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Iran's President 'would support two-state solution' for Israel

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has recognised Israel's right to exist for the first time, saying it would be "fine with us" if the Palestinians reached a two-state solution.

Asked if he would support an agreement between the Palestinians and Tehran's arch enemy, he said: "Whatever decision they take is fine with us. We are not going to determine anything. Whatever decision they take, we will support that.

"We think that is the right of the Palestinian people, however we fully expect other states to do so as well."

Given his frequently stated hostility to Israel's existence - calling more than once for its "annihilation" - and his habit of capriciously offering threat and promises of friendship within the space of a few days, Mr Ahmadinejad's words will not treated by Western diplomats as a permanent shift in policy.

He has previously declared that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and a week ago accused the Israelis of running the "the most cruel and repressive racist regime".

But his comments are now in the open and cannot be taken back. They will provide the Obama administration and its European partners significant encouragement that he is prepared to move beyond the mutual hostility of the Bush era and negotiate on Iran's nuclear programme, which the West is convinced is designed to produced nuclear weapons as soon as possible.

In the interview with ABC News's George Stephanopoulos in the Iranian capital, Mr Ahmadinejad seemed unsure how to react to Mr Obama' friendly overtures, which have included a message to the Iranian people on their national day praising their "great civilisation".

He ruled out talks between the US and Iran without pre-conditions but welcomed talks "with clear guidelines".

When asked whether he shares Mr Obama's vision for a new relationship with Iran, Mr Ahmadinejad said: " In the past 29 years, different US administrations have opposed the Iranian people.

"Now they say that we have given up that enmity. That's fine. We have welcomed such comments. But an administration which, up until yesterday, was saying that 'I'm going to kill you', and today says that 'I'm not going to kill you', is that sufficient?"

He continued to question the Holocaust, even though aggressive comments about Israel at a UN conference on racism in Geneva last week prompted a walk out by European delegations.

"If this is indeed a historical event," he said of the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis, "why do they want to turn it into a holy thing? And nobody should be allowed to ask any questions about that?"

Mr Ahmadinejad faces elections in June and has yet to receive the support of conservative blocs that supported him four years ago. He has been criticised at home more for poor management of the economy more than for his foreign policy.

Iran's President 'would support two-state solution' for Israel - Telegraph
Did Ahmadinejad say exactly who he recognized as a legitimate representative of the Palestinians? I'll bet it's not Fatah, not the Palestinian Authority, but Hamas, and not the democratically elected Parliament but specifically its political leadership that hangs out in Damascus and is almost entirely dependent on the Syrians and Iranians for any commodity other than air.

Durban II backfired and Ahmadinejad is trying to do a little mud-scraping. But it's mostly useless as long as he continues to live in the pit.
Did Ahmadinejad say exactly who he recognized as a legitimate representative of the Palestinians? I'll bet it's not Fatah, not the Palestinian Authority, but Hamas, and not the democratically elected Parliament but specifically its political leadership that hangs out in Damascus and is almost entirely dependent on the Syrians and Iranians for any commodity other than air.

Durban II backfired and Ahmadinejad is trying to do a little mud-scraping. But it's mostly useless as long as he continues to live in the pit.

You raise a good point, but understand that legally and technically Hamas is actually democratically elected and that has been proven by International observers. In fact, Hamas is one of the few Democratically elected governments in the Middle East...So it would not be entirely wrong to view Hamas as a legitimate representative of the Palestinians...Because the Hamas Government does have the LEGITIMACY of Legal Representation through it's democratic victory...We can argue all day long about "terrorism or resistance" so anyways...

But it appears even the Palestinians are divided about the future, most do view Israel as an occupier, and most do wish for their homeland to be restored fully that means pre-partition (before 1947)...Though the Fatah supporters are leaning for a loosing compromise a two-state solution, a larger Israel next to a smaller centralized "Palestine"....

Anyways back to Pres. Ahmadinejad, he is a brilliant politician, clever, and witty, this new announcement is a step in the right direction....;)
American treats Israel is South Koraen / Vietnam


Russia treats Iran is North Korean / Vietnam.

Simply says, this is proxy war.
it would not be entirely wrong to view Hamas as a legitimate representative of the Palestinians...Because the Hamas Government does have the LEGITIMACY of Legal Representation through it's democratic victory -
Not entirely wrong, but mostly wrong. The Palestinian Authority has a separation-of-powers democratic structure: the legislature passed the laws and the executive controlled administration. Hamas won a majority in the legislature but proceeded to carry out a coup in Gaza.

most do view Israel as an occupier, and most do wish for their homeland to be restored fully that means pre-partition (before 1947).
A big problem is that much of the West thinks the Palestinian Arabs will be satisfied with pre-1967 borders, but it seems clear that (publicly, at least) the Arabs want it all.

Ahmadinejad conceded nothing save a passing sound bite. The formula boils down to, "Peace with Israel if it can make the Arabs happy", meaning that if one Arab out of a hundred is unhappy and kills Israelis, it must be Israel's fault. That sort of prejudice is not justice.
Iran's President 'would support two-state solution' for Israel

Telegraph actually twisted the real interview and using it to serve zionist cause.

I have seen the interview with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That’s not exactly what he said. When asked if Iran would support two state solution. His answer was it is Palestinian to decide by free and fair election/referendum.

As typical of US media, George Stephanopoulos pressed to get a statement out of Iran president that Iran would support two state solutions. President Ahmadinejad replied let’s look at the question other way. If Palestinian decides by election/referendum that it is their right to have original Palestine just like before 1948, would US and Israel accept?

You should have seen Stephanopoulos face, he quickly avoided the answer and replied he would communicate that in US.

Funny thing is US media often press leaders from Muslims countries to make commitment for US-Israeli demand. Yet when counter question is asked they have no answer but ducking the question.

Note: if any one seen clip could you please post. thanks
If Palestinian decides by election/referendum that it is their right to have original Palestine just like before 1948, would US and Israel accept?
It's the equivalent of asking the U.S. to accept the idea that the Palestinians want Israel dead, dead, dead - that would be nothing new, and indeed is practically the only thing Arabs are permitted to talk about when it comes to Israel/Palestine. The idea is to offer the Arabs more choices than that.
Solomon2 did you dig in saudi desert Pakistani nukes? where did that info pop in ur head that Pakistan gave Nukes to Saudi Arab for financing our nuke program??do you have proof saudis financed our Nukes program?elaborating this what nukes delivery system does Saudis have?
The Saudis have Chinese CSS-2 IRBMs in desert-based silos. The current warheads are unknown, but the book Gold of the Exodus claims Saudis did contract with Pakistan for nukes.
:)Book Claims and u believed...CNN/BBC/FOX/SKY Claims and u believe..
In order to carry out a Nuclear assault/strike on Iran or Israel Saudis will go for the option of Jets carrying Nukes instead of CSS-2 IRBMs, a swift fast way to destruction of any of those Israel is not far off from Saudis, where as Iran-Saudi conflict or war is merely Western dreams..keep trolling..in t he end there are no Nukes with Saudis only nuclear umbrealla provided by Pakistan cannot be ruled out..be sensible tomw your books might claim Pakistan belongs to US..
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As typical of US media, George Stephanopoulos pressed to get a statement out of Iran president that Iran would support two state solutions. President Ahmadinejad replied let’s look at the question other way. If Palestinian decides by election/referendum that it is their right to have original Palestine just like before 1948, would US and Israel accept?

You should have seen Stephanopoulos face, he quickly avoided the answer and replied he would communicate that in US.

George Stephanopoulos is a reporter, He has no authority to speak for the US government let alone the Israelis.
George Stephanopoulos is a reporter, He has no authority to speak for the US government let alone the Israelis.

Yet George Stephanopoulos acted as if he is negotiating on be half of US-Israeli govt and tried to force a commitment from Iran president. He should have gone to Palestinians and asked these questions. I guess that will cause Stephanopoulos to loose his job.

By the way now israel does not even recognize 2 state solution.

Here is another interview with Mike wallace of 60 min. See how 60 minutes manipulated the interview by editing video for propaganda.

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