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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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No one can speak against Israel, They control everything from banks to Media, From EU to US congress, Jewish lobbies are smart and they spend decades after decades holding influence over most Powerful countries that can guarantee their safety, and here we are, Americans are literally paying 3 Billion USD to Israel to fight Palestinians who don't even have a functional Army/Navy or Airforce. Now we have a " Progressive " President with so many Muslims in his congress, Cabinet but where are they now? Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar you will find them dancing in Gay pride rallies but not a single one has broken their silence over this ruthless bombing of Gaza strip by Israeli's, to be honest even Americans lose their marbles when it comes to Israel or Jews, Entire US congress can't even bring legislation to cut off Israel Aid for their crime against humanity, this is the reality of the current Super Power, yes they are powerful for every third world weak Muslim country but when it comes to Israel, they are like Pu$$ies.
They actually have talked about it . Critiquing Israel a lot . But they are just tweets
You are missing the point here. Democracy never gives unlimited power to one man but gives it to the Parliament.

On the other hand Islam gives all the power to the Khalifa, He becomes the Leader + Qazi (Chief Justice) + Sippah -e- Sallar (Chief of Armed Forces). This is absolute power that MAN can have on earth without borders.

In this regard head of Muslim NATO or the most powerful Muslim country is not going to give him absolute power as Parliament would still remain the Law maker with the help of enforcement agents like Military Judiciary etc.

You should not think like some Wahabi with their simplistic thinking, Chaliphate is just the name, you should think in essence way.

Nope, President is also ultimate leader for Armed Force, this is why Pakistan should make your Military under civilian rule if you want him emerge from your nation.

I also suggest Pakistan to be Presidential rather than parliamentary
gaddafi had the solution but he failed on the military part. united state of africa, debt free.
Because they are not the champions of human rights. They are nothing but common thief (better known today as Plagiarist).

they know which side the bread is buttered plus compromised with blackmail. israeli tactic.
They actually have talked about it . Critiquing Israel a lot . But they are just tweets

Its all talk, plus Israel has become a beast in the region already, even if US cut of the Aid they have plenty of other means to raise money, they are filthy rich Jews who will send Millions of dollars to them without losing much.
No one can speak against Israel, They control everything from banks to Media, From EU to US congress, Jewish lobbies are smart and they spend decades after decades holding influence over most Powerful countries that can guarantee their safety, and here we are, Americans are literally paying 3 Billion USD to Israel to fight Palestinians who don't even have a functional Army/Navy or Airforce. Now we have a " Progressive " President with so many Muslims in his congress, Cabinet but where are they now? Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar you will find them dancing in Gay pride rallies but not a single one has broken their silence over this ruthless bombing of Gaza strip by Israeli's, to be honest even Americans lose their marbles when it comes to Israel or Jews, Entire US congress can't even bring legislation to cut off Israel Aid for their crime against humanity, this is the reality of the current Super Power, yes they are powerful for every third world weak Muslim country but when it comes to Israel, they are like Pu$$ies.

People are speaking up against Israel. Just look at the mass criticism Israel is receiving from various influential celebrities. Huge criticism on social media. Unthinkable in the past. Not to mention the ordinary civilians all over the world including Western societies. Even criticism from actual Israel supporters. It is one thing to expand illegal settlements through court orders. It is an entirely different thing to orchestrate civil unrest provoking the Palestinians at Al Aqsa during the holy month of Ramadan and pretending Hamas is the cause of all problems. People aren't mad.

You are right about Zionist influence at higher levels. It is true that Zionists have infiltrated at the highest levels of power corridors. Especially in the US and Western nations. You have to remember one thing. The Western nations feel powerless when the Zionists emotionally blackmail and remind the Europeans of their Holocaust crimes. There is a very weird connection between Israel and the Western powers who oppressed them during WWII. The Zionists are in full control over their Western comrades. They are allowed to control the narrative because the Western powers believe they owe them that much. When I commit an egregious crime, my conscience will always hold me back.
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News can be fake, but few hundred dollar rockets is not a doubt making defense bill exceeding. Single missile average cost is 1 million bucks. If they launch few rockets in the air, they don't harm anyone, but they are making Iron dome restless. On a strategic point of view, whoever trained them, trained them very well and develop the strategy and transfer gyroscopic technology. And we all know who did that.
The same people who helped Hizbuallah.
You should not think like some Wahabi with their simplistic thinking, Chaliphate is just the name, you should think in essence way.

Nope, President is also ultimate leader for Armed Force, this is why Pakistan should make your Military under civilian rule if you want him emerge from your nation.

I also suggest Pakistan to be Presidential rather than parliamentary
You need to understand concept of Parliament and concept of Islamic state. They are opposites.

Please read Magna Carta and history of Medina under the time of our Prophet (PBUH).
Its all talk, plus Israel has become a beast in the region already, even if US cut of the Aid they have plenty of other means to raise money, they are filthy rich Jews who will send Millions of dollars to them without losing much.

I don't think Israel will be as strong and relevant without US and European aid and military support. The Israelis receive an immense amount of monetary support. Additionally they also receive a lot of assistance from various US and European corporate sector. The Israelis also get access to advanced weapon systems. Without these amenities no nation on earth can advance and develop as rapidly as Israel has done. Israel is often promoted and presented by its backers as the next best thing since sliced bread. Often this is over exaggerated.
they know which side the bread is buttered plus compromised with blackmail. israeli tactic.
They are a coin with single face. They become one as they follow Isac (Hazrat Issaq) on the other hand we are considered the step brothers. Hence Step brother is never accepted and considered the enemy.
I don't think Israel will be as strong and relevant without US and European aid and military support. The Israelis receive an immense amount of monetary support. Additionally they also receive a lot of assistance from various US and European corporate sector. The Israelis also get access to advanced weapon systems. Without these amenities no nation on earth can advance and develop as rapidly as Israel has done. Israel is often promoted and presented by its backers as the next best thing since sliced bread. Often this is over exaggerated.

they are gutting out america ready for transfer of power, they used and abused america and stole tech and give to china and russia. a sweet deal.
This is no longer a religious war anymore.

Half the muslims support Israel now.

At brasstacks it's just a land grab issue now, Israelis and palestinian just want more prime land now.

Its a money issue, people just need to chill out and not make it a globak issue for some greedy peoples mony issues.
a emp device would be gud knock all electronics then go all out.
This is no longer a religious war anymore.

Half the muslims support Israel now.

At brasstacks it's just a land grab issue now, Israelis and palestinian just want more prime land now.

Its a money issue, people just need to chill out and not make it a globak issue for some greedy peoples mony issues.

half of muslim where did you get that data.
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