case any of you have some delusions that it's belongs to ISIS or the Palestinians or something along with the level of intelligence witnessed here so far and then get back to us. This should be good, Cheers.
Ignorance and mostly hatred is known to blind people.. mostly trolls full of bias and grief for their own situations..

So after this thread.. anyone talking BS is just a hater..of himself first because he can't believe the truth of the matter..:

Really,you would be ok if one of yours did this?
This fanboy is not only ridiculing himself but also the country.
You know there is reality and fantasy,this is beyond fantasy.

Not fantasy .. you anti-ERDOGAN

Turkiye develops its own missiles as like Israel ... so what hurts you ? then Cabatli53 is also fanboy who show Turkish military projects day and night


what about Egypt ? nothing
on the other hand Egypt is begging for BVR and land attack Cruise Missile ...

all anti Turk users now like your comments .....
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this conclusion is based on assumptions that will likely prove to be false. Just because something happened 40+ years ago doesnt mea the same thing will happen today thats faulty logic.

What change you are watching in all arab countries ?
They have 3rd class tech, no good weapons, their army is shit,
Most of Arab rulers are US/Israel @$$L1ck3r$, they are greedy, hungry, selfish, and jokers,

On other side, Israel has advanced tech, good intelligence institutes, good weapons, even hard working army..
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Israel enjoys superiority in tech.
There hasn't been a single post that offers any semblance of technical data to support one side or the other. Nothing but biased views based on the usual hatred towards Egypt to the point where they can't list a single technical thing whatsoever! It's astonishing, but not surprising.

All of this crap from a silly OP by @Zarvan , I thought you were better than that to start a flaming war like this because you knew very well this would happen, yet you went ahead and posted it. I wonder why?

No one has listed one single defensive capability that Egypt possesses that would actually debilitate Israel's air force from the getgo and none of you know about it because you choose to be ignorant in the matter and don't try to educate yourself before spewing out your one-sided bias.

Egypt has a pair of 1100 kilometre surveillance and radar stations that operate on low L-band radar frequencies made by Russia that cover the entire circumference of that 1100 kilometre circle which essentially encompasses all of Israel and much much more. There's a dedicated team of very well educated& trained officers who man those command stations and radars 24 hours 365 days and produce daily briefings that reach a certain level of command who then, based on the information (which includes all enemy and civilian air and ground equipment) within that large air space in surrounding countries and if that individual determines the need to go any further up the chain, he does. Either way, it ends up at the highest command once a week so that he's in the loop of what is going on for every day of that week and so is every one else responsible for the 3 branches of the military.

That's just one aspect. The other is a trained group of forces that breaches the canal in a few hours and drives deep into the Sinai to set up pre-determined positions to create a layered wall of defense that includes several armored divisions including their own mobile SAM batteries along with a huge contingency of infantry brigades split in 3 division, totaling about 150,000 men.

Egypt has 8 E-2C Hawkeyes for AWACs and EW along with 2 C-130 compass calls for dedicated EW as well as other platforms in jamming the enemy to the point that the last time they used the ground units for jamming, they shut down the lower half of Israel's cell phone service for a day or so.

I'll leave it at that for now and come back with more regarding the air force and the navy since the objective is for Israel to invade Sinai an capture it and all Egypt needs to do is defend it. Right? lol, Egypt has been planning and readying and supplying for this day since 1987. All of you posting so far don't have a clue about any of this stuff as it's pretty clear and only chose to degrade and insult but offer nothing in terms of how Israel would come close to pulling it off and all you do is base it on 1967 when the situation was quite different and let alone 1956 when the UK and France fought Egypt at the same time allowing Israel to invade Sinai, only to be told by Eisenhower to GTFO and all three tucked their tails between their legs and did the walk of shame.

Anyone knows anything about military would understand that without the element of surprise, the attacker must have 3 to 5 times the power of the defender in order to only have a chance for victory. That doesn't even guarantee victory, it just raises one's chances, This is basic military stuff that clearly none of you commenting with such confidence in Israel's favor out of personal agendas have a clue about.

And what about separation of forces after the last war in 1973 when Egypt sent Israel packing halfway across Sinai losing half the territory it gained in 1967?!?!?! Anyone know what and how it's shaped for BOTH countries, Egypt as well as Israel? What, no? Of course you don't loool it's clear as day reading the 6th grade commentary on here. I suggest you familiarize yourself with all of Egypt's capabilities (that would take a while, actually) and what they have done in Sinai to prevent another invasion and what protocols does the Egyptian army have to defend Sinai which oh, BTW, is EGYPTIAN land in case any of you have some delusions that it's belongs to ISIS or the Palestinians or something along with the level of intelligence witnessed here so far and then get back to us. This should be good, Cheers.
Sir sorry to say Arab nations since their creation have a disastrous past. You were totally annihilated in 1967 and in 1973 even when you managed to attack Israel first Israel after suffering losses from initial strikes managed to not only recover but hit back hard. Despite being 10 times smaller than you both in population and size.

Therefore remaining in denial won't work. Israel since 1973 have done remarkable operations and attacked countries bigger than itself and countries which had bigger forces. Israel has mastered the art of cyber and electronic warfare they killed your scientists at will specially those who dared to work on your Missile program and given you a headache and gotten away with it.

Now you are building your capacity. Your recent inductions are proof of that but also are raising questions on does Egypt even know what they are doing. First of all you are literally buying every fighter jet you can get your hands on which will create a maintenance and logistical nightmare. Plus can you integrate them in one network. Also in modern wars Fighter Jets if they are not backed by AWACS and Electronic warfare planes are of no use. Therefore Egypt needs to learn from its past prepare for war with Israel work on its training plus introducing cyber and Electronic warfare domains.

Finally nobody wants Arabs to fail against a state like Israel. No Pakistani on this forum has any love for Israel. They hate it but they are smart enough to appreciate an enemy who has shown it's worth and should be given respect for being a formidable enemy and Egypt and other Arab nations need to rectify their mistakes by standing up and eventually defeating Israel.

@The Eagle @Foxtrot Alpha @PanzerKiel @Sulman Badshah @Horus @BHarwana @The SC @HRK @waz @AUz @Horus
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Israel vs. Egypt: Who Would Win a Total War for the Sinai Today?

This video will assess the outcome of a potent conflict between the Israeli Defence Force and the Egyptian Armed Forces. It will explore the aerial, air defence, ground, naval and ballistic missile capabilities of both countries, and the advantages and disadvantages both are expected to face. Egypt and Israel have fought multiple wars throughout their histories, and the defence planning of both countries today is still largely predicated on waging a possible conflict against the other despite the ongoing cold peace between them.

Israel can defeat Egypt in few days not even weeks.

In every Arab Israel war, Israel was alone yet they defeated allied Arabic force.
Sir sorry to say Arab nations since their creation have a disastrous past. You were totally annihilated in 1967 and in 1973 even when you managed to attack Israel first Israel after suffering losses from initial strikes managed to not only recover but hit back hard. Despite being 10 times smaller than you both in population and size.

Therefore remaining in denial won't work. Israel since 1973 have done remarkable operations and attacked countries bigger than itself and countries which had bigger forces. Israel has mastered the art of cyber and electronic warfare they killed your scientists at will specially those who dared to work on your Missile program and given you a headache and gotten away with it.

Now you are building your capacity. Your recent inductions are proof of that but also are raising questions on does Egypt even know what they are doing. First of all you are literally buying every fighter jet you can get your hands on which will create a maintenance and logistical nightmare. Plus can you integrate them in one network. Also in modern wars Fighter Jets if they are not backed by AWACS and Electronic warfare planes are of no use. Therefore Egypt needs to learn from its past prepare for war with Israel work on its training plus introducing cyber and Electronic warfare domains.

Finally nobody wants Arabs to fail against a state like Israel. No Pakistani on this forum has any love for Israel. They hate it but they are smart enough to appreciate an enemy who has shown it's worth and should be given respect for being a formidable enemy and Egypt and other Arab nations need to rectify their mistakes by standing up and eventually defeating Israel.

@The Eagle @Foxtrot Alpha @PanzerKiel @Sulman Badshah @Horus @BHarwana @The SC @HRK @waz @AUz @Horus
Is this ignorance on purpose.. or just an inferiority complex projected as a superiority complex from your part.. we Arabs know our worth.. whatever people like you try to say and mask it with nice words.. It is like if Arabs did not know Who they fought against and won many wars against.. and you feel this "Urge" to tell them _ as you consider yourself more Knowledgeable in their own affairs_..this just depicts the inferiority feelings on your part.. nothing else.. you can worship Usrael as much as you want..at the End we know you are worshipping the US and NATO countries..not their proxy Usrael..

WTF..even bare footed _as you call them_Houthis can make BM and drones now a day..when backed by Iran..

* So why don't you read this thread --and read it again and again till you digest it.. and become rational in your thinking.. because otherwise you are just displaying ignorance and an inferiority complex when thinking about Arabs and their achievements throughout history..Suffice to recognize their faith, determination, wisdom in spreading Islam all over the known world.. and recently in 1973.._not mentioning the war of attrition between 1967 and 1973_ that you might never heard about before..

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Time to see if those systems are more than a video

Gotta love those stupid threads
All I can say is that if Egypt can take out Israeli airbases they lose most of their offensive capabilities albeit they do have ground launched CMs, and BMs. Long range MLRS is probably the way to go which is probably why Jordan acquired long range MLRS from China recently.
There is only one way that Egypt will beat Israel...use the same tactics that hindu/Pakistan used against the Brits..and maybe....Israel will abandon Palestine...any other method, the domino will be closed on Egypt in less than.....6hrs...with the double six left in her hand....
There is only one way that Egypt will beat Israel...use the same tactics that hindu/Pakistan used against the Brits..and maybe....Israel will abandon Palestine...any other method, the domino will be closed on Egypt in less than.....6hrs...with the double six left in her hand....

Mighty Algerian amry can defeat Israel with people like you....
All I can say is that if Egypt can take out Israeli airbases they lose most of their offensive capabilities albeit they do have ground launched CMs, and BMs. Long range MLRS is probably the way to go which is probably why Jordan acquired long range MLRS from China recently.
Egypt has enough weapons to counter even a nuclear attack by Usrael..If the US can land it some..
These guys here want to divert the potential war with Turkey over Libya to a Usraeli vs Egypt conflict..a very childish tactic after seeing their God -they worship- Turkey having no chance whatsoever against Egypt in a war..
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