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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I agree, Iran has its own self interests and has done more harm to muslims overall than Israel.

At the same time though what purpose does it serve israel to continue to humiliate innocent palestinians and bomb innocent civilians? you yourself are reasonable enough to understand the use of force and its affects on the innocent palestinian population which leads to more anger and fighting.

I see Israel committing a huge strategic blunder, at a time it is strengthening its alliance with arab states to pick unnecessary fights with the palestinians. Esp when the west is moving away from its "Blank check" support of Israel. Israel could easily build upon its good will with the arabs and strive for a REASONABLE grand peace deal with the palestinians. That would cement Israel in the region, and would also pull the Palestinians away from any love they have of iran. Imagine an Israel-Palestine-GCC alliance and its ramifications for the region.

I would beg to differ on your optimism regarding a 2 State solution could be reached once the Arab States are in peace deal with Israel.

The reasons are as follows:
1) When the Jew settlers started procuring Arab lands and came in to settle after WW2 they thought that the Palestinian people would leave their homes and settle in some other locations. This is how it happens in most countries like UK.

2) Wars with the Arabs only provided more self confidence to the Israelis as they know they can not loose to the Arab Forces due to divided interests.

3) The Arabs after loosing Arab Israel Wars were forced to accept peace deals for weapons that were far inferior and also were unable to develop local industries for defense.

4) Today the situation is very different as all those countries that once stood against Israel are no more a threat. Libya, Jordan. Iraq , Lebanon and Syria are defenseless in comparison with IDF.

5) Turkey being a NATO member was unable to reply after an attack by IDF on a flotilla and had to settle for monitory compensation.

6) GCC countries after signing peace deals can no longer provide monetary funds as well.

7) Saudi Arabia is panicking today as they feel they are defenseless once the US military pulls out from basses they have. Moreover Saudi Arabia can not afford another conflict.
israeli settlers celebrating the fire at Aqsa mosque

Gulf reaction

arab celebration.gif
Important note:

Only 100 rockets fired so far. A fraction of their inventory

This is their goal:

"According to Ronen Bergman, in 2012, during Operation Pillar of Defense, Israel agreed to an early cease-fire, "for a reason that has remained a closely guarded secret: The Iron Dome anti-missile defense system... had run out of ammunition." Bergman says that as a result of the experience, Israel had tried to prepare larger stocks of interceptors for future rounds of fighting.[157]"


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Explain to me the 10,000s of Palestinians that were killed in Lebanon or Syria by Iranian soldiers. When?
he cant answer, and remember his own country has slaughtered Yemenis till today, but him and the Israeli naturally feel no guilt...i think in the middle east guilt is attached to your wealth level - if you're rich, u can deny being guilty of anything, just like UAE loser and Israeli loser are doing on this thread.smh.
Explain to me the 10,000s of Palestinians that were killed in Lebanon or Syria by Iranian soldiers. When?
he cant answer, and remember his own country has slaughtered Yemenis till today, but him and the Israeli naturally feel no guilt...i think in the middle east guilt is attached to your wealth level - if you're rich, u can deny being guilty of anything, just like UAE loser and Israeli loser are doing on this thread.smh.
Already answered:

In addition to tens thousands of Palestinians they slaughtered, gassed starved and ethnically creansed more than 13 million Syrian Arabs who are same Shami Arabs as Palestinians.
Palestinians are truly hapless. If they attack Israel, they will get pounded 10x back, Zionists will come and steal their homes and lands.. If they dont attack and just do nothing, Zionists will come and steal their homes and take their lands anyways.
Ironically every time there is a chance to remove Likud and Netanyahu, Iran intervenes to save them.

In 1996 right before the elections Hamas made series of bloody suicide attacks against civilians. As result Netanyahu got narrow victory.

In 2000 when Israeli PM Barak offered Palestinians a state they started a bloody Intifada as result Likud was reelected.

In 2006 when Israel pulled out of Gaza and Istaeli PM Olmert planned pulling from most of the West Bank, Hezbalashaitan started a war from Lebanon. As result Netanyahu came to power again.
Palestinians are truly hapless. If they attack Israel, they will get pounded 10x back, Zionists will come and steal their homes and lands.. If they dont attack and just do nothing, Zionists will come and steal their homes and take their lands anyways.
In 1967 when Israel liberated E. Jerusalem there were 68 K Arabs, now there are 380 K Arabs and no one is homeless.

Meanwhile 13 MILLION Arabs were ethnically cleansed by Iran in Syria:

Interesting to see all the macho Arabs are absent from this forum discussion...the defence of Palestine at least in this forum is by the Persians and some Pakistanis.....I guess Arabs are busy admiring their French and American weapons they bought for parades....
Not Wise idea, Israelis can geo locate these sites and bomb them.
Ironically every time there is a chance to remove Likud and Netanyahu, Iran intervenes to save them.

In 1996 right before the elections Hamas made series of bloody suicide attacks against civilians. As result Netanyahu got narrow victory.

In 2000 when Israeli PM Barak offered Palestinians a state they started a bloody Intifada as result Likud was reelected.

In 2006 when Israel pulled out of Gaza and Istaeli PM Olmert planned pulling from most of the West Bank, Hezbalashaitan started a war from Lebanon. As result Netanyahu came to power again.

In 1967 when Israel liberated E. Jerusalem there were 68 K Arabs, now there are 380 K Arabs and no one is homeless.

Meanwhile 13 MILLION Arabs were ethnically cleansed by Iran in Syria:

What's with you Israelis and indians always starting wars just before elections? Get a life and use economic development , quality of life etc to judge politician rather than their tenacity to start conflicts.
Not Wise idea, Israelis can geo locate these sites and bomb them.
When i say that Muslim countries should be ashamed of themselves then i mean all Muslim countries. There is no reason the Palestinian people should be using such poor weaponry. They deserve better protection.
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