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'Israel should go back to 1967 borders' - Christinia Fernazdez Argentinian

''It is the fault of develop countries, who are now pushing their problems of recession on others''.

Brilliantly said. Smart and gorgeous women.
Given the tussle between Argentina and the Britain over the Falkland, I am not surprised at her comments.

Instead of advising Israel, Argentina should concentrate on its economy that is faltering and may lead it into abyss and civil war.
If certain confidence building measures are done by both sides...not a bad idea.
There is nothing called 1967 Borders. Up until 1967 it was not an international border. It was just the ceasefire line. Called the Armistice line. So Israel need not go back to anything. If anyone wants a solution it should be on Israel's terms. As Supply&Demand said, being anti-Israel or blaming the "Jews" or the "Zionists" is a fashion today.
Why not Israel gets its glory back??? After all it is land of Jews, Christians and Muslim capture Jewish land, What wrong if one claim its own land???
^^^ And being an A$$ ki$$er of isra-hell is ?

fine .. atleast i am an @$$ kisser of one country...atleast i am not an @$$ kisser of the whole arab world...

now how many countries are in Arab world???
^^^ And being an A$$ ki$$er of isra-hell is ?

You should worry about your tongue stuck deep in a variance of a$$es, it's 24 hour job.

As to the the madame, i suggest she first worry about catching the terrorists who've murdered hundreds of Argentinians in the name of the "Palestinians". No, wait! That would too logical for her kind. It's more popular to be anti-Israel, no matter how stupid.
Well, rich Arab countries should have poured development aid money into Palestine if they really cared for Palestine's independence.
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