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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hamas asked residents of Moshe tower to evacuate immediately

Qassam Brigades spox: On order from Mohammad Deif, our curfew on Tel Aviv will be lifted from 10:00 PM until 12:00 AM, then they can return to standing on one foot *(i.e. Hamas will begin to fire rockets at Tel Aviv again)

Good, let them feel the terror they've inflict on Palestinians for decades. I will never forget the blood of the martyrs.

Israelis watched from Tel Aviv, they watched from afar in the past, now they can take a closer look. The war is on your home now.
You can believe that of you like. Are you a Palestinian?

Gaza is a refugee camp surrounded but he most high tech security, satellite pointed at every corner, thermal imagine, FLIR imaging. Ground penetrating radar, telecom surveillance, Only one country provides you with all this stuff to do what is being done now. Thats Iran, and it probably costs less to put things on the moon than smuggle it into gaza. But Iran does it. Everybody knows this.

We dont know how much operational command Iran has, but we can all have a guess.

@LeGenD @waz @PakSword @Areesh @Reichsmarschall @Gomig-21 @islamrules2020 @others

Look guys, I would love to continue updating everyone on the situation in my country. And release the details before others get them. But, I would really appreciate if moderators can situation on topic. There are too many posts by pro-Iran members suggesting Iran ordered Hamas to fire rockets, or taking credit for Hamas's decision of military action. And generally making the thread a public opinion campaign for Iran. I do not appreciate that this people are taking credit for themselves for something they don't have the courage to do. I would prefer for thread to stay on topic, strictly about Palestine, unless official statements/actions are taken by other nations. But, if I see another one of these guys post that this is 'Iranian retaliation to Israel', I will leave the forum again. This forum has to choose between me or turning this thread into public opinion campaign for Iran. I am not going to explain myself further, my demands are just and correct. If this issue isn't addressed, than I thank those who showed support on this thread and wish them happy lives and will be on my way out.
You can believe that of you like. Are you a Palestinian?

Gaza is a refugee camp surrounded but he most high tech security, satellite pointed at every corner, thermal imagine, FLIR imaging. Ground penetrating radar, telecom surveillance, Only one country provides you with all this stuff to do what is being done now. Thats Iran, and it probably costs less to put things on the moon than smuggle it into gaza. But Iran does it. Everybody knows this.

We dont know how much operational command Iran has, but we can all have a guess.
Stop it man.
Yeah it will have an impact, next time they try to evict Palestinians from Jerusalem, they will have to evacuate Ashdod and flee Tel Aviv

Mmm... I really hope you're right. But they never admit defeat even if it's clear as day and this would mean that Hamas and the people throwing rocks and getting beat up and arrested and killed and the entire Palestinian people have won.

We haven't heard much from that front so they might've stopped demolishing homes until things quiet down, but who knows what will happen after.
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