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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

a lesson for our weak daft Muslims in the believe Biden would be better for us. there was never a real difference between trump and Biden support for the Jews , trump banned you Somalis , and others. Biden is over looking now attack on our religion and believers,
What do you think Palestinians will do if Israel prolong this? Historically, people always put up resistance when they can no longer tolerate being treated like animals and they succeed 90% of the time.

So far, they haven’t done much. The situation would be different if Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan make amends or cut off their peace treaties to de-bufferize their borders and open it for Palestinians.

Prolonging this is AGAINST Israel's best interests.

1) Despite the heavy push from right wing affiliated media and politicians there has never been more support worldwide for Palestinians (pathetically minus most muslim nations mind you)

2) Israel and Netan-yahoo never expected Hamas to be loaded with a much more superior arsenal than before post Intifada #2 (where in previous conflicts literally they were never able to kill more than 1-3 Israelis plus a few cars damaged here and there). One only needs to trend the twitter vids posted here and elsewhere shot by Israelis themselves to see the damage has been very severe. Hamas has also promised for it to get worse day by day and so far they have proved themselves credible, just today they knocked out a boat and an oil rig having previously hit big factories, train stations and even ben gurion airport! (vids posted earlier here)

3) Netan-yahoo is already in a bad spot where he could not form his govt before the given deadline due to the tied election and needed a distraction/small conflict to divert attention and regain in the polls, and because of the huge media gag in Israel most of the world can't see how much Israelis are protesting for his removal and there is a lot of pressure on him to stop this rocket barrage which is going on daily. He needs to show a big victory somehow (which sadly will either be levelling gaza immensely or just killing a whole lot more civilians).

4) If Hamas doesn't stop firing and actually increases their damage effect more and more he will be forced into a ground war which could lead to much more casualties in the IDF

5) If ground invasion does happen and this conflict drags on for months like Hamas has promised, IDF forces will be very demoralized, exhausted and stretched thin and then the last thing they would want is Hezbollah to open up fronts from Lebanon and Syria with much more superior arsenals (which may have been the plan of Iran and Hezbollah all this time for taking revenge against years of incessant Israeli strikes/spy sabotage)

So again in order to avoid all this I expect Israelis to bomb and level gaza over the next couple of days in the hopes hamas stops firing. Sadly either way this will lead to many more civilian deaths in gaza.
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Turkish invasion of Cyprus
Azerbaijan Armenia war of 2020
The key lessons from these conflicts are that bulk...more resources, manpower, and wealth matters (not to take away from the strategy, technology and fighting sprit of the Turks/Azeri).

This is why a regional security bloc is needed in the MENA. The region is fractured into small countries that are whipped around easily by westerners. The Arabs have taken the brunt of this so should be first to embrace regionalization...yet there leaders keep doing the exact opposite thing over and over again. I don't understand it.
Support for Israel is in decline in the USA. The core support comes from old white people.....and they are gradually dying out. The left wing in the USA now equates Israeli apartheid with the racial inequality in the USA. In time the chorus to push for a one state apartheid free solution will increase, IMO.

Nope, Lobbies like AIPAC will make sure the funding keep going on for US congress, no matter how many Gays, Lesbians, and Trans people you bring in US congress their policy towards supporting Israel will remain so because this one Policy no one can change, NO POTUS, Speaker, majority or minority.
The only fighting force in that region able to give the Zionists a bloody nose are the Hezbollah but those fcukers are good for nothing Shia's and financed by Irani mullahs.

We need a halal outfit ....
And you believe this meme to be true? This is probably done by some kid who decided he needed to sacrifice more than just a sticker on his car "Free Palestine". In fact I am 99.9% sure she did not say that. If you can find me the primary source for that I would be obliged.
Nope, Lobbies like AIPAC will make sure the funding keep going on for US congress, no matter how many Gays, Lesbians, and Trans people you bring in US congress their policy towards supporting Israel will remain so because this one Policy no one can change, NO POTUS, Speaker, majority or minority.
All conservative organizations....The right wing can no longer win popular elections in the USA....that's why they degenerated to conspiracy and rioting. Their only influence currently is in the senate where low population states have as much weight as California or New York. Never have I seen in my life time Israel being openly ridiculed in the USA congress as this week. Things are changing friend.
Millions of Palestinians live in Jordan. They're not going anywhere.

These have been forcefully evicted already....
a lesson for our weak daft Muslims in the believe Biden would be better for us. there was never a real difference between trump and Biden support for the Jews , trump banned you Somalis , and others. Biden is over looking now attack on our religion and believers,


Why would Islamaphobes come to the rescue of the Muslim Palestinians????
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All conservative organizations....The right wing can no longer win popular elections in the USA....that's why they degenerated to conspiracy and rioting. Their only influence currently is in the senate where low population states have as much weight as California or New York. Never have I seen in my life time Israel being openly ridiculed in the USA congress as this week. Things are changing friend.

You wanna bet? No one can do anything, my friend, mark my words. Whatever this criticism is will die down within a week of this conflict been over, and then the same people who are criticizing will be saying " Israel has the right to defend itself " and passing bills to pay them billions of dollars. You gotta give it to the Jews that they literally hold the Super Power by their nuts, without them US (President, Congress, Senate) no one can do anything.
The key lessons from these conflicts are that bulk...more resources, manpower, and wealth matters (not to take away from the strategy, technology and fighting sprit of the Turks/Azeri).

This is why a regional security bloc is needed in the MENA. The region is fractured into small countries that are whipped around easily by westerners. The Arabs have taken the brunt of this so should be first to embrace regionalization...yet there leaders keep doing the exact opposite thing over and over again. I don't understand it.

the best conflict to look at is Azerbaijan. They fought Armenia.And Armenia is Israel v1.0

created by western powers as a homeland for genocided Christians. Armed amd funded by the great powers. With a powerful diaspora. It’s was a powerful regional country with great power backing before Israel was even an idea.

Armenia expanded and arrogantly killed innocents and declared “more wars for more land”.

and then they fell in utter humiliation. That’s the case study every Arab should learn from kindergarten.
the best conflict to look at is Azerbaijan. They fought Armenia.And Armenia is Israel v1.0

created by western powers as a homeland for genocided Christians. Armed amd funded by the great powers. With a powerful diaspora. It’s was a powerful regional country with great power backing before Israel was even an idea.

Armenia expanded and arrogantly killed innocents and declared “more wars for more land”.

and then they fell in utter humiliation. That’s the case study every Arab should learn from kindergarten.
thats not the xase study for muslims!

the best case study that every muslim need to learn and understand and master is how Taliban absolutely destroyed the alliance of almost every country that exists in the world how they beat a supa powa and forced them to their knees!! Muslims not only have to learn it but also glorify it,its a modern day miracle something that muslims need in these difficult times!!
These are controlled images that are being allowed for public consumption through Israel military's censorship. They never let the more damning images or videos to be released. And even if a damning video gets out, that is when they issue reasons that deny any actions that can be attributed to the Gaza resistance.
Why can't we upload mp4 files here.
#BREAKING: The IDF shot down an Iranian #UAV that was approaching the #Israeli-Jordanian border travelling towards the area of Emek HaMaayonot.
Israeli Army: We shot down a drone over the Jordan Valley today It is suspected that the drone came from Syria
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