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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There is a high risk of a significant escalation coming up. My guess Is at current rocket launches, Israel’s Iron dome will be depleted within one week. If that happens the Palestinians will deploy heavy warheads and precision drones in a contested air space causing significant economic and other damage to Israel.

Palestinian are using simple home made rocket contrary to Israelis hi-tech iron dome system . unless US resupply Israeli with more missile and Palestinian can retain their stock of rocket, Israelis will start getting the real pain .
they and Hezbollah don't want conflict. Even though Hezbollah talks about Palestine 24/7. Most they will do is artillery shells in the sand near Lebanese border. Palestinians in Lebanon always had a few arms. There is no HZ permission for this.

I don't see a difference between the behavior of Hezbollah and of the Palestinian Resistance in this regard. Both will resort to military means only in retaliation against significant acts of violence exerted by the zionist apartheid regime against their country or people. Outside of that scenario, neither will seek to ignite another conflict and both will continue to strengthen themselves, build up and improve their arsenals. Which is also the logical way to proceed.

Talking about Palestine - in addition to assisting the Palestinian Resistance in a number of other ways (intelligence sharing, training etc), is certainly better than officially recognizing the zionist entity and establishing diplomatic and security ties with it as certain regimes in the region are doing at the moment.

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Video of Hamas rocket barrage filmed from Gaza. You can see 3 rockets falling short. In addition 2 trails of rockets which fell short before:

If these rockets kill civilians in Gaza their deaths will be attributed to Israel.
I posted a video with 5 Hamas fired rockets falling short in Gaza, probably killing Palestinian civilians. What is Khamenaist reaction? - They laugh. They are happy if Palestinians are killed and not even hiding it.

Here another example:

I posted a video with 5 Hamas fired rockets falling short in Gaza, probably killing Palestinian civilians. What is Khamenaist reaction? - They laugh. They are happy if Palestinians are killed and not even hiding it.

Here another example:

It would be better if the new govt forced out Netanyahu before completing 28 days of the govt transition period. In 28 days he will destroy all major cities. He is one crazy person, who kept on stealing Palestinian land and homes. Otherwise, Israel has no future, because now hate is so deep , deeper then before.

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After several Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) members, Hamas representative Ahmad Abdolhadi officially lauds Islamic Iran and in particular Qasem Soleimani (whom Ismail Haniyeh had already labelled shahid al-Quds), for helping the Palestinian Resistance improve its weapons, with impressive results as witnessed in the current conflict.


Flying from KSA to Haifa?
Muslim communities are not going to change their way of life to appease others. Neither did the Jews or Hindus. They don't change their values or belief to accommodate Western societies.

Stop hiding behind the excuse of appeasing others.

It is about the DOUBLE STANDARDS of Muslim communities where they want Sharia laws in the Islamic Countries, but cry for Secularism in the non-Muslim countries.

These double standards have now started biting them as the awareness about their hypocrisy has increased in the Western countries, and the have started realising that Muslims are stabbing at their backs when they try to give hands to Muslims and welcome them to their western countries and give them protection and equal rights under the Secularism.

Thus, Muslims have actually stabbed the Secular Forces in the West. They have become weaker, and the right wing forces have become stronger.

Poor Secular Forces have to bear the load of the sins of these Muslim double standards too.

When did China turn against Muslims? Uyghur issue is an internal matter of China. No, China is not committing a genocide against Muslims.

Lame excuse.

If Uyghur is an internal issue, then Rohingyas were also the internal issue of Myanmar, and Indian Muslims are also internal issue of India.

India and Myanmar LOL Two nations that openly lynch, rape and execute all minorities and especially Muslims. Myanmar literally wiped out Muslims. These are not the best of examples you are citing.

These are exactly the examples which have to be cited so that Muslims could see the realities and learn their lessons.

It were the Secular Values which provided Muslim communities peace in India and Myanmar up till now. But as Muslim communities kept on showing the double standards, and kept on misusing the Secularism for their double standards, thus a time came where right wing forces arose, and got full power, and secular forces became weaker and lost.

Final result was the defeat of secularism (not at the hand of right wing), but while Muslims had already backstabbed Secularism and they had to pay the price of extremism of Muslims.

And if secular values are defeated, then it will ultimately transform into genocides of Muslims and world is no more ready to tolerate their double standards.
The Masters has spoken, Biden must obey:-

AxiosAxiosIsrael calls on Biden administration to stay out of Jerusalem crisis
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The Biden administration and Israel clashed over the recent escalation in violence between security forces and Palestinians at a holy site in Jerusalem, with the Israelis asking the White House not to intervene, according to Israeli officials.
Why it matters: This is the first major crisis between Israel and the Palestinians that the Biden administration has had to deal with.
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  • After four years of close to no criticism by the Trump administration for its actions in the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Israeli government is now faced with a U.S. government that is much more critical.
  • At least 215 Palestinians were injured during clashes with Israeli police on Monday at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, including 153 who were hospitalized, according to AP.
The big picture: President Biden has thus far viewed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a very low priority in comparison to other foreign policy issues.
  • The White House was not interested in spending much political capital or time on the issue, and was seeking to avoid a fight with Israel over the Palestinian conflict.
  • But the Jerusalem crisis that erupted over the weekend prompted many members of Congress and progressive organizations to weigh in and demand that the White House intervene.
Driving the news: The Biden administration has been monitoring the escalation in Jerusalem in recent days and raised its concerns with Israel both privately and publicly.
  • The issue was mainly being dealt with by the State Department, but the White House weighed in on Sunday when national security adviser Jake Sullivan called his Israeli counterpart Meir Ben Shabbat.
  • The White House said Sullivan raised concerns about tensions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, where 300 Palestinians are under threat of eviction from their homes.
  • Sullivan also "encouraged the Israeli government to pursue appropriate measures to ensure calm during Jerusalem Day commemorations" being held on Monday, according to a White House summary of the call.
The other side: The language used in the White House summary was quite mild and moderate, but the Israelis responded with their own version of the call that gave an impression the conversation was much more difficult.
Story continues
  • Israeli officials said Ben Shabbat told Sullivan during the phone call that Israel believes the Biden administration and the rest of the international community should stay out of the crisis in Jerusalem and avoid pressing Israel.
  • Ben Shabbat told Sullivan that “international intervention is a reward to the Palestinian rioters and those who back them who were seeking international pressure on Israel," according to an Israeli official briefed on the call,
The Israeli official said Ben Shabbat told Sullivan that Israel is handling events in Jerusalem "from a position of sovereignty and responsibility regardless of Palestinian provocations."
  • The Israeli national security adviser told his U.S. counterpart that if the U.S. and the international community want to help in restoring calm, they should put pressure on the inciting elements on the Palestinian side, the Israeli official said.
  • The White House said Sullivan assured Ben-Shabbat that the U.S. will remain fully engaged in the days ahead to promote calm in Jerusalem.
What’s next: The United Nations Security Council is meeting for a closed session later on Monday to get updates about the Jerusalem escalation.
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    The New York Times
    Before Any Diplomacy Begins, Israel Attacks Gaza With Ground Forces
    BRUSSELS — American and Egyptian mediators are heading to Israel to begin de-escalation talks, but the antagonists face critical political decisions before they will agree to begin discussions on ending the violence. Both Israel and Hamas first have to find ways to spin a narrative of victory for their publics, analysts say, but the task will be easier for Hamas than for Israel. Israel’s caretaker prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has to calculate the impact of the fighting on his own political fortunes, made more complicated by the internal unrest between Jews and Israeli Arabs in numerous cities inside Israel. The crucial decision for Israel is whether “victory” requires sending ground troops into Gaza, which would extend the conflict and significantly increase the number of dead and wounded on both sides. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times For the Palestinians, the indefinite postponement of elections last month by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, created a vacuum that Hamas is more than willing to fill. Hamas argues that it is the only Palestinian faction that, with its large stockpile of improved missiles, is defending the holy places of Jerusalem, turning Abbas into a spectator. President Joe Biden has spoken to Netanyahu and repeated the usual formula about Israel’s right to self-defense, and he has dispatched an experienced diplomat, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hady Amr, to urge de-escalation on both sides. But the United States does not talk to Hamas, regarding it as a terrorist organization, and Abbas has no real control over Gaza or Hamas. So in all likelihood, Amr will be talking to Egyptian security officials, given that Egypt has been the usual interlocutor in concluding rounds of warfare between Israel and Hamas. That includes the last two big blowups, in 2008 and 2014, when the fighting lasted more than 50 days. On Thursday, Egypt dispatched security officials to Tel Aviv, Israel, and to Gaza to begin discussions, according to the state-controlled newspaper Al-Ahram and the broadcaster Al-Arabiya. Officially, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry, which does not deal with Hamas, had no comment. On Tuesday, Egypt’s foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, told a meeting of the Arab League that Egypt had reached out to Israel and other “concerned countries” to try to calm the violence but that Israel had not been responsive. Abdel Monem Said Aly, a long-standing analyst of Egyptian and regional relations in Cairo, said that “Egypt will do its best” in the interests of regional stability. But he warned that Netanyahu’s decision about whether to use ground troops would determine how long this round of violence lasted. “The issue is much more complicated than previously,” he said, citing internal Israeli and Palestinian politics and Egypt’s efforts “to steer the whole region to a different more stabilized future.” Egypt has leverage over Hamas because of its land border with Gaza, which Cairo can shut or relax at will. “And, of course, Egypt will talk to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, those with money, about rebuilding in Gaza,” Said Aly said. “But the problem in Israel is not about talking to Mr. Netanyahu — that’s easy — but the winds inside Israel itself and the big competition between different brands of conservatism.” On the Palestinian side, he said, “There is a similar vacuum of political legitimacy, and Hamas will score by raising up Palestinian public opinion and increasing guilt in Islamic countries about the Palestinians and getting more legitimacy for future elections.” Said Aly fears the events will increase Islamic radicalism both in Gaza and in Israel, among its young Arab population. “Of course, Egypt will talk to everyone,” he said. “We will talk of the problems of the whole region, and we won’t exclude the Palestinian issue. But how much anyone can help now is not clear.” Hamas also has reason to mistrust Egypt and its leader, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, according to Michele Dunne, a former American official and director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment. El-Sissi sees Hamas as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which remains powerful in Egypt, and in 2014 he did little to discourage Israel from invading Gaza in hopes of destroying Hamas. The violence can take a long time to subside, said Mark Heller of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. “At some point Israel reminds itself that there is no way it can bring about a decisive outcome at a tolerable cost to itself,” he said, “and Hamas realizes that the costs and risks to its own political viability and control over Gaza become too much.” At that point, Heller said, Hamas agrees to “what they say is always a temporary cease-fire, not a peace, and usually gets some sort of payoff, I suspect this time from the Qataris.” Egypt is usually the interlocutor “and the fig leaf” for negotiations between Hamas and Israel, which both sides deny but that are going on almost continuously over many smaller issues, he said. Egypt is mindful that it needs to patch fences with Biden after the departure of former President Donald Trump, said Daniel Levy, president of the U.S./Middle East Project. “I think Cairo wants to demonstrate its importance to Biden,” he said, noting the beginning of reconciliation talks with Qatar and Turkey. Qatar, a rich emirate, bankrolls both Hamas and the Arab news operation Al-Jazeera, and Turkey has been a strident supporter of Hamas. That had put them at odds with Egypt. But with the election of Biden, Egypt has gingerly followed Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in trying to calm relations with Qatar and Turkey. Muslim countries have criticized Israel’s actions, but in largely perfunctory fashion so far, given that many of their leaders distrust Islamist radicalism. Many Arab countries have sidelined the Palestinian issue and are looking past Abbas to see, and try to manipulate, who will succeed him as head of Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization. But for now, with so much Israeli attention on the internal strife between young Jewish and Arab citizens, Levy said, many things are up in the air, and the struggle over Gaza can seem less important. It may also divert the Israeli security forces, making a ground incursion less likely. “This strife is an extremely disorienting and worrisome development and a matter of far greater concern, frankly, than Hamas,” said Heller. “The army can take care of Hamas, but we need something to take care of Israeli society, and right now we don’t have that.” This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company
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    Associated Press
    Israel threatens Gaza ground invasion despite truce efforts
    Israel on Thursday said it was massing troops along the Gaza frontier and calling up 9,000 reservists ahead of a possible ground invasion of the Hamas-ruled territory, as the two bitter enemies plunged closer to all-out war. Egyptian mediators rushed to Israel for cease-fire efforts but showed no signs of progress. The stepped-up fighting came as communal violence in Israel erupted for a fourth night, with Jewish and Arab mobs clashing in the flashpoint town of Lod.
    1d ago

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Flying from KSA to Haifa?
Haifa has many secrets within.
Just a hint, Akka (Acre) is the centre of Bahayis (بهائیت). They work on Shias.
Haifa is a place for gathering of Wahabis (وهابیت) . They work on Sunnis.
Not a coincidence. Palestine and Yemen are targeting the heart of Satan.
  • Wow
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Summary of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) official Ramez al-Halabi's May 7 statements about Iran's support for the Palestinian cause:

- Some of the weapons in service by Resistance factions are Iranian-made and must therefore have been smuggled into Gaza. The Kornet anti-tank missile is cited as an example.
- Iran extends financial assistance to the Palestinian Resistance to purchase arms.
- Iranian advisers supervize part of the activity of the Resistance.
- The IRGC trains Palestinian guerilla fighters.
- Particular mention is once again made of Qasem Soleimani for his role in helping to strengthen the Resistance. Al-Halabi confirms that Hajj Qassem enjoys significant popularity among the people of Gaza.
- Iranian backing for local struggles carried out by locals, is a recipe for succes.
- Food has been offered by Iran to the brave people of Gaza breaking their fast during Ramadan.
- Apparently, the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (Komiteye Emdāde Emām), a major Iranian social welfare state institution, has contacts with Palestine. It possibly provides humanitarian aid to Gazans.

Kudos to the brave Palestinian nation standing strong for over 70 years against continuous zionist oppression, despite mass expulsion in 1948 followed by regular bombings, daily discrimination and humiliating practices. Kudos to the Resistance fighters who refuse to bow to the oppressor.

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Israel torturing kids:-

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000235 EndHTML:000637048 StartFragment:000318564 EndFragment:000637016 StartSelection:000318564 EndSelection:000637016 SourceURL:https://www.dailydot.com/debug/israel-soldier-palestine-instagram-story/ Alleged Israeli Soldier Posts Instagram Video Of Blindfolded Palestinians
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Men on the ground blindfolded and bound

@Hibamyazbek/Twitter Mikael Thalen

Israeli soldier posts video of bound and blindfolded Palestinians on Instagram story, implies they’re for sale
The alleged soldier is accused of shouting '2 for 100, 3 for 75.'
<img src="https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/02/mikael-thalen.png?auto=compress&fit=fit&fm=jpg&h=96&ixlib=php-3.3.0&w=96" width="96" height="96" alt="Mikael Thalen" class="avatar avatar-96 wp-user-avatar wp-user-avatar-96 alignnone photo article-author-img inline-flex" />Mikael Thalen
Mikael Thalen


Published May 12, 2021 Updated May 12, 2021, 11:44 am CDT

An alleged Israeli soldier is accused of uploading video to Instagram this week that shows a group of
Palestinian males being mocked while bound and blindfolde

Hiba Yazbek, a Palestinian journalist based in New York City, shared the footage to Twitter on Tuesday and alleged that the detained individuals were children.

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“This is an #Israeli soldier’s Instagram story,” Yazbek wrote. “These are detained Palestinian children.”

Yazbek says that a caption on the video reads “for sale” in Hebrew. The alleged soldier, Yazbek continues, can be heard shouting “2 for 100, 3 for 75” while panning his camera across the room.

Yazbek’s tweet has gone viral on Twitter.

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It remains unclear when and where the video was filmed. The alleged soldier who originally uploaded the footage to Instagram has since made their profile private.

The video stirred widespread outrage across social media and appeared to further fuel an already tense situation in the Middle East.

The footage comes after weeks of clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem’s Old City, home to holy sites revered by Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Other issues, including restrictions on Palestinian gatherings during Ramadan and plans to evict numerous Palestinians from an East Jerusalem neighborhood, made the situation more volatile.

Tensions eventually boiled over this week, resulting in an exchange of rocket fire and airstrikes between militants in Palestine and the Israeli military.

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So far, 28 Palestinians have reportedly been killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes. The Israeli military claims that 16 of those killed were militants. Rocket attacks by Hamas have reportedly led to the death of three Israeli woman in the cities of Ashkelon and Tel Aviv.

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<img width="700" height="350" src="https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=fp_800_350" class="article-img wp-post-image" alt="Men on the ground blindfolded and bound" srcset="https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=medium 600w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=fp_800_350 800w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=thumbnail 500w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...p;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=medium_large 768w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=1536x1536 1536w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=2048x2048 2048w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...mp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wpsize=concierge-thumb 50w, https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/0...p;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;ixlib=php-3.3.0 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" />
Men on the ground blindfolded and bound

@Hibamyazbek/Twitter Mikael Thalen

Israeli soldier posts video of bound and blindfolded Palestinians on Instagram story, implies they’re for sale
The alleged soldier is accused of shouting '2 for 100, 3 for 75.'
<img src="https://uploads.dailydot.com/2021/02/mikael-thalen.png?auto=compress&fit=fit&fm=jpg&h=96&ixlib=php-3.3.0&w=96" width="96" height="96" alt="Mikael Thalen" class="avatar avatar-96 wp-user-avatar wp-user-avatar-96 alignnone photo article-author-img inline-flex" />Mikael Thalen
Mikael Thalen


Published May 12, 2021 Updated May 12, 2021, 11:44 am CDT

An alleged Israeli soldier is accused of uploading video to Instagram this week that shows a group of Palestinian males being mocked while bound and blindfolded.


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