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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Boycott the Associated Press. That should be the slogan.
So you are saying fight smart, I think they have the experience for that but when you have Genocidal Nazis attacking you desperate times require desperate measures. One battle ended but with treacherous Arabs selling their souls in the background more battles are to come. It is good that Turkey and Pakistan have drawn the line and Israel has realised it will face dire consequences if it crosses that line. It is time for the world to work on dismantling the Israeli apartheid regime in Palestine and give the Palestinian human rights who have been violated for too long. With China joining the fray Israel's days are numbered and the quicker the Israelis talk peace the more lasting peace they will secure. Yes US will rearm Israel with another $100 Billion of weapons but in response the Muslim world will rearm the Palestinians accordingly. The Muslims will pray for peace but plan for war. Enough is enough.

I hope Palestinians receive meaningful weapons like air defense systems, anti-ship missiles, signal jamming technology, powerful ballistic/cruise missiles, and advanced drone technology. This is what they need in the inevitable next war.

There seems to be another destabilizations coming to the Palestinians in Gaza: The West wants to impose the Palestinian Authority (PA) on them. The PA should avoid start inner Palestinian civil war. They should demand the West to allow them to fully govern the West and a recognition of a Palestinian state before any talk of PA taking over Gaza. Since Israel couldn't defeat Palestinians in Gaza, it seems the new trick is creating communal civil war inside Palestinians. Insha'Allah these plots will fail.
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Is Hamas willing to sit with Israel? They don't even recognize Israel like Palestinian Authority in West Bank do?

you're just trying to hoodwink people, very tricky of you. Palestinian authority recognised Israel, and what do they have? even less land than gaza. and their people are being killed every day.
Overall Hamas and PIJ fired 4400+ rockets.
600+ landed inside Gaza killing and maiming locals.
2100 landed in empty fields in Israel.
1500 intercepted by Iron Dome.
150 hit Israeli cities (mostly bordering Gaza).

11 civilians on Israeli side killed (including 2 Arab Israelis and 3 foreign workers).

Overall they needed more than 400 rockets to kill 1 civilian.

thanks for the Israeli lies you specialise in so well. tricking the whole world with lies for a long time now.

Haniye thanks Iran for money and rockets. Results of this aid:

1) Iran - poor 3rd world country despite trillions of petrodollars.
2) Gaza - terrorist failed entity.
3) Haniye himself enjoys in expensive Qatar apartments.

If you have a "rich" country and the zionist elite control all the money and ordinary people live like crap, is it really a rich country?
The Catalonians are wealthier then example Spain itself and they don't need spain but they are kept forceful

Catalonia issue was just a way to trigger a color revolution, Spring-arab-like, but using nationalism instead religion.

Imagine all nationalists movements in Europe burning after a Catalonia-civil-war.

Thanks god nothing happened, because Spain gov remained calm down.

Now USA government wants something like that, but with "the two states" solution in Israel and Palestine.
You Know Nothing about Jewish Scripture either.

I keep asking about Jewish Scriptures speaking about Israel being the Promised Land

And where would you claim the promised land to be ?

The return of the sons of Israel to the promised land is the main motive in the bible , by many prophets :

17 “Therefore say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’

18 “They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols.

19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

20 Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God

Ezekiel 11 - 17-20


WATCH: Gaza drone footage shows aftermath of 11-day conflict with Israel
21 May, 2021 18:16 / Updated 9 hours ago
The ceasefire is the ruse - the conflict n information has begun. Palestinian stories are being blocked off facebook and other platforms while CNN,FOX,ABC and others are flooding airwaves with pro Israeli stories.

This isn’t over and the least people can do is keep the information front open.

‘I could hear their screams’: Inside Gaza’s Al-Wehda Street massacre
Robert Inlakesh
Robert Inlakesh
Robert Inlakesh is a political analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker currently based in London, UK. He has reported from and lived in the occupied Palestinian territories and currently works with Quds News and Press TV. Director of ‘Steal of the Century: Trump's Palestine-Israel Catastrophe’. Follow him on Twitter @falasteen47
20 May, 2021 17:00 / Updated 1 day ago
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‘I could hear their screams’: Inside Gaza’s Al-Wehda Street massacre

Beit Lahiya, Gaza Strip, Thursday, May 20, 2021. © AP Photo/Adel Hana
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“My building was bombed and my neighbours have been killed! And I can hear screams from under the rubble!” These were the first words I heard from a friend as she hid in her basement from Israeli airstrikes this weekend.
At roughly 1:30am on May 16, Israeli forces bombarded one of the best-kept neighbourhoods in Gaza without warning, killing at least 30 people and forever shattering the lives of its residents. The primary street hit that night, Al-Wehda Street, lies at the heart of the Al-Rimal area in Gaza City and was once one of the few thriving thoroughfares in the besieged coastal enclave. However, all that changed in the blink of an eye.
Ruba Shabit, a fellow journalist working for Press TV, lives there and only by chance survived this Sunday’s massacre. For hours, I hovered over the phone, praying that no more bombs would land on her building, after receiving a brief phone call from her telling me about the carnage she had witnessed. At the other end of the phone, I had no idea what she must have been feeling, so interviewed her soon after the massacre to try to comprehend what she had just lived through.
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“My street used to be the most beautiful street in the Gaza Strip. It’s the main road to Al-Shifa Hospital, and has schools, banks, institutes and markets as well. It really has a unique atmosphere” Ruba said. “Now everything is totally destroyed and I don’t know how I will ever go back to normal after all of this.”
I asked her how the attack started and what she remembered of it.
Anas Al Baba

Ruba Shabit in al-Wehda street © Anas Al Baba
“I live in the Al-Nakheel building,” she said. “When the attack first started, three missiles struck my neighbour’s house and then two hit the next one. Three missiles were then fired into the middle of the street and the entrance of my building – all of this without any prior warning from Israel. When me and my family first heard the explosions, we were trying to sleep. We thought the missile had hit the apartment above us, and heard the smashing of glass. But we then realised it was below us”.
She described the terrifying scenes around her and how her family had fled.
“We started running spontaneously. We collected some clothes quickly and were all in a rush, shouting. This was really a scene I will never forget. We started running down the stairs – we didn’t take the elevator because it was too dangerous. We shouted on every floor, calling people to get to safety, but, of course, they’d heard it all too and were also screaming and crazy.”
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She said everyone then congregated in the basement of the building to seek shelter and dared not leave for fear of what might happen to them were they to venture outside. Tired, stressed and confused, they could go nowhere else that night.
“I felt like I was dead, like it was certain that we were all going to die in that basement, I felt that they [the Israelis] were going to hit the building and it was going to collapse on us and bury us all under the rumble. Everyone in the building was terrified”, Ruba recalled. “I saw the scene, I felt it, but... I don’t know, I just felt I had to have more courage to calm my mother down.”
“I later found out that no one in my building, thank God, was killed, but our neighbours in the building next to us were all buried under the rubble... We all heard them screaming, but we weren’t able to do anything to help them for fear that if we went outside we might also get targeted. Airstrikes had hit most of the roads and blocked even ambulances from coming. It seemed like everything had been bombed.”
I asked her to talk about what had happened after those first few hours when everyone was trapped and the bombing was ongoing. She said her mother had considered leaving to go elsewhere on foot, but decided against it when she found out that nowhere she could walk to was safe, so they returned to their apartment instead.
She described the explosions as being louder and more frightening than she had ever before experienced. For a journalist just 23 years old, trying to make a better life for herself, to experience this sort of pain and suffering is something she should never have had to endure. On Monday morning, her place of work was also under threat of attack and she was forced to evacuate.
ALSO ON RT.COMIsrael says Hamas endangering Palestinians as IDF posts video showing militants’ rocket misfiring and landing in Gaza
Ruba Shabit’s courage as a journalist has been truly inspiring, but the personal cost she is paying for continuing to cover events in Gaza, which are not only mentally scarring for her but for all those who live in the territory, is beyond comprehension. Of the 30 confirmed as having been killed on Sunday morning, nine were women and 11 were children.
The real-life cost of war should never be trivialised or regarded as just another tragic story. The message Ruba was desperate to convey when talking to me was that the people of Gaza aren’t simply statistics. They are no different from anyone else, including those reading this article – they just happen to have been born in the most unfortunate of places. If justice is ever to be served, there must be a full, independent and comprehensive investigation into Israel’s massacre of Palestinian civilians on Al-Wehda Street – no excuses will suffice.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
View attachment 746009
Look at this pathetic headline. SMQ is so right about Western media.

it is prophesized that until the end of days comes , Jerusalem , rather than being a source of blessing to all nations as intended , will be a burden :

" On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem a burden rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. "

Zechariah 12 , 3


Video captures Israeli ‘roof knock’ before Gaza building is destroyed
By Yaron Steinbuch
May 20, 2021 | 12:41pm | Updated

Video shows IDF employing its "roof knocking" technique on a Gaza building seconds before destroying it



Netanyahu says drone shot down by Israel was armed, launched by Iran

Palestinian woman killed by Israeli soldiers after opening fire in West Bank: report

Israel hit by rockets from southern Lebanon

Israeli military video reveals scope of airstrikes on Hamas ‘terror’ tunnels

Dramatic video captured the moment a building in north Gaza was hit by an Israeli “roof knock” bomb — giving residents the chance to escape before the structure was destroyed in an airstrike.
The footage — shot by Fares Marwan Alghoul — shows the first impact by a device that produces a large cloud of dust and smoke as the one-story building remains standing.
The structure is then seen destroyed in a huge blast when a more destructive bomb or missile follows in the Tuesday incident, Storyful reported.
In 2009, the United Nations said the technique was “not effective as a warning and constitutes a form of attack against the civilians inhabiting the building.”
The Israel Defense Forces said it is one of several ways in which the military dedicates “resources to minimize civilian harm” in the enclave.
“Roof knocking” is the Israeli military practice of dropping lighter explosives onto buildings as a warning.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
The military also has been calling residents by phone, sending them text messages and dropping flyers since its war on Gaza in 2008-2009.
During that campaign, the IDF said it had made 165,000 phone calls to residents instructing them to vacate immediately, often sending pre-recorded messages in Arabic, Agence France-Presse reported.
In its report, the UN said that in some cases, the strike occurred only five minutes after a phone call.
A more destructive bomb or missile follows the “roof knocking” bomb.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
In the Jabaliya camp in the north of the Gaza Strip, Mohammed al-Ashqar said he had been warned to run out of his home.
“We received last night a call to evacuate the place, and when we did, the entire neighborhood was destroyed,” he told AFP. “My shop and house were completely destroyed.”
Amnesty International criticized the practice as not nearly enough to warn civilians.
Amnesty International criticizes “roof knocking” as not nearly enough of a warning to civilians.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
Israel reportedly agrees to cease-fire with Hamas in talks with Egypt

“Giving warning does not absolve an attacking force from the obligation to adhere to other rules of international humanitarian law” including not targeting civilians, the rights group agency’s spokeswoman Sara Hashash told AFP.
“In many cases key elements of effective warning have been missing, including timelines, informing civilians where it is safe to flee, and providing safe passage and sufficient time to flee before an attack,” she added.
The IDF told The Post in statement that the military, “and the Air Force in particular, attach paramount importance to accuracy and reducing harm to civilians.
“When planning a target, the IDF devotes significant time and resources to preparing the attack and where feasible, uses various tools, including advance warnings, roof knocking, street knocking, target clearing operations and a variety of professional calculations carried out by the Operations Analysis Directorate,” it said.
“The use of these means varies depending on, among other factors, the type of target, the expected collateral damage, and the resources available at the time,” the IDF continued.
“Despite Hamas’ aims to endanger its own civilians, the IDF will continue to make efforts to minimize harm to civilians while continuing to attack Hamas terror targets,” it adde

Video captures Israeli ‘roof knock’ before Gaza building is destroyed
By Yaron Steinbuch
May 20, 2021 | 12:41pm | Updated

Video shows IDF employing its "roof knocking" technique on a Gaza building seconds before destroying it



Netanyahu says drone shot down by Israel was armed, launched by Iran

Palestinian woman killed by Israeli soldiers after opening fire in West Bank: report

Israel hit by rockets from southern Lebanon

Israeli military video reveals scope of airstrikes on Hamas ‘terror’ tunnels

Dramatic video captured the moment a building in north Gaza was hit by an Israeli “roof knock” bomb — giving residents the chance to escape before the structure was destroyed in an airstrike.
The footage — shot by Fares Marwan Alghoul — shows the first impact by a device that produces a large cloud of dust and smoke as the one-story building remains standing.
The structure is then seen destroyed in a huge blast when a more destructive bomb or missile follows in the Tuesday incident, Storyful reported.
In 2009, the United Nations said the technique was “not effective as a warning and constitutes a form of attack against the civilians inhabiting the building.”
The Israel Defense Forces said it is one of several ways in which the military dedicates “resources to minimize civilian harm” in the enclave.
“Roof knocking” is the Israeli military practice of dropping lighter explosives onto buildings as a warning.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
The military also has been calling residents by phone, sending them text messages and dropping flyers since its war on Gaza in 2008-2009.
During that campaign, the IDF said it had made 165,000 phone calls to residents instructing them to vacate immediately, often sending pre-recorded messages in Arabic, Agence France-Presse reported.
In its report, the UN said that in some cases, the strike occurred only five minutes after a phone call.
A more destructive bomb or missile follows the “roof knocking” bomb.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
In the Jabaliya camp in the north of the Gaza Strip, Mohammed al-Ashqar said he had been warned to run out of his home.
“We received last night a call to evacuate the place, and when we did, the entire neighborhood was destroyed,” he told AFP. “My shop and house were completely destroyed.”
Amnesty International criticized the practice as not nearly enough to warn civilians.
Amnesty International criticizes “roof knocking” as not nearly enough of a warning to civilians.ares Marwan Alghoul via Storyful
View attachment 746206
Israel reportedly agrees to cease-fire with Hamas in talks with Egypt
“Giving warning does not absolve an attacking force from the obligation to adhere to other rules of international humanitarian law” including not targeting civilians, the rights group agency’s spokeswoman Sara Hashash told AFP.
“In many cases key elements of effective warning have been missing, including timelines, informing civilians where it is safe to flee, and providing safe passage and sufficient time to flee before an attack,” she added.
The IDF told The Post in statement that the military, “and the Air Force in particular, attach paramount importance to accuracy and reducing harm to civilians.
“When planning a target, the IDF devotes significant time and resources to preparing the attack and where feasible, uses various tools, including advance warnings, roof knocking, street knocking, target clearing operations and a variety of professional calculations carried out by the Operations Analysis Directorate,” it said.
“The use of these means varies depending on, among other factors, the type of target, the expected collateral damage, and the resources available at the time,” the IDF continued.
“Despite Hamas’ aims to endanger its own civilians, the IDF will continue to make efforts to minimize harm to civilians while continuing to attack Hamas terror targets,” it adde
Sir, in my opinion the way IDF destroyed the buildings in Gaza i.e. with precision is a message for surrounding Muslim countries that look do not even think about helping Palestine ... or you will be next in future ... I mean IAF have previously attacked other Countries without getting a similar reply from its target Countries ... it is like a very little version of “shock and Awe” of Baghdad ...
just imagine what ALL Arab Countries leader at that were thinking .... it had such a huge psychological impact ... now at present the mainstream media is showing these footages again and again to create fear ...
And where would you claim the promised land to be ?

The return of the sons of Israel to the promised land is the main motive in the bible , by many prophets :

17 “Therefore say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’

18 “They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols.

19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

20 Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God

Ezekiel 11 - 17-20

Yes, and were gathered back after the 1st temple dropped.

The land belonged to nation of Israel as long they served and followed the commandments of god of Abraham. So the covenant was made, and the arch of the covenant was given to nation of Israel that they served god of Abraham.

Ancient Israel betrayed God of Abraham, killed many prophets, fought amongst themselves and the nation spilt in two. Violation with the covenant made with God Of Abraham by disobeying his commands resulted with kingdom taken away from your people. The arch of the convenant was also taken away by God. The temple was dropped which marked that you no longer represented god of Abraham, which takes away your claim to the land.

If you claim the land on religious grounds, there would no bigger hypocrite than one who does that. Because god of Abraham and according to Judaism homosexuality is against teachings of Judaism so is drinking and modern way of life that lit up Tel Aviv the modern homosexual capital of the world. Matter of fact, there are clubs and bars in the holy city of Jerusalem. So your claim that god of Abraham gave you the land is a baseless claim whatsoever with nothing to back up with. I can only show you why you have no more claim to this land if anything.
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