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Israel prepares for major military operations

display of jewphobia at best :coffee:

At least we stand for the oppression not like India's foreign policy that keeps quiet at Israeli attrocities, so they can get weapons from them. Hindu and Jews do the Islamophobia.

There is no word as jewphobia , when a Jew looses arguments that has happened many time they try to play this anti-sematic card, but some how it doesnot work 98.87% of te time.
israel probably will create something fake across the border using mossad failed exposed tactics, then attack sinai egypt, what can be more prominent feature of their aimbitions then their flag itself, the israelis want all the lands between the river nile and river Euphrates
At least we stand for the oppression not like India's foreign policy that keeps quiet at Israeli attrocities, so they can get weapons from them. Hindu and Jews do the Islamophobia.

There is no word as jewphobia , when a Jew looses arguments that has happened many time they try to play this anti-sematic card, but some how it doesnot work 98.87% of te time.

:lol: When you right you right, not going to argue with that :lol:
from this thread i've learned that not only the jewish but also the hindus are the no1 enemies of muslims.and to the malauns supporting israelis in here dont even try to reply my post coz i dont give a sh!t to see ur reply

You need to get a life, if you make all your life decisions from one internet forum or even 1 small thread. :cheesy:
Israel is only exercising vigilance, you should not be so scared... It is all right, you can come out from under the bed :azn:
israel probably will create something fake across the border using mossad failed exposed tactics, then attack sinai egypt, what can be more prominent feature of their aimbitions then their flag itself, the israelis want all the lands between the river nile and river Euphrates

Mossad already did it now by burning the Church in Egypt and blaming it on Muslims plus they disguised as Arabs and attacked the Christian protestors and killed like 10 of them...Bro Mossads game is already underway...:woot::cheesy:
Mossad already did it now by burning the Church in Egypt and blaming it on Muslims plus they disguised as Arabs and attacked the Christian protestors and killed like 10 of them...Bro Mossads game is already underway...:woot::cheesy:

You forgot the Monsoon rains each year and the earthquake in New Zealand.
You forgot the Monsoon rains each year and the earthquake in New Zealand.

And on a serious note, Mossad operate the most advance training facility for animals, such as squirrels pigeons vultures and the most recent operation in Egypt by Mossad reveled even sharks involved in their training.
Have to respect them as enemies...

Israel is a nation that cant stand for two days if Muslims as a whole decided and acted together to destroy it... Yet it has survived and is always ready to take on the useless chunks of Muslim land that are our countries today...
There is no Jewish land there is no Muslim land there is no Christian land, there is status quo which is dynamic over time, the strongest is always the righteous one, the power is also dynamic and have tendency to shift to the next righteous one :)
Have to respect them as enemies...

Israel is a nation that cant stand for two days if Muslims as a whole decided and acted together to destroy it... Yet it has survived and is always ready to take on the useless chunks of Muslim land that are our countries today...

Your quote alone shows how unimaginably degenerative your mind is.
How about try living with them in peace you psychopath?
If all muslims stopped trying to kill each other and came at Israel with all their might, it would be the end of Islam and Israel as one. Make no mistake.
And on a serious note, Mossad operate the most advance training facility for animals, such as squirrels pigeons vultures and the most recent operation in Egypt by Mossad reveled even sharks involved in their training.

Do not encourage some of the people here, they will take you seriously. Next time there will be a thread on Israeli intelligence mobilising battalions of cockroaches to spy after Muslims.
aaah what else is new with this warmonger
Luckily Israel's foes are starting to understand its mentality and exploit its weaknesses. Time is running up....
i heard many times that " the Jews will start fearing Muslims when the number of people gathered in Fajr (morning) prayer equals to number of people gathered in Friday prayer".
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