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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Sometimes we have to be fair. Assad's hands are really tied. In Idlib and some pockets of Syria there are packs of dogs waiting for a heavy bombardment of the regime forces so they can quickly overthrow the government in Damascus. For Assad this is a very serious and dangerous gamble.. he can not risk his country and life for lobbing a few missiles on Israeli infrastructure. Now what can not be accepted is the passiveness of resistance militias inside Syria, Lebanon to what is happening in Gaza. Hamas is and was always the flagbearer of resistance against Israel (I would say Hezbollah shares the same spot) due to its proximity..level of determination and seriousness about confronting Israel. What can not be accepted is the refusal of the other members of the resistance front to jump in this golden moment to pound Israel in a way it has never seen before. Totally unacceptable and agreed. I am sure thousands of others.. even in the resistance front itself share the same feelings.
I mean, we both know that an Iranian intervention would mean an American intervention and Iran will pay a heavy price.

That being said, Iran has many friends in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon that seem to be on the down low. One can only hope that their is coordination and discussions between Hamas, and Iran/Hezbollah at the moment. Axis of resistance cannot sit in the sidelines or it will take a heavy blow to its image, and I’m sure they know it just as we know it. I pray.
Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, a Syrian leader living in Haifa since 1922, began calling for an armed revolt against the British and the Zionists.

Mans got balls to speak out like that. Respect to him. And he is telling the truth. American law makers have to write an essay in how glorious Israel is. Something Kim Jong Un would probably make his henchmen do.

American lawmakers are not being sincere with their own nation. Won't be surprised if 1/3 of US administrations and government diplomats turn out to be Israeli dual agents.
Mans got balls to speak out like that. Respect to him. And he is telling the truth. American law makers have to write an essay in how glorious Israel is. Something Kim Jong Un would probably make his henchmen do.

American lawmakers are not being sincere with their own nation. Won't be surprised if 1/3 of US administrations and government diplomats turn out to be Israeli dual agents.
Nancy Pelosi , one of the most powerful US politicians said that if the US was a nuclear wasteland, they’d still be supporting Israel
How the Arabs Have Betrayed Palestine – Again

The Arab world, led by the predecessors of today's Saudi Arabia, willingly relinquished sovereignty over Palestine to a superpower a century ago. Nothing has changed

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The Arab betrayal of Palestinians has a long history, and a stirring one. It predates Trump’s "Deal of the Century" by exactly one century. It could be called: the Deal of the Past Century.

On January 3, 1919, shortly after WWI ended, Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann met with Emir Faisal, whose father, Hussein bin Ali, the Grand Sharif of Mecca, had just proclaimed himself King of the Arabs. The meeting took place at a London hotel, where Weizmann and Faisal signed a secret agreement, brokered by T. E. Lawrence, in which Faisal pledged his support for the Balfour Declaration in exchange for Zionist support for an Arab state in the former Arab provinces of the disintegrated Ottoman Empire. The territory of that potential Arab state excluded Palestine.

In pursuit of his Hashemite ambitions, Faisal endorsed the Jewish colonization of Palestine as the necessary quid pro quo. He recognized the national and historical rights of Jews to Palestine, where "all measures shall be adopted" to implement the Balfour Declaration, including "immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale."

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Chaim Weizmann, left, wearing an Arab headdress as a sign of friendship, and Emir Faisal ibn Hussein in 1918.

Chaim Weizmann, left, wearing an Arab headdress as a sign of friendship, and Emir Faisal ibn Hussein in Transjordan in 1918Credit:
In February, the two leaders traveled to the Paris Peace Conference to pitch their agreement before the victorious Allies, where Faisal reiterated his concession to exclude Palestine from his demand for Arab independence. Because of its "universal character," he told his European patrons, "Palestine is to be left on one side for the mutual consideration of all parties interested."


Following the conference, a bewildered Weizmann wrote to his wife Vera that he had found Faisal a "very honest man," who, to Weizmann’s sheer astonishment, was "interested in Damascus and the whole of northern Syria (but) not interested in Palestine."

March 5, 1919 NYT reports Faisal's comments: 'We Arabs look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement...and wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home...Our two movements complete each other'Credit: Wikipedia
In March, the New York Times published a letter by Faisal to Felix Frankfurter, under the headline "Prince of Hedjaz Welcomes Zionists," in which the Emir reiterated his support for the Zionist cause, writing: "Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we [Weizmann and I] regard them as moderate and proper, and are working together for a reformed and revived Near East."

To his dismay, the Allies did not grant Faisal his independent Arab state. Instead, they devised a mandate system that divided the Arab land between Britain and France. It gave France control over Syria and Lebanon, while the British took control over Palestine and Transjordan.

Faisal left the Paris conference with a dreadful sense of betrayal. He himself had betrayed his Ottoman masters to fight alongside the British, only to be betrayed by the British after the war. He then tried to make amends. A few months later, in July 1919, the Syrian National Congress, formed in support for his putative Arab Kingdom of Syria, adopted a resolution that rejected the French mandate over Syria, declared Palestine an inseparable part of Syria, and opposed Jewish immigration t
Syrian National Congress booklet showing the borders of Faisal's "Arab Kingdom of Syria," including Palestine. 8 March 1920Credit: Wikipedia
But it was too late. That year the French expelled Faisal by force from Syria, and three years later, Britain was given a United Nations mandate to implement the Balfour Declaration in Palestine. As a compensation, the British installed Faisal as king of Iraq, his brother Abdulla as king of Jordan, while the Hejaz became part of Saudi Arabia.

Faisal died in 1933, his dream Arab state, still under European mandates, vanishing like ripples of a distant mirage. Having presaged the loss of Palestine in the name of Arab independence elsewhere, the only part of his vision that would ultimately be fulfilled was the Belfour Declaration.

Weizmann, meanwhile, would go on to invoke Faisal’s pledge on every diplomatic occasion. In 1936, in what read like a eulogy for his Arab friend, he told the British Peel Commission on Palestine: "There was one distinguished Arab who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Arab armies, the then-Emir Faisal. I frankly put to him our aspirations, our hopes, our desires, our intentions, and I can only say - if any oath of mine could convince my Arab opponents - we found ourselves in full agreement, and this first meeting was the beginning of a lifelong friendship, and our relationship was expressed subsequently in a treaty."

By 1946, all Arab countries except Palestine had gained independence. The British Mandate would linger on in Palestine for two more years, as if to ensure the fulfillment of Faisal-Weitzmann’s vision.


On October 18, 1947, on the eve of the Partition Plan vote, Weizmann addressed the United Nations: "There was a time when Arab statesmanship was able to see this equity in its true proportions. That was when the eminent leader and liberator of the Arabs, the Emir Faisal, later King of Iraq, made a treaty with me declaring that if the rest of Arab Asia were free, the Arabs would concede the Jewish right freely to settle and develop in Palestine, which would exist side by side with the Arab states. The condition which he then stipulated, the independence of all Arab territories outside Palestine, has now been fulfilled."

The next year, the British finally left Palestine, and Israel declared independence.

Angry Palestinian protesters set portraits of the king of Bahrain, prime minister of UAE and Oman's new Sultan during a protest against Trump's peace plan. Hebron, West Bank, Jan 30, 2020's new Sultan during a protest against Trump's peace plan. Hebron, West Bank, Jan 30, 2020

Angry Palestinian protesters set portraits of the king of Bahrain, prime minister of UAE and Oman's new Sultan during a protest against Trump's peace plan. Hebron, West Bank, Jan 30, 2020Credit: AFP
On May 16, 1948, two days after Israel’s declaration of independence, Weizmann sent a message to a celebration rally at Madison Square Garden in New York. He evoked his treaty with Faisal as a milestone in Israel’s path to independence, before declaring: "The Jewish State always ready and eager to enter into neighborly relations and to join with them in a common effort to increase the welfare and prosperity of the Near East." But then the Arab neighbors declared war on Israel, to reclaim Palestine, and by the time it ended, the loss of Palestine was complete.

A century after the historic Faisal-Weizmann meeting, a sense of historical déjà vu now creeps over Palestine as Faisal’s successors, the current rulers of Saudi Arabia, have embraced Trump’s "Deal of the Century," which all but hands Israel the rest of Palestine in the name of "peace, prosperity, and a brighter future."

The Trump deal would place an undivided Jerusalem, including its Old City, under Israel’s control, and give Israel the right to annex all settlements as well as the Jordan Valley - nearly a fourth of the West Bank. The plan envisions a "conditional" Palestinian state that will be completely demilitarized and devoid of an army and air force, and over which Israel will continue to exercise full military and airspace control. This "state-minus," as Benjamin Netanyahu has cynically dubbed it, would be a discontinuous, canonized archipelago in the West Bank and Gaza, as plainly exhibited in the plan’s map, surrounded by a sea of Israeli settlements and military installments.

From Israel’s perspective, the Trump’s plan is indeed the deal of the century. Not since the century-old Balfour Declaration have Israel’s leaders had a foreign ally who is willing to promise them sovereignty over most of Palestine. And not since the Faisal-Weizmann agreement have they had an Arab ally who is willing to concede to that promise.

This particular Faisal was a Pudho --
One mans mistake the whole nation suffers. Paying the price for treachery.
PIJ commander survived assassination attempt about an half hour ago, but his son was killed. Israel naval shelling continues to hit Gaza port area. And other areas in northern Gaza.

Assad and Syria should be taken out of picture, he is not expected to play that role (ops against Israel), his regime is bad imo, and situation in Syria is in control of 2 superpowers and two major regional powers. Agree with rest of your assessment though.

True.. Syria is actully divided into 3 parts.... The weakest being the kurdish controlled areas.. I think despite all that Assad could technically defeat Israel in a single war. He has battle hardened troops who have the seen the cruelest of war for 10 years.. I don't see Israel being able to confront these militias and ragtags.

The Syrian rebels need another 3 years rest to re-group, re-recruit and they are developing their arsenal. If it was around 2024-2025 The Syrian rebels could have by then the capabilities to defeat Israel in 1v1 scenario.

My view of Israel military capabilities have never been that high contrary to what some may think..

But I can understand why his hesitant but also his hands are tied.. Even the Rebels can't do anything without Turkey so even they are tied... SDF bff? even if they were not tied they are to weak conventionally..
This particular Faisal was a Pudho --
One mans mistake the whole nation suffers. Paying the price for treachery.

PIJ commander survived assassination attempt about an half hour ago, but his son was killed. Israel naval shelling continues to hit Gaza port area. And other areas in northern Gaza.

Assad and Syria should be taken out of picture, he is not expected to play that role (ops against Israel), his regime is bad imo, and situation in Syria is in control of 2 superpowers and two major regional powers. Agree with rest of your assessment though.
True Syria can not be considered and Iraq is in a similar position. They have no Army, Navy or Air Force however if they provide bases to other countries and access to be used as a launching place to other countries that want to eventually start a war is an other thing.
60-70% of those 1500 hit open field.. nothing of importance etc

Even when a few of the Palestinian resistance's rockets/missiles land in an open field, you gotta see the fear they instill in people. Check the screams of the lady in the below tweet. As soon as she heard the siren, she lost it. Now, imagine the 70% of Israel's population in shelters. The psychological impact that those missiles/rockets instilled in them will be generational.

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