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Israel to extend family reunification ban

Dai Toruko

Mar 14, 2017
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Thousands of Palestinian families across Israel, the occupied West Bank and Gaza have to live apart due to an Israeli law restricting their unification. While Israeli and Palestinian rights groups find the legislation racist, members of the current government say it is necessary to preserve the Israeli majority in the country.
When the so-called Parliamentary Referendum took place in Kosovo, it was NATO who came to protect Kosovo and indiscriminately and illegally bombed Serbia, to supposedly protect Kosovans. I would like to call the attention of readers that this was done, without the approval of the United Nations Security Council.

Similarly, when the former Soviet Republics in the Baltics declared independence. The E.U and NATO were eager to accept, integrate and protect the three small Baltic States by deploying NATO military hardware.

We then also witnessed, when the innocent People of Donbass were being subjected to oppression by Ukraine and the West. The Russian Federation has stepped in to protect the People of Donestk and Lugansk Republics.

We also China which is a powerful nation, will step up and defend the rights and protect it's people.

But here I ask everyone, who is there to step in and protect the People of Palestine? Who is there to step up and protect the People of Kashmir? Where are the Muslim States with their governments to pledge to protect Muslims being bombed and killed?

The absolute absence and deafening silence indicates that there is no Muslim State existing today, who has the courage, the integrity, the backbone to stand up to blatant tyranny wrought upon the People of Palestine and the People of Kashmir.

In the West, which has held supremacy over the world, since the second world war. We see how the West has supported Israel with massive military and financial aid. This has gone on in total disregard of the constant oppression of the Palestinian People, by Israel. There has been no accountability for Israel's tyrannical rule over the People of Palestine.

World Organizations such as the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court of Justice, seem to have zero jurisdiction on the criminal acts of Israel. On the other hand, The ICC and UNSC have been of supreme importance when it came to the Yugoslav War, the Korean War and the genocide in Rwanda. But when it came to invasion of Iraq in 2003, the destruction of Libya, the decimation of Syria, the ruthless bombing of Yemen, the merciless killing and occupation Kashmir. The ICC & UNSC are dead silent!

It seems as though, the rule of International Law is only upheld by the West, when it is line with their vested interest. So when Kashmir bleeds, it is ignored because India is a huge market for the West to exploit and India is eyed as a hedge against China. The West also conveniently looks the other way or even openly supports the killing, oppression and subjugation of the People of Palestine, because Israel is their blue eyed boy in the Middle East.

And all of this happens to be on the watch of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries), which as an organization is a joke for all intents and purposes. The leadership of the Muslim World, is pathetic, disgraceful and devoid of any integrity. Evidence of this is in the rubble of Libya, in the ashes of Yemen, the Rivers of Blood in Kashmir and in the whisps of dust in what is Palestine.

There is no Muslim leadership in the world today, who has the courage and the integrity of truth left to stand up to the countless wars and destruction, wrought upon Muslims. But there are nearly 2 billion Muslims around the world today. Yet we are found bickering and squabbling like insects over Sunni-Shia divide, over Arab-Persian supremacy, over nationalism and ethnic superiority. The Islamic Scholarship is as pathetic as the Muslim leadership. They are quick to issue fatwas, yet their scholarships' acumen equates to that of a primate.

Perhaps one day, Muslims may wake up, set aside their petty differences and do what they are meant to do, follow THE LEADER, the only one who has been appointed by God, to lead the Muslims ... His name is Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.
But when it came to invasion of Iraq in 2003, the destruction of Libya, the decimation of Syria, the ruthless bombing of Yemen, the merciless killing and occupation Kashmir. The ICC & UNSC are dead silent!

The three Western permanent members of UNSC and their allies there were the ones who pushed for invasion of Libya and Syria and most of the "Oh I See" was in total agreement with UNSC, and China "abstained".

And we take note that the OPer Mr. @Dai Toruko happily has Sultan Erdogan in his profile picture and it is the Sultan who is quite enthusiastic in helping the Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals in overrunning Libya and Syria for the last 11 years and succeeding in regime-change in the former and trying for regime-change in the latter. How ironical of Dai Toruko of showing concern for the Muslims among the Palestinians but not talking about Erdogan causing the destruction of the countries of the Muslims in Libya and Syria.
The three Western permanent members of UNSC and their allies there were the ones who pushed for invasion of Libya and Syria and most of the "Oh I See" was in total agreement with UNSC, and China "abstained".

And we take note that the OPer Mr. @Dai Toruko happily has Sultan Erdogan in his profile picture and it is the Sultan who is quite enthusiastic in helping the Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals in overrunning Libya and Syria for the last 11 years and succeeding in regime-change in the former and trying for regime-change in the latter. How ironical of Dai Toruko of showing concern for the Muslims among the Palestinians but not talking about Erdogan causing the destruction of the countries of the Muslims in Libya and Syria.

Palestinians feel the same pain as the Kashmiris. Aren't they muslims too? Spread your hate elsewhere there are enough places for it..
Palestinians feel the same pain as the Kashmiris. Aren't they muslims too? Spread your hate elsewhere there are enough places for it..

1. No hate for the Palestinians here. On the forum I have long been advocating Gaddafi's One State Solution for the Israel-Palestine issue - the Isratin solution. Both the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to exist in that area either because of historical presence or modern migration which cannot be helped now. One of the people I admire is the revolutionary Carlos the Jackal who spent years in agitating for the Palestinians and is now in a French jail after having being kidnapped in Africa by French government criminals.

2. My identities are Muslim, Communist, Human so I empathize with the Kashmiris as also with any suppressed or oppressed person. In 2020 I proposed the below solution for the Kashmir issue :
2. My identities are Muslim, Communist, Human so I empathize with the Kashmiris as also with any suppressed or oppressed person. In 2020 I proposed the below solution for the Kashmir issue :

Communism is prohibited in islam: “Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of this world and have raised some of them above others in degrees [of rank] that they may make use of one another for service. But the mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they accumulate.” (The Noble Quran 43:32)
Communism is prohibited in islam: “Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of this world and have raised some of them above others in degrees [of rank] that they may make use of one another for service. But the mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they accumulate.” (The Noble Quran 43:32)

1. Well, Islamic scholars and activists a 100 years ago found something contrary to your presentation about Islam :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.

Building upon the initial thoughts of Sindhi and Sihwarwl were perhaps South Asia’s two most ardent and articulate supporters and theoreticians of Islamic Socilaism: Ghulam Ahmed Parvez and Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim.

Parvez was a prominent ‘Quranist’, or an Islamic scholar who insisted that for the Muslims to make progress in the modern world, Islamic thought and laws should be entirely based on the modern interpretations of the Qu’ran and on the complete rejection of the hadith (sayings of the Prophet and his companions based on hearsay and compiled over a 100 years after the Prophet’s demise).

After studying traditional Muslim texts, as well as Sufism, Parvez claimed that almost all hadiths were fabrications by those who wanted Islam to seem like an intolerant faith and by ancient Muslim kings who used these hadiths to give divine legitimacy to their tyrannical rules.

Parvez also insisted that Muslims should spend more time studying the modern sciences instead of wasting their energies on fighting out ancient sectarian conflicts or ignoring the true egalitarian and enlightening spirit of the Qu’ran by indulging in multiple rituals handed down to them by ancient ulema, clerics and compilers of the hadith.

Understandably, Parvez was right away attacked by conservative Islamic scholars and political outfits.

But this didn’t stop famous Muslim philosopher and poet, Muhammad Iqbal, to befriend the young scholar and then introduce him to the future founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Jinnah appointed Parvez to edit a magazine, Talu-e-Islam. It was set-up to propagate the creation of a separate Muslim country and to also answer the attacks that Jinnah’s All India Muslim League had begun to face from conservative Islamic parties and ulema who accused the League of being a pseudo-Muslim organisation and Jinnah for being too westernised and ‘lacking correct Islamic behavior.’

Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.

2. Below is the Google result for a simple description of Communism :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Wikipedia
So from this, is Communism prohibited by Humanist thought, by rationality, by sensibility, by scientific temper ?

We can take this discussion to 'Whatever' thread.
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Thousands of Palestinian families across Israel, the occupied West Bank and Gaza have to live apart due to an Israeli law restricting their unification. While Israeli and Palestinian rights groups find the legislation racist, members of the current government say it is necessary to preserve the Israeli majority in the country.
Lol, such stupidity, no one prevents them from entering the West Bank or even Gaza and live with their family, but they want to do the opposite and move the family to Israel and this won't ever happen, thankfully.

Thousands of Palestinian families across Israel, the occupied West Bank and Gaza have to live apart due to an Israeli law restricting their unification. While Israeli and Palestinian rights groups find the legislation racist, members of the current government say it is necessary to preserve the Israeli majority in the country.

Desi ( South Asian ) mullah is thinking "Damn her citizenship issue, she should be in a burqa :taz: ".


However, the couple can live in Ramallah and contribute to the development of West Bank.
Desi ( South Asian ) mullah is thinking "Damn her citizenship issue, she should be in a burqa :taz: ".


However, the couple can live in Ramallah and contribute to the development of West Bank.
In Islam, a woman can show the face, hands and feet.

No need to be a moron here.
Umm...what? I don't even know what you are talking about.

I thought you were in the Indian burqa controversy threads but anyway you were at least in favor of angels flogging Asma al Assad in the afterlife because she doesn't wear the burqa.
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