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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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why are you trolling? if you dont understand this issue pls exit the thread.
I am not trolling here, in fact funny that you are defending a person who is advocating genocide against civilians...

I may not understand the full issue of the Israeli-Palestenian conflict but i dont delude myself with propaganda and then go on spewing and encouraging hate.
The least Arab countries can do is to start a proxy war by arming Hezbollah and Hamas.

Hamas need atleast weapons like ATGMs, MANPADS, NVG, thermal imagers, jammers etc.
So the 80 year old woman who died was a trained Israeli special forces huh, good to know mate.
Yes she was. They learn how to kill innocents from their childhood
images (29).jpeg

Moreover they are occupiers not citizens.
Hamas need atleast weapons like ATGMs, MANPADS, NVG, thermal imagers, jammers etc.
They do have such equipment and so does the other militant group PIJ (maybe), In fact 5 minutes before the first ultimatum yesterday Hamas fired a Kornet and guess where, a Civilian car.. Fortunately he only sustained light injuries as he was outside the car at the time.
They do have such equipment and so does the other militant group PIJ (maybe), In fact 5 minutes before the first ultimatum yesterday Hamas fired a Kornet and guess where, a Civilian car.. Fortunately he only sustained light injuries as he was outside the car at the time.

That was a military vehicle(IDF posted this themselves), there is no civilian vehicles near Gaza. There is a big buffer zone between Gaza and Israeli cities. It was not Hamas either, it was PIJ. Please do more research to get the information right.
WTF, Al Jazeera is reporting Biden sent a letter to Hamas? Can someone confirm this?
The least Arab countries can do is to start a proxy war by arming Hezbollah and Hamas.
Apparently you don't know Arabs well.
Arabs condemned Hezbollah when Israel attacked Lebanon in 2000 and 2006. Their treatment of Hamas isn't any better because they see Hamas as an Iranian proxy, except for Qatar.

The best that Palestinians can hope for is that Arabs won't support Israel and remain neutral at best.

I hope Hamas would give Israeli settlers a memorable lesson that they would remember it for years.
One of Hamas military commanders was killed in a recent airstrike in eastern Gaza. Israeli air strikes now targeting densely populated areas, will cause more casualties. One of gaza rockets hit an Israeli powerplant in Ashkelon?:


Brother keep posting. It's good to have all info in one place

Thank you brother, I am posting frequently now because I like to get us the information out first. Also because in coming days I will not be able to post unfortunately....
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