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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

I know hating on Arabs is sort of some kind of trend around here.. But change will come from Arabs you better believe that.. Once the house of Saud is toppled you should know.. A disaster will occur worldwide which will lead to tribal rioting in around the Mecca area that will result in the toppling of House of Saud it will be in a period of global disaster probably from an asteroid or comet.. That guy who will ascend the throne and build his own house will be legend and will ethblish one country system for the muslim world
No one in Pakistan hates Arabs. If anything they are worshipped as demigods (sadly). It is just frustration boiling over seeing the Muslim world so helpless.
I know hating on Arabs is sort of some kind of trend around here.. But change will come from Arabs you better believe that.. Once the house of Saud is toppled you should know.. A disaster will occur worldwide which will lead to tribal rioting in around the Mecca area that will result in the toppling of House of Saud it will be in a period of global disaster probably from an asteroid or comet.. That guy who will ascend the throne and build his own house will be legend and will ethblish one country system for the Ummah.. We will return our the 3rd and final golden age.. The prophet promised us of 3 golden ages in the in the beginning(first 600 years), In the middle (500 years) and last the period (100-150 years)
Saudi royals has no threat from outside, they have a threat from inside the Royal family.
No one in Pakistan hates Arabs. If anything they are worshipped as demigods (sadly). It is just frustration boiling over seeing the Muslim world so helpless.

I disagree with that.. Arabs are geninuely hated in Pakistan and by Pakistani sentiment.. I see it here everyday
Your points definitely require pondering.

This is what these countries who are in covert war against superpowers, such as Pakistan, are best at.

According to the situation, short and long term strategy and goals can be set. We on PDF don't know how these minds, who got away from getting their butts kicked by superpowers in Afghanistan, think.

At this moment, poor Palestinians can't even think properly. Their only goal is to get 10000 rockets and fire them within a week.. Killing 5 Israeli citizens (not even soldiers) and then losing 100s of their own citizens, mostly women and children.

Something can be done that may avoid bloodshed and our poor brothers get their right in the end... whether it takes them 50 years.

just as you mentioned the taliban win over NATO, was only possible because Pakistan armed them, funded them and sent them into the theatre. And only reason that was possible was the nukes in Pakistan. Without nukes, gaza would be sending Pakistan aid and protesting for Pakistan. But Pakistanis are very very smart to get nukes.

only military solution for Palestinians is if a nuclear power brings its border next to Israel and then arms them. So Iran could do that in the future. Maybe in the next 20 years.

Egypt will have ability to produce them within 100 years.

otherwise they jsut have to live like they do because Israel will not give them a county peacefully under any circumstances.
I disagree with that.. Arabs are geninuely hated in Pakistan and by Pakistani sentiment.. I see it here everyday
Frustration is not hate. The Pakistani state follows Saudi Arabia like a poodle. They look up to them for direction (hence my use of the word demigod). And all the find is a dismissive attitude and subservience to the very people they should be fighting against. That's not hate, it is frustration that the very people they're following have already surrendered (The Arabi state leaders that is).
Saudi royals has no threat from outside, they have a threat from inside the Royal family.

True the saudis have no threat from the outside but I don't think his a Royal Family but likely an Arab or a non-arab Sayyid from somewhere in the middle east. It will be Hejaz tribal uprising and it will quickly topple the house of Saud and he will ascend the throne once they see an army swallowed by the sand.. Nations from the east will come to his assistance he becomes leader overnight after that miracle.. It will send shock waves thru out the ummah...

Gigantic event in human history.. First time an individual talked about for centuries has appeared exactly on the timeline and place he should have appeared in
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Look at this, and Netanyahoo who was told by Biden that it's probably time for a cease fire that there were still many objectives to fulfill and this can go on for a month. What a low life. I can't imagine that. That toddler who was in shock after they pulled him out of the rubble was something I've never seen and tore me to pieces. What a bunch of heartless animals.

Agreed... It isn't easy. But nothing earth shattering is easily achieved.
Big nations like Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey are already engaged in local conflicts. Most Arab nations do not want to become the next Libya, Iraq etc. The only reason Syria survived is due to Russia. Tragedy is that Muslim nations have been weakened/destroyed by Muslims(used by outsiders). Now I realize why fitnah/fasaad against the state is a big no no in Islam even when you know that the leader is abusing his power.

IMO, in the short term, we should work for a ceasefire to save lives. In the long term, change world's opinion on the issue(It is happening already. This is the first time I'm seeing open pro-Palestinian stance by westerners) while building your strength/influence.

If you start a war now, it is not just Israel you will be fighting, and the capacity to fight that war is not there ... yet.
Once the house of Saud is toppled you should know..
I have seen that script play out in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
Big nations like Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey are already engaged in local conflicts. Most Arab nations do not want to become the next Libya, Iraq etc. The only reason Syria survived is due to Russia. Tragedy is that Muslim nations have been weakened/destroyed by Muslims. Now I realize why fitnah/fasaad against the state is a big no no in Islam even when you know that the leader is abusing his power.

IMO, in the short term, we should work for a ceasefire to save lives. In the long term, change world's opinion on the issue(It is happening already. This is the first time I'm seeing open pro-Palestinian stance by westerners) while building your strength/influence.

If you start a war now, it is not just Israel you will be fighting, and the capacity to fight that war is not there ... yet.

I have seen that script play out in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

That's what I've been saying all a long against the testosterone of war. But seeing too many children suffer like they are is too much for this soul to bear anymore. I say it's time to at least threaten those demons. This isn't the right to self defense. This is indiscriminate bombing without any accountability.
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