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Israel vs. Egypt: Who Would Win a Total War for the Sinai Today?

Life is easy in Egypt with 5-6 Billion Dollar per year coming in , they have no reason to stop free deposits of 5-6 billion per year , not loan it is none repayable grants and aid

I don't see any reason why they would even bother with Palestinian cause
Egyptians should go the Iranian way and make loads of missiles.

Remember if the super Soviet Union could be bought down to its knee's
in Afghanistan then Egypt can chuck the Israeli's into the dustbin of history.
Israel and Egypt have a similarity. They are all US allies.
Israel and Egypt have a similarity. They are all US allies.

You're wrong. One is ally and the other is pawn. These are very different terms, Israel and egypt are not the same thing for the United States. The worst scenario for the United States and Israel would be the departure of Sisi.
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Israeli victory can only come if they totally dominate Air Battle by totally surprising Egyptians just like in 1967 and to counter that Egypt needs to work on few things. First get as many AWACS plus Electronic Warfare and Jamming Planes. Work on its cyber warfare capability and work on its Pilots training plus more BVR capable jets. Also Air Defence network should be stronger plus for GOD sake either develop or get long Range Cruise Missiles.

Egypt collects 5 Billion per year free bounty from USA , as payment for not attacking Israel
A strategic payout till Population in Israel grows 100 times what it is today

  • Call it Grant
  • Aid
  • Support
  • Coalition Funding

Egypt's Role
  • Remain a neutral partner with Israel
  • Ensure Palestinians are not allowed to reenter Occupied lands
  • Remain defector power in Northern Africa
  • Spread the Arab power persona in general public

An American/Israeli Friendly Commander is Kept as head of state to prevent Egypt becoming Islamic republic

There is a reason why a 30+ year Hosani Mubarak reign was allowed to take place

The Egyptian Top Brass has no interest to change the status quo , they like the way things are

When Egypt had a people's government i.e. Islamic Democracy , it was quickly toppled by stopping economic aid to country , and curb in Tourism industry to force Egypt to change their Government. Opposing groups in country were activated to demonstrate against government and Egypt was presented as a anti democratic state unless it put the Elected leaders into Prison
Off course they do but funny thing is even after all this Israel still is official enemy number one of Egypt and Egypt Military purchases and preparations and exercises are done keeping Israel in mind.
Egypt and Syria history can be taken as reference. After war, could be another military coup and everybody understand Sisi's value. lol
The Sinai , Peninsula is a massive 100 km zone
It is a desert pretty much , so doubt what will egypt do there

Egypt does posses ample SAMs
> Buk
> S-300
> Patriot

It is a decent size barrier between two countries
Egypt have symbolic control of over the Sinai area and things are generally calm
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Take 5-6 Billion a year ? Or Waste time with Israel who are on the other side of desert you can't even see them ?

It seems Egyptians have made their mind , Cash Habibi

Decent Air Control
Getting F16 (200+)
Getting Rafael (14+) <They paid 200 million per jet to French : ouch>
Getting French Older craft Mirage V , Mirage 2000 (70-100+)
Getting County Secondary platform (K-8 100+)

Multi Layer Ground Defenses
Getting Patriot Missiles (Active)
Getting S-300 SAM(Active)
Getting Buk (Active)

Getting $$$$$$$$ , It's a smart foreign policy
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unfortunately , Israel will win .. No question about that Israeli forces are highly motivated and EG forces are demoralized and corrupt .
Israel vs. Egypt: Who Would Win a Total War for the Sinai Today?

This video will assess the outcome of a potent conflict between the Israeli Defence Force and the Egyptian Armed Forces. It will explore the aerial, air defence, ground, naval and ballistic missile capabilities of both countries, and the advantages and disadvantages both are expected to face. Egypt and Israel have fought multiple wars throughout their histories, and the defence planning of both countries today is still largely predicated on waging a possible conflict against the other despite the ongoing cold peace between them.

Israel. Any doubt?
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