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Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

Then how can you call Pakistan a beggar country while your country has been in the same situation?
Your country has been and is still one, don't lecture us about it.
India has the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a bigger economy and better economic prospects due to its immense population, what else can you expect?
It is very funny seeing Indians talk about how Pakistan is a poor country while they should seriously walk outside and check their own streets.
See how reality is for you. ;)

It was 15 years ago and India has come along very well from that time. Right now India is self sufficient and doesn't have to stretch out hand for doles.
Ha, this from a country that bends over and takes it from US, China, Saudi and anyone else with a few pennies to spare. I pity your nation and its so called nationhood.

What's amusing is that you guys think you can actually nuke Israel when you can't even reach all of India yet.

You're just full of crap! :crazy:

Have you forgotten the crisis in the sixties when you depended on donation from US to feed millions? What about the monetary crisis in early ninties which brought you to the beggers club? Your forex may seem huge, its only enough to pay 1.5 months of imports...you too can face the same crisis if things go bad in your country.

India started to reform the economy atleast two decades ahead of Pakistan, we've just started and managed to book five consecutive years of high growth before the global recession and energy crisis hit us.

Crisis is looming in your country, next years growth forcast has already been revised to below 7% and even that seems too optimistic.

No matter how stong your economy may have grown lately India is not immune to global recession, just a matter of time and you'll see the effects of power and fuel shortage in your country.
India currently has 250 billion dollar foreign reserves. On the other hand, Pakistan has zero foreign reserves and that is the reason it had to go for IMF loan since it had no money to import any material. It even deferred oil payments to Saudi Arabia.
Incorrect, Pakistan's Forex stands at $9.55 billion.
what the hell do the isrealis think we are? arabs???
we will shut them down before they think of attacking us!
There is no such thing as Israel attacking or preparing a joint strike with India on Pakistan.
It's just not realistic.
Israel supporting India with technology or with backdoor politics is a much more realistic approach.
This is something Pakistan needs to be aware of.
Besides, i'm convinced that a Israel without the support of the U.S. in any form or way whether it be financial or militarily, is a nation that can be crushed by Pakistan aswell as another country in the world with a decent army.
Israel is quite a might, it may covertly support India but won't do so openly, but ain't Islamabad getting support from China? Any anyway this news has no basis, only on basis of a sub sighting it makes assumption of Indo Israel tie, sorry but that is ridiculous.
There is no way Israel will support India in a joint strike, they know that if that happens than Pakistan will start supporting Hamas and Hezbollah which will be a nightmare for Israel.
Come on, this forum has a name to keep people, I feel this is the most Neutral of all the Pak and Indian Forums. Dont go into hate mode please!

As for Israel attacking Pakistan, well Israel will provide Intel, Awacs, ammo etc but it wont fight a direct war with Pakistan because they got more Brains than all you guys here fighting with each other!

Lastly, I dont the Pakistani Missiles which are capable of hitting Israel, please put a source for me. Israel has got more than 100 nukes, and it would be foolish on anyones part to try to bring Israel into a war, because their Threshhold limit is smaller than that of even Pakistan! Dangerous, very Dangerous!
God Speed
Come on, this forum has a name to keep people, I feel this is the most Neutral of all the Pak and Indian Forums. Dont go into hate mode please!

As for Israel attacking Pakistan, well Israel will provide Intel, Awacs, ammo etc but it wont fight a direct war with Pakistan because they got more Brains than all you guys here fighting with each other!

Lastly, I dont the Pakistani Missiles which are capable of hitting Israel, please put a source for me. Israel has got more than 100 nukes, and it would be foolish on anyones part to try to bring Israel into a war, because their Threshhold limit is smaller than that of even Pakistan! Dangerous, very Dangerous!
God Speed

If Pakistan wants to get back at Israel, they wont nuke them but they will help Hezbollah and Hamas which is a total nightmare for Israel.
Pakistan should form a block in this regard which should be consists of Russia, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Iran as soon as possible in fact on emergency basis to stop this coward aggression and to counter the threats of USA, Israel and India which is becoming more dangerous for the rest of the world day by day.
How do u plan to help them? Give them nukes? Or Tankbusters?? Well I say Pakistan concentrate on its economy and dont let the others get to them.

Please Stop telling support Hamas etc, Because when Hamas killed one Israeli, 200+ Palestinians were Killed off!!! I feel disgusted seeing the images of dead children and crying mothers!

Well about a holy alliance with Russian etc to materialize Pakistan should shun america totally and throw away the F 16s lol which i feel is preposterous. Then Pakistan has to Stop all kinds of support to chechen rebels, and then shun them as well. Then Pakistan has to wait for Russian to reciprocate, which I feel will not happen, coz Russia doesnt forget the past easily, how it was humiliated in Afghanistan by Pakistan and CIA.
How do u plan to help them? Give them nukes? Or Tankbusters?? Well I say Pakistan concentrate on its economy and dont let the others get to them.

Please Stop telling support Hamas etc, Because when Hamas killed one Israeli, 200+ Palestinians were Killed off!!! I feel disgusted seeing the images of dead children and crying mothers!

Well about a holy alliance with Russian etc to materialize Pakistan should shun america totally and throw away the F 16s lol which i feel is preposterous. Then Pakistan has to Stop all kinds of support to chechen rebels, and then shun them as well. Then Pakistan has to wait for Russian to reciprocate, which I feel will not happen, coz Russia doesnt forget the past easily, how it was humiliated in Afghanistan by Pakistan and CIA.

Russia condemned the Israeli attack on Gaza and they must be watching the tilt of India towards USA. Russia’s one of the best allies ‘India’ is now inclining towards USA, that too must be worrying Moscow. Where as by joining hands with Pakistan they can do the same to US what CIA did to them in Afghanistan.

U r right Russia doesn’t forget its past very easily!:cheers:
As far as the economy is concerned, cant argue here because you are absolutely right it should be our number one issue. As far as helping Hamas is concerned, obviousally Pakistan wont give them tankbusters or nukes but we can certinely provide them with small arms and equipment. You are right, Israel has killed many innocent civilians in Palestine but there is nothing Pakistan can do. Pakistan has this leverage over Israel because they can always scare of Israel with the threat of supporting Hamas or Hezbollah with small arms and equipment. I dont think any of us want Pakistan to join an alliance with Russia and there has been no indication from Pakistani leadership to improve ties with Russia. I agree that Pakistan has to move away from America but i still feel that F16's are important for Pakistan right now. Sure in the future Pakistan should not purchase any equipment from the US and go domestic but right now, F16's are very important for Pakistan's defences.
The whole Freaking world just condemns and condemns!! they dont do anything, be it arabs, russians, asians etc. I think the Penguins are the only ones not condemning this because they might be busy fishin in Antarctica!!!! If Humans settle there, we can hear Antarctica also Condemning the Killings!!!!!!!!!

As For India tilting, well India tilts for its Personal gains. India is one of the biggest donors to Palestinians last heard. Russia is not worried of the Nuclear deal because Russian Companies got great deals to build reactors! Russia doesnt forget old Friendships quickly and enemity too. It will take a lot of Hard Overtures for Pakistan to Gain Russia's Friendship, which is real Hard because the Whole world is freaking Scared of Muslims, Islamophobia at its best! First we gotta cure that, All Muslims should shed their Hardline Image and Be a Progressive Lot.

That doesnt mean we should throw away our Quran's and Hadiths!!! We can be the most Progressive Lot if we adhere to the true Message of the Quran and not let crazy Mullahs override it. My Message is : GET YOURSELF A COPY OF THE QURANS TRANSLATION AND READ A PAGE A DAY!
As far as the economy is concerned, cant argue here because you are absolutely right it should be our number one issue. As far as helping Hamas is concerned, obviousally Pakistan wont give them tankbusters or nukes but we can certinely provide them with small arms and equipment. You are right, Israel has killed many innocent civilians in Palestine but there is nothing Pakistan can do. Pakistan has this leverage over Israel because they can always scare of Israel with the threat of supporting Hamas or Hezbollah with small arms and equipment. I dont think any of us want Pakistan to join an alliance with Russia and there has been no indication from Pakistani leadership to improve ties with Russia. I agree that Pakistan has to move away from America but i still feel that F16's are important for Pakistan right now. Sure in the future Pakistan should not purchase any equipment from the US and go domestic but right now, F16's are very important for Pakistan's defences.
Giving small arms is useless man, Small arms cant fight Merkavas, or the IDF!!! They got enuff small arms. What I say is that the Palestinians tried Violence to get their rights but Failed, Now I say they Try Non Violence!!!! Loft maybe, but Gandhiji tried it and got us Independence and if they got the Moral Highstand, then support will come naturally.

Israel is too big an entity to BOO away! The palestinians should not give even an iota of excuse to the Israelis to attack them!! For that Non VIolence is the only way I feel. Call me an Idiot, but again to each his Own.
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