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Israel vs. Egypt: Who Would Win a Total War for the Sinai Today?

I think Israel would win, but at a very high cost.

The cost would be high, but not like in the past. I'm sure the Israeli's will bring the fight to Egyptian fronts before it touches Israel proper -- with F-35 in Israeli fleet its a total game changer.
Egypt has a massive conventional force and would be a real challenge but ultimately no doubt Israel will take the win. They have their own self-sustaining defence industry who produces cutting edge technology and is even a frontrunner in many aspects. The technological/domestic industry difference as always will be the deciding factor. The moment a war starts the Egyptian supply lines from western countries would probably stop aswell.
Egyptian Armed Forces rules by traitors who belong to the US/Israel
and Egypt can not produce even cruise missile .... but Israel has its own defense industry
and Israel has full of network centric warfare capability ... Egypt not even close
also in a war American/French weapons of the Egyptian Armed Forces will not work against Israel

thanks God , the Turks kicked the US proxy FETO terror organization out of the Turkish Armed Forces
and Turkiye has its own defense industry
also Turkiye has full of network centric warfare capability and Turkish Armed Forces are in real active war status since 1990s with the great experience and NATO standart high technology

so Egypt has NO chance against both Israel and Turkiye

-- 400km LORA Ballistic Missile
-- 250km DELILAH air launched Cruise Missile
-- 1500km POPEYE-S Submarine launched Cruise Missile
-- 200 km GABRIEL Anti ship Missile
-- 100+ km SPICE-2000 guided Bomb

-- PYTON-5 and DERBY-ER Air to Air Missiles
-- IRON DOME , DAVID'S SLING and ARROW Air Defense Systems

-- 280-1.000 km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles
-- 280 km SOM air launched Cruise Missile
-- 220+ km ATMACA Anti ship Missile
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb

-- BOZDOGAN and GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles
-- HISAR-A , HISAR-O and SIPER Air Defense Systems

also 800km GEZGIN land/naval based Cruise Missile ( under development )
RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile ( under development )
AKBABA anti radiation Missile ( under development )
150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker ( under development )
110 km KUZGUN joint attack Ammunition with Radar or IIR seeker for UCAVs ( under development )

EGYPT : Nothing
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For the love of god can someone ban this @MMM-E guy already. He is one of the most insufferable people on this forum, and even Turks are getting sick of his inferiority complex. Constantly pushing Turkish this Turkish that down peoples throat.
For the love of god can someone ban this @MMM-E guy already. He is one of the most insufferable people on this forum, and even Turks are getting sick of his inferiority complex. Constantly pushing Turkish this Turkish that down peoples throat.
Come on man, this is a defence forum and he is an enthusiast & proud of his countrys achievements.
Come on man, this is a defence forum and he is an enthusiast & proud of his countrys achievements.

FETO monkeys and anti ERDOGAN guys are not happy with this
He has double accounts T-123456

even Turkiye has far more military projects than Israel ...
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Are u guys living on a different planet? Eygpt going against israel or the other way around. Like how? rather why? Eygpt angel to possible hurdle in israel plans has been catered to, long ago. Spring was brought just for that. I might be wrong but i see simple handing over of territories in near times if not tomorrow.
just by any case, any possible 1 to 5% chance of Eygpt to even think about going against Israel, well, u will have another spring or they would be forced to some shitty conflict to drain all that too. things will be cooked for that. ( but i dont really think there is any need for that). most of the powers around are either tamed or broken already...
I think we will see alot of dancing around before 2023....... keep an eye out.
Egypt collects 5 Billion per year free bounty from USA , as payment for not attacking Israel
A strategic payout till Population in Israel grows 100 times what it is today

  • Call it Grant
  • Aid
  • Support
  • Coalition Funding

Egypt's Role
  • Remain a neutral partner with Israel
  • Ensure Palestinians are not allowed to reenter Occupied lands
  • Remain defector power in Northern Africa
  • Spread the Arab power persona in general public

An American/Israeli Friendly Commander is Kept as head of state to prevent Egypt becoming Islamic republic

There is a reason why a 30+ year Hosani Mubarak reign was allowed to take place

The Egyptian Top Brass has no interest to change the status quo , they like the way things are

When Egypt had a people's government i.e. Islamic Democracy , it was quickly toppled by stopping economic aid to country , and curb in Tourism industry to force Egypt to change their Government. Opposing groups in country were activated to demonstrate against government and Egypt was presented as a anti democratic state unless it put the Elected leaders into Prison
Too many mistakes in a post..let's start with the military aid comes as $1.3 billion a year..mostly used for maintenance and upgrades..
Second the US wanted the MB government because they were stupid enough to get in its trap.. actually it has sanctioned and cut the military aid after the second revolution that has toppled the MB and its leader Morsi.. and elected Sisi..
Israel would probably seal the deal in two days this time.
LMao. This is the definition of unrealistic.

Israel can easily beat whole Arab like old days...
this conclusion is based on assumptions that will likely prove to be false. Just because something happened 40+ years ago doesnt mea the same thing will happen today thats faulty logic.
Too many mistakes in a post..

There hasn't been a single post that offers any semblance of technical data to support one side or the other. Nothing but biased views based on the usual hatred towards Egypt to the point where they can't list a single technical thing whatsoever! It's astonishing, but not surprising.

All of this crap from a silly OP by @Zarvan , I thought you were better than that to start a flaming war like this because you knew very well this would happen, yet you went ahead and posted it. I wonder why?

No one has listed one single defensive capability that Egypt possesses that would actually debilitate Israel's air force from the getgo and none of you know about it because you choose to be ignorant in the matter and don't try to educate yourself before spewing out your one-sided bias.

Egypt has a pair of 1100 kilometre surveillance and radar stations that operate on low L-band radar frequencies made by Russia that cover the entire circumference of that 1100 kilometre circle which essentially encompasses all of Israel and much much more. There's a dedicated team of very well educated& trained officers who man those command stations and radars 24 hours 365 days and produce daily briefings that reach a certain level of command who then, based on the information (which includes all enemy and civilian air and ground equipment) within that large air space in surrounding countries and if that individual determines the need to go any further up the chain, he does. Either way, it ends up at the highest command once a week so that he's in the loop of what is going on for every day of that week and so is every one else responsible for the 3 branches of the military.

That's just one aspect. The other is a trained group of forces that breaches the canal in a few hours and drives deep into the Sinai to set up pre-determined positions to create a layered wall of defense that includes several armored divisions including their own mobile SAM batteries along with a huge contingency of infantry brigades split in 3 division, totaling about 150,000 men.

Egypt has 8 E-2C Hawkeyes for AWACs and EW along with 2 C-130 compass calls for dedicated EW as well as other platforms in jamming the enemy to the point that the last time they used the ground units for jamming, they shut down the lower half of Israel's cell phone service for a day or so.

I'll leave it at that for now and come back with more regarding the air force and the navy since the objective is for Israel to invade Sinai an capture it and all Egypt needs to do is defend it. Right? lol, Egypt has been planning and readying and supplying for this day since 1987. All of you posting so far don't have a clue about any of this stuff as it's pretty clear and only chose to degrade and insult but offer nothing in terms of how Israel would come close to pulling it off and all you do is base it on 1967 when the situation was quite different and let alone 1956 when the UK and France fought Egypt at the same time allowing Israel to invade Sinai, only to be told by Eisenhower to GTFO and all three tucked their tails between their legs and did the walk of shame.

Anyone knows anything about military would understand that without the element of surprise, the attacker must have 3 to 5 times the power of the defender in order to only have a chance for victory. That doesn't even guarantee victory, it just raises one's chances, This is basic military stuff that clearly none of you commenting with such confidence in Israel's favor out of personal agendas have a clue about.

And what about separation of forces after the last war in 1973 when Egypt sent Israel packing halfway across Sinai losing half the territory it gained in 1967?!?!?! Anyone know what and how it's shaped for BOTH countries, Egypt as well as Israel? What, no? Of course you don't loool it's clear as day reading the 6th grade commentary on here. I suggest you familiarize yourself with all of Egypt's capabilities (that would take a while, actually) and what they have done in Sinai to prevent another invasion and what protocols does the Egyptian army have to defend Sinai which oh, BTW, is EGYPTIAN land in case any of you have some delusions that it's belongs to ISIS or the Palestinians or something along with the level of intelligence witnessed here so far and then get back to us. This should be good, Cheers.
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For the love of god can someone ban this @MMM-E guy already. He is one of the most insufferable people on this forum, and even Turks are getting sick of his inferiority complex. Constantly pushing Turkish this Turkish that down peoples throat.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:...he just cracks me up man.

How did someone's life get to this.....
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