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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Israel is UN member state. More and more Muslim states are normalizing relations with Israel. It's not going anywhere. It's Palestinians that still don't have a state due to illegal Israeli occupation.

Lmao. Hamas did a number on you.. So riled up and stressed out looking for victory in everything :lol:
Check this video of interviews with random Israelis.
Jews truely are sick people, what's wrong with them? What kind of upbringing do they get so that they become hateful little creatures like that! Yeah I know there is a minority of Jews who are not genocidal maniacs like this but let's get real that is a very small minority whose voice is barely heard.
For me personally if I would pick a country that I don't like then the US is definitely number one yet even if you brought me George Bush himself I wouldn't have anywhere near the murderous views that the Jews have.
Lmao. Hamas did a number on you.. So riled up and stressed out looking for victory in everything :lol:
There is no victory. Israel wanted end of Hamas rockets. They achieved that temporarily with ceasefire. Hamas will rearm and start shooting again in a year or two. Then Israel will massively retaliate until the ceasefire. This vicious cycle must end. @500
that wasnt what started the war, taht was what gave Hamas the excuse to start a war on its terms, which is succeeded at.


i just love , when u 925boy,)(( sniff out the chochons, from so far away...........
Jews truely are sick people, what's wrong with them? What kind of upbringing do they get so that they become hateful little creatures like that! Yeah I know there is a minority of Jews who are not genocidal maniacs like this but let's get real that is a very small minority whose voice is barely heard.
Ask Arabs in Gaza how they feel about Jews. Feeling is mutual
There is no victory. Israel wanted end of Hamas rockets. They achieved that temporarily with ceasefire. Hamas will rearm and start shooting again in a year or two. Then Israel will massively retaliate until the ceasefire. This vicious cycle must end. @500

I am actully glad this happened because to be honest as a Military analyst myself I was baffled to see how overrated Israel was on this forum just completely ridiculously overrated conventionally because I am very pragmatic and look at the underlaying analysis to get my results. Sun Tzu said ''every war is won before it begins'' Analysing is key factor..

I was baffled to see some abit retarded overrating them forgetting the key elements of war dynamics and outcomes in war play by play.

I was the only person on this board who calculated Israel correctly and measured them right and I was debunked several times but I am glad people can now see what I said. I didn't completely underrate them either I just gave them right measure and rank. I said they could defeat only Lebanon in the region of all state actors a statement that got chellenged alot and I said not for saying it but it was a calculated statement
There is no victory. Israel wanted end of Hamas rockets. They achieved that temporarily with ceasefire. Hamas will rearm and start shooting again in a year or two. Then Israel will massively retaliate until the ceasefire. This vicious cycle must end. @500
it will end at he gate of hod, but u need to wait a while.....
There is no victory. Israel wanted end of Hamas rockets. They achieved that temporarily with ceasefire. Hamas will rearm and start shooting again in a year or two. Then Israel will massively retaliate until the ceasefire. This vicious cycle must end. @500
Israeli leaders don't want to sit with Palestinian and resolved the issue. That is the root cause of today's war. Muslims can be called extremists, but Zionists need to stop feeding religious trolls. Hardcore East European religious Israeli creating more problem than anyone else. They don't want to go back to their native countries like Russia, Poland, or any other East European country from where they come from in and around 1940s and 50s... And on top Arabs countries are not capable to confront them or talk to Israel about the massive Palestinian exodus in the last few decades.... Even at the end of the war, there is dialogue, which resolves the issue .... why not before the war ...
People in Gaza celebrating their vectory and thanking Egypt .

Egypt helped announce ceasefire. Ceasefire is victory?
Israeli leaders don't want to sit with Palestinian and resolved the issue. That is the root cause of today's war. Muslims can be called extremists, but Zionists need to stop feeding religious trolls. Hardcore East European religious Israeli creating more problem than anyone else. They don't want to go back to their native countries like Russia, Poland, or any other East European country from where they come from in and around 1940s and 50s... And on top Arabs countries are not capable to confront them or talk to Israel about the massive Palestinian exodus in the last few decades.... Even at the end of the war, there is dialogue, which resolves the issue .... why not before the war ...
Is Hamas willing to sit with Israel? They don't even recognize Israel like Palestinian Authority in West Bank do?
Egypt helped announce ceasefire. Ceasefire is victory?

Is Hamas willing to sit with Israel? They don't even recognize Israel like Palestinian Authority in West Bank do?
Maybe, next construction project will be awarded by the UN and funds will pour in from the EU. Who will get the benefits of the new contract? lolzz
Egypt helped announce ceasefire. Ceasefire is victory?

Is Hamas willing to sit with Israel? They don't even recognize Israel like Palestinian Authority in West Bank do?
Those who broke the ceasefire deal, are capable enough to arrange table talk. Plus, I don't know what's under Al-Aqsa mosque they are trying to destroy from day one .. what treasure underneath and they know well, touching Holy mosque is like playing with fire, but it's strange no one even advises them to stop this nonsense.
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Maybe, next construction project will be awarded by the UN and funds will pour in from the EU. Who will get the benefits of the new contract? lolzz

Those who broke the ceasefire deal, are capable enough to arrange table talk. Plus, I don't know what's under Al-Aqsa mosque they are trying to destroy from day one .. what treasure underneath and they know well, touching Holy mosque is like playing with fire, but it's strange no one even advises them to stop this nonsense.
Al Aqsa Mosque is of no importance to Jews. They are only interested in foundation stone that is below Dome of the Rock. It's the most holiest site in Judaism. That's why they always attack the mosque and never the dome.
Al Aqsa Mosque is of no importance to Jews. They are only interested in foundation stone that is below Dome of the Rock. It's the most holiest site in Judaism. That's why they always attack the mosque and never the dome.
What they achieve by reaching this Dome of the Rock? ... invincible or paradise after death or control the destiny .... wtf ... what they will get it....
I heard a rumor that back in the 90s the Jews were digging few kilometers away from the Wall in West Jerusalem a tunnel to get hold of Books belonging to Solomon beneath Temple mount avoiding to alert ppl. They said Solomon did magic and A claim Allah refutes in the Quran saying they lied and that they are the once doing black magic
I read this story many times... no one knows the truth ... but you never know ... or maybe Box of miracles... don't know what we call it ...

by the way... Preachers told stories of angels defending Israeli troops and guiding Israeli artillery. A six-day war was a miracle in itself, the brevity being proof of God's work in the Middle East.
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