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Israel pressures China to back Iran sanctions

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Israel pressures China to back Iran sanctions

Israel will send its most senior military strategist to China this week to convince Beijing that it is serious about plans to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran if international sanctions fail to curb Tehran’s development of atomic weapons.

The visit, part of an intense round of diplomacy between China and Israel, follows signs that Beijing will shortly back tougher economic sanctions against Iran at the United Nations security council.

China, which has the power of veto, has previously resisted such a move. President Barack Obama held an hour-long telephone call with President Hu Jintao last week. Hu will now attend a nuclear security summit to be hosted by Obama next week in Washington.

Diplomatic observers have been astonished by the pace of Israeli diplomacy in China.

Major-General Amir Eshel, who heads the Israeli army’s planning directorate, will fly to Beijing this week. Eshel, an air force pilot, will warn China of the international consequences of military action, particularly the potential disruption to oil supplies on which much of China’s manufacturing and international trade depend. Tougher sanctions, he will argue, are the lesser of two evils.

Last month Major-General Amos Yadlin, the head of Israeli military intelligence, was dispatched to Beijing with the latest information about Iran’s progress towards making a nuclear device, which some experts believe could be achieved later this year.

“Yadlin was given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal permission to release Mossad’s latest evidence about Iran’s progress towards testing nuclear warheads, enriching uranium and adopting their Shahab missiles to carry nuclear warheads,” said a source.

In a move described as “incredibly rare”, China sent a general to Tel Aviv last week to inspect the Israeli air force’s strike capabilities. Military relations between the two countries have been strained since a deal to export Israeli-built early warning aircraft to China collapsed under American pressure in 2000.

The Israeli lobbying in Beijing has not gone unnoticed in Tehran. Last week Saeed Jalili, the senior Iranian nuclear negotiator, rushed to Beijing to warn the Chinese authorities that stepping up sanctions could cost them dearly. China relies on Iran as an oil supplier and trade partner and is the world’s second largest importer of crude oil.

Jalili sounded confident when he stepped out of his meetings in Beijing. “In our talks with China it was agreed that tools such as sanctions have lost their effectiveness,” he said. But when he was asked whether China backed sanctions against Iran, he was evasive: “It’s up to China to answer that.”

Saudi Arabia, the biggest supplier of crude oil to China, recently promised to supply all the oil it needs at a cheaper rate than Iran in return for supporting sanctions.

Relations between Beijing and Washington have been icy in the past year. China was angry about Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled Buddhist leader, and US arms sales to Taiwan. Now there are signs of a thaw.

The US president’s stronger political position at home since his success in pushing through healthcare reform seems to have convinced the Chinese leadership that he may be a two-term president with whom they will have to deal.

There are signs of an accord with the United States over other issues including a revaluation of the yuan, the Chinese currency, which America argues is substantially undervalued against the dollar, seriously damaging the efforts of US companies to export to China.

Obama sounded optimistic last week after his talks with Hu that he could win international agreement for a new round of sanctions against Iran. “We’re going to ratchet up the pressure and examine how they [the Iranians] respond but we’re going to do so with a unified international community,” he said.

Israel pressures China to back Tehran sanctions - Times Online
What can this small country offer China? Even if they could offer the world to China, China would still not accept it. They were in the same situation that Iran is in and they understand how the international world is bias.
China should stay strong and back iran this time. We should tell them the game are not going under west rule.
did they have enough evidence to demonstrate that Iran is about to develop nuclear weapons? if iran is real developing it,did they try everything they could to solve this issue through negotiations ?
pressure china??

is the author high on something?

china is too big to be pressured into anything
lol only one thing china has a weak spot in that is technology and isreal got alot of it
What can this small country offer China? Even if they could offer the world to China, China would still not accept it. They were in the same situation that Iran is in and they understand how the international world is bias.


Please try to understand that China's leadership is under tremendous pressure.

Yes, China is a powerful country. But China is still not as powerful as the USA in terms of global military dominance. Even Russia is not militarily equal to America. This is reality.

China does not support sanctions. Because anyone with a minimum IQ can understand if Iran is determined to build a nuclear bomb, sanctions will not stop Iran. Did sanctions stop North Korea?

Even the Saudi Arabia is backing sanctions.

Saudi Arabia, the biggest supplier of crude oil to China, recently promised to supply all the oil it needs at a cheaper rate than Iran in return for supporting sanctions.

Israel pressures China to back Tehran sanctions - Times Online

See. Thats why I always say don't go by religion all the time. The Uighur separatists are trying to build a Turanian empire splitting Xinjiang from China and they are using Islam as a tool to mislead the international community. The Uighur separatists even killed the Hui Muslims who are the largest Muslim community in China. The Huis came to China also from central Asia, but they don't have any problem with the Chinese identity. But the Uighur separatists have problem...!!! Other Muslim communities like Uzbek, Kazakh, Mongol, Kyrghiz, Tajiks etc etc don't have problem with having the Chinese identity, they don't want separation. And the Uighurs who try to identify themselves with the Turks in a hilarious way, don't look like the Turks of Turkey, I am telling you, if you don't believe me, visit Xinjiang to verify my claims. Look I am an atheist, but if I am given options, I would chose Islam because I have a strong respect for Islamic values. In fact, no religion preaches separation, all religions preach unification of human beings.

Anyway, sorry for being a bit off topic.

Coming to the topic, I would say, is Russia backs the sanction, China will be isolated if China still remains against sanctions. I know China has a veto power. Yes, China can stand against the sanction and use the veto power to block the sanction. But what will happen then?

You know, the US already has prepared its military to bomb Iran round the clock. The B2s will start carpet bombing Iran. Tell me, what will China do then without helplessly watching the destruction of Iran. Be practical, China still does not have any Air craft Carrier, China still has no sophisticated long range bomber like B2, China has a very limited number of submarines. All in all, China military is sufficient for the national protection, but for a long range military projection China is nowhere near the US army. Iran is not a direct neighbor of China, how can China protect Iran from military invasion? Had Iran shared a border with China, of course, I can confidently say, the PLA would have protected you.

We have to accept the realities, brother.
how can China protect Iran from military invasion? Had Iran shared a border with China, of course, I can confidently say, the PLA would have protected you.

We have to accept the realities, brother.


However, China does have some options if China really wants to show down with the US. e.g. China can sell Iran J-10A, AND C-803 missile , HQ9 etc :lol: with those babies, no US fleet could get near to the Gulf. The gist is that Iran is probably not worth it at this point. Of course China wanted to protect Iran as she always did in teh last decade or so. Without China ( and Russia) , Iran would have been the second "Iraq" LONG LONG times ago.

And think about the the last resort carrier killer - DF-21 series.. haha, I am joking on this, cuz no one dare to use DF-21. it means the reaction would most likely be quasi-nuclear.
China has to be very careful about Israel.

Actually, Israel pressures on China means the US pressures on China, it's the same thing as Israel controls the US congress, democrats and GOP both parties.

However, China does have some options if China really wants to show down with the US. e.g. China can sell Iran J-10A, AND C-803 missile , HQ9 etc :lol: with those babies, no US fleet could get near to the Gulf. The gist is that Iran is probably not worth it at this point. Of course China wanted to protect Iran as she always did in teh last decade or so. Without China ( and Russia) , Iran would have been the second "Iraq" LONG LONG times ago.

And think about the the last resort carrier killer - DF-21 series.. haha, I am joking on this, cuz no one dare to use DF-21. it means the reaction would most likely be quasi-nuclear.

Transporting such sophisticated arms to Iran is not that simple.

Because there are two major factors among other minor factors,

1. The Jewish Chinese communities of China will inform Tel Aviv even before the arms package reaches Tehran. I think, you know the inside story, you know how there is a number of lobbies in the Beijing politburo, for example, the Russian lobby, the American lobby, the Jewish lobby, the Iranian lobby, the Pakistani lobby, the Japanese lobby, the Korean lobby, the recently added indian lobby and many more lobbies. I can't disclose much here. Hope you understand the rest.

2. Using such sophisticated weapons is not that easy. It needs sufficient training before deployment. Do you think, for instance, HQ 9 is just a simple rocket that you just need to ignite and launch and the rest will be done automatically? The Iranian Revolutionary Guards have never used any missile defense system, they have virtually zero experience, how can you teach them all the complicated mechanisms in such a short period of time? Teaching a person how to fire a Kalashnikov rifle is different from teaching how to use a sophisticated high tech weapon like missile defense system in a coordinated manner. Training matters.
One thing is can someone clarify to understand why would Russia back sanction eventhough Iran is an important Ally according to Russia ? Russia shouldn't follow Western's steps sanctions against Iran.....why flip-flop?

Its an old news bro, you should have known this.

Russia, which had supported China's stance that sanctions against Iran should be done only as a last resort, also seems to have shifted its position.

China under pressure on Iran nuke issue
Transporting such sophisticated arms to Iran is not that simple.

2. Using such sophisticated weapons is not that easy. It needs sufficient training before deployment. Do you think, for instance, HQ 9 is just a simple rocket that you just need to ignite and launch and the rest will be done automatically? The Iranian Revolutionary Guards have never used any missile defense system, they have virtually zero experience, how can you teach them all the complicated mechanisms in such a short period of time? Teaching a person how to fire a Kalashnikov rifle is different from teaching how to use a sophisticated high tech weapon like missile defense system in a coordinated manner. Training matters.

:hitwall: Just press all the buttons, once each, when see enermies come close. The missles must go somewhere...aren't those systems automatic trace & destroy? :P Or send Kai Feng Jews to train Iranian guards how to fire missles as a precondition for allowing them to leave China for Israel? :yahoo:
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One thing is can someone clarify to understand why would Russia back sanction eventhough Iran is an important Ally according to Russia ? Russia shouldn't follow Western's steps sanctions against Iran.....why flip-flop?

There's one thing about Ruskies you need to know: they jump ship whenever Stalin is absent. :D

So India, watch it, I am talking to you! :woot:
There's one thing about Ruskies you need to know: they jump ship whenever Stalin is absent. :D

So India, watch it, I am talking to you! :woot:

but at that time we r not standing aginst the mighty americans,we r standing against some:rofl::rofl::rofl:

i hope u know rest:whistle:
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