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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hamas is ready for ceasefire at any time, provided Israel ends evictions of Palestinians from Shiekh Jarrah and ends incursions of Al-Aqsa mosque. Israel is rejecting ceasefire and insisting on expulsion on Palestinian residents from East Jerusalem.

So as a Palestinian, what is your opinion of Hamas? Anti? Pro? or a little in between. Just trying to get a sense since some people are saying that the majority of Palestinians do not support them
Per NY Times, ground invasion has begun into Gaza:

Live Updates: Israeli Ground Forces Attack in Gaza

Israel said its military ground forces had attacked Gaza early Friday, a major escalation of violence between Palestinians firing rockets into Israel and Israeli forces carrying out air strikes in Gaza.

It was not immediately clear if the Israeli assault was a limited bid to destroy rocket bases or kill leaders of Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, or if it was a full-fledged invasion akin to the one in 2014 that killed more than 2,000 Palestinians.
Psy-ops. No invasion.
Palestinian children killed and more due to 100+ Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza in span of 20 minutes about an hour ago.

Reports of direct impacts in Ashkelon, a few homes hit. No details on injuries as of yet.
Doubtful, good Muslims will follow him, bad ones will not. Muslims need some courage and have to believe in sacrifice.

Do not know, that's not the point, point is Muslims need retrospection and renew their faith in God. They don't have the courage for anything at the moment.
Can not say who is a true Muslim and who is not but if Mahdi is the chosen one then Allah would change the hearts and minds of those misguided Muslim Brothers. Once this is done then this remains only Muslims and Non Muslims.
Yes, that was the aim of that shit what began with the attacks on the mosche: Giving Netanletetle another years of regency. It worked well. Isrealis are just sheeps as the sheeps in every other country are.
The thing is Sheeps are following the Shepperd.
But firing close to 2000 rockets as a reaction to that incident is a bit of an overkill isn’t it?
Those rockets were ready to fire. All Hamas needed was an excuse

LOL let's not get into who fired how many. According to my count Israel has been killing more innocent Palestinian civilians than the other way round.
Can you please correct this poster? He thinks Hamas isn't a terrorist. He also thinks Palestinians actually have a right to any Jewish land. Luckily our Muslim Emirati brothers believe that according to the Quran, Jews are the only with the right to the land there.

LOL GTFO here fool. Stop quoting me.
Hizbullah has already been stabbed in the back in Syria by their own Muslim brothers.

Syrian government has also been stabbed in the back by the their own Muslim brothers.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Egypt and UAE, all are also allied to Israel. If Iran/Hizbullah attack Israel, they are not going to help Hizbullah/Iran. In fact Turkey was celebrating the killing of 2 thousand Hizbullah soldiers in drone strikes in Syria.

The Secular Human Friendly West has also been stabbed by the Muslim extremists in their back. The Muslims in Europe didn't integrate in the local culture and brought a huge problem of conflicts in the European local societies, which ultimately made the Secular Voices weaker, and the voices of the right wings in Europe became stronger.

Problem is this Muslim community prefers Sharia over the democratic secular laws. They impose their Sharia laws in their Muslim countries, but demand secular laws in Europe and India, where they are in minority. These DOUBLE STANDARDS of Muslim community are not going to last long. By doing this, it were Muslims who stabbed the Secular forces in the West.

We see Jeremy Corbyn of Labour party was supporter of Palestine and against the Israel occupation. But Muslim community in UK pushed UK towards right through their non-integration behaviour. Thus ultimately secular people like Jeremy Corbyn have to pay the price of this Muslim community behaviour.

My message to Muslim community:

Do follow the Secular values without any hypocrisy. Only then you will get the World support against Israel. Otherwise everyone will turn against you sooner or later. China, India, Myanmar have already turned against you openly. But with your double standards, sooner or later Western countries will also stand up against you.

Muslim communities are not going to change their way of life to appease others. Neither did the Jews or Hindus. They don't change their values or belief to accommodate Western societies.

When did China turn against Muslims? Uyghur issue is an internal matter of China. No, China is not committing a genocide against Muslims.

India and Myanmar LOL Two nations that openly lynch, rape and execute all minorities and especially Muslims. Myanmar literally wiped out Muslims. These are not the best of examples you are citing.

Just get on topic and stop diverting the discussion. This discussion is about Israel and Palestine. It isn't about Muslims in Western societies.
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Mahdi will not declare he is Mahdi, just you will see he will be the President of one of MUSLIM nation that will lead MUSLIM NATO
If he is the chosen one then Allah would have devised a path of Devine intervention. Only Allah knows best.
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