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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Europe had decades of prosperity and peace after the end of the World War II. That, in contrast to years of misery and death during two world wars, made the Europeans embrace liberal ideas that advocated diversity and inclusion of all kinds of people. After all, when your policies are inclusive, the chance of a war is reduced significantly.

Europe is accepting immigrants these days because your average European society does not have enough human resources to function normally as it used to. With most European countries having fertility rates well below the replacement level, and huge masses of immigrants going to Europe, Europeans find themselves in a much weaker position than decades ago. That's why they are looking for ways to coexist with Muslims, as a very large community in the world. It's all out of desperation and need, not because they're genuinely nice people.

Palestinian uprisings (Intifadas) were supported only by liberal groups in Europe, and European liberals continue to support Palestine, but never by the European governments or politicians. There are many Europeans that are well aware of the atrocities of Israelis. They know that Israel is in the wrong and Palestinians are in the right, but they either do not care about it or cannot do anything about it. People are not decision makers. And contrary to what everyone thinks, even in the most democratic country in the world, the people who are elected are filtered by the elite. And those elite people who filter the candidates have been mostly pro-Israel as of now.

I believe that Nothing is 100% perfect.

Changes don't happen overnight. They need time so that society could "evolve". But this evolution of society could be towards positive, but as well as towards negative too.

Since the start of forming of Muslim communities and their refusal to integrate in the Western system, the thing are unfortunately evolving towards negative side.

We didn't witness a President like Trump and so much support for him among the masses. The US liberals hardly succeeded in defeating him.

Reality is this that other communities have been integrating into the Western system without much difficulties and Europeans are absolutely not fearful of them.

But they are indeed fearful of Muslim community. And they are very uneasy with Sharia laws in Muslim lands including the Blasphemy laws. It is not easy to digest these Double Standards where Muslim want Sharia in their land, but want Secularism in the non-Muslim countries.
How conveniently the Jews have forgotten their past, now they have become the MONSTERS themselves.
The matter of the fact is that there are layers and layers of armies protecting the Jews. I can count All the Arab armies and Russia in Syria and the US and Turkey too and finally the apostate faggots of the PA, their main goal is protecting the jewish borders against AQ and the muslim unorganised groups of people like the ones we have seen yesterday trying to cross the borders. Israel is weak, but the traitors are too many and doing all they can to protect the jews.

Are you supporting the Western-government-created terror / agent group Al Qaeda ? I don't know about the PA but are you insulting the PLO which was the most active resistance in previous decades ? Why did foreign revolutionaries like Carlos ally with the PLO ?
Israel reminds me of Saudi Arabia. Thousands of airstrikes and none of their objectives reached. Only difference is that Hamas has 1/4 of the capabilities of the Houthis. Israel is even more incompetent than Saudi Arabia.
They hit Ben Gurion airport and fired at an military base that tests fires missiles. Hit on Ben Gurion was confirmed by AJ journalists on the ground. Military base is off limits to journalists so we can't know.
Since israelis are in no mood for peace hamas should start directing their barrages towards tel Aviv oil refinery and dimona plant
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