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Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

We have to wait until it comes in our water, we cant touch it in International Waters. Looks like they are trying for us to fire the first shot. We have to play it out smart.

Dear Lockheed,

Do you actually know the difference between a NM and M before you spew such crap in this Defence forum ? Do you know that submarines have very few safe approaches to Gwadar harbor because of the coastal gradient ? I am sure most of them are monitored by the PN.

Do you know what speed submarines transit in shallow waters ?


PS : Gwadar Phase 1 was built by a Belgian Company do you know its name ?
War is not in practical , but in the minds of 'some' of you guys. You read a report about Indian private owned ship in BD waters and declare that India is going to attack BD. And when a Israeli submarine is seen in Pakistani water ,declaring Israel preparing joint strikes with India against Pakistan...Ridiculous.
I call this article BS.

If Pakistan can't even stop old Israeli dolphin, then how would they stop Indian submarines?
Sorry, I only picked the article on the internet and wanted a discussion

Good to know that you can accept that your articles was crap. Incase you really want to learn about submarine strategy please PM Jliu. Steering submarines is not like driving a car.

I don't know that much about navy stuff, more about the Air force but I think American SUbmarines can reach 25+knots?

In Shallow waters ?

While on snorkel on diesel Engines ?

While on Batteries ?

There is a catch in these questions lets see if you catch it ?


It was a silly article and should not have been posted on this forum.

How do you know it is an israeli sub---if it is in international waters close to pakistan----a sub will never surface at a time like this---it will keep submerged all the time---do its job and move away without anyone knowing about it----that does not mean that you cannot track the sub---if a pakistani sub comes across it by chance----if it knows the acoustic signature / sound of the israeli sub's props----a pakistani sub in that area can recognize to whom that sub belongs to----but I doubt it.

I doubt that israelis will float on surface to be caught off guard by an ' air sentry '.

To the writer----pakistani navy ships should have taken over the sub----please please think with your head before you write these silly notes. Even an old israeli sub wil die fighting to the last breath rather than face the shame of laying their arms----.

According to the original post---the sub was in international waters.

It was a silly article and should not have been posted on this forum.

How do you know it is an israeli sub---if it is in international waters close to pakistan----a sub will never surface at a time like this---it will keep submerged all the time---do its job and move away without anyone knowing about it----that does not mean that you cannot track the sub---if a pakistani sub comes across it by chance----if it knows the acoustic signature / sound of the israeli sub's props----a pakistani sub in that area can recognize to whom that sub belongs to----but I doubt it.

I doubt that israelis will float on surface to be caught off guard by an ' air sentry '.

To the writer----pakistani navy ships should have taken over the sub----please please think with your head before you write these silly notes. Even an old israeli sub wil die fighting to the last breath rather than face the shame of laying their arms----.

According to the original post---the sub was in international waters.

Yes, that's true. the Question is only why it is in the Arab Sea in this tough time, nevertheless, the thread can be closed, AlwaysNeutral derailed the thread anyway-
israel can only kill muslims in gaza. despite the techonolgy israel havent got enough guts to strike pakistan
Don't think so. Israel won't partake in any strike against Pakistan. If you follow their pattern, after every two/three years, israel feels the need to threat someone or display a massive threat to it's neighbouring countries.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

This was in june of 2008. Did they stage an attack against Iran? Yes they did. But never carried it out because they know it would be dreadful for them. Terror tactics to maintain their might in the region. That's all.

And a couple of days back, they felt the need to Bomb the Palestinians. And they did. Result? Sustaining the "Upper Hand".

So basically, As long as Israel's power barrel keeps rolling in the middle-east, and as long as we're busy dealing with the Taliban and the Indians, Israel would not care about threatening or attacking Pakistan. They will, however, provide all the necessary assistance to Indians in terms of Intel, Equipment etc.
Well one should stop reading & watching any media, they are full of **** now a days.
well people i had earlier posted in a thread called "technical aspects of iaf intrution in pakistan airspace" in your millitary aviation section that i saw awecs with israeli markings on it at about 2 am at igi{indira gandhi airport } auxillary runway and u guys laughed at me and told me not to speard stories well now whos laughing.i told u this way early when this crisis started israelis are present every where in india they r working with iaf right from when this crisis started i would have clicked a pic of the craft but i wasn't able to.but still believe me guy something is cooking ...:flame::flame::flame:
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